For Men. A microfiction. Weekly micro-fiction contest promoted by @jayna

in #equipocardumen5 years ago (edited)

It's 4:30 in the morning in my country. I've been awake for hours, I can't and I don't want to sleep. We have had five hours without electricity. The nets have been down almost all day. I worry not to hear from a colleague at my university who was shot in the stomach on this May 1st march. He underwent surgery and was stable, but there have been problems getting painkillers. However, I write. I complete my entry for the weekly microfiction contest organized by @jayna (bases here).
I think about this and I find it a banal task to be writing stories. There is also some weariness: I have been writing for years with feelings of guilt. When the reality of the country where you live is so harsh, not only economically, but politically and ethically, it seems very frivolous to use time and language in fiction. In these moments I have to make use of what I have preached so many times to my students in my Theory of Fiction classes:
Fiction educates us in laterality, in the usefulness of marginal reasoning, in the construction of alternative realities. If we can imagine the world as it is not, we can imagine a different reality for ourselves and for the world, we can be different... and why not think that we can be better?
I dedicate this story to Professor José Luis Sánchez, from the Universidad de Oriente, in Venezuela.
I am grateful.

File:Nécessaire de voyage (8273755837).jpg

For men

When my beard began to grow, my grandfather initiated me into the mysteries of shaving. He was from the old school: razor, soap and cologne... but he was assisted by an arsenal of finisecular gadgets: porcelain jar, brush, scissors and beard comb, cologne water and his elegant steel razor with a silver and cedar handle. All this treasured in the chamois of your toiletry bag.

He was a great grandfather. A tough guy.

Grandmother kicked him out of the house when they were both in their sixties, fed up with his drunkenness. By then I was making my own demons in an alcohol-bursting marriage.

I had been away for two years. No calls. No contact.

Today was a sober year.

My grandmother received me with fresh caresses. A little later she gave me the toilet bag.

I uncovered the bottle of cologne (for men) and its lemony aroma (and, behind it, the unfolding of an untouched forest, breathing in the rain...) opened my heart.

Grandpa's eyes in the bathroom mirror were bright, smiling with my clumsiness. However...

A small cut: A small alarm in his pupils.

His calloused hands scattered cologne water. It burned.

Grandfather had died in July. Hepatic complications. He lived his last year with my grandmother. It comforted me to know that he was not alone, that they both knew about me and decided to respect my distance...

But that box burned my hands.

Gracias por la compañía. Bienvenidos siempre.

En mi país hay tortura, desapariciones, ajusticiamientos, violaciones masivas de derechos humanos.
¡Libertad para mi país!

In my country there is torture, disappearances, executions, massive violations of human rights.
Freedom for my country!

Soy miembro de @EquipoCardumen
Soy miembro de @TalentClub

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


@adncabrera, Definitely it's unfortunate to see the situation of Venezuela and i will pray to Almighty Creator to recover this situation. Stay blessed.

Thank you very much, @chireerocks. Your prayers and good wishes are welcome. I have faith that, in the end, we will find a way out that will stop so much pain. Be blessed.

Welcome and have a blessed time ahead.

Dear friend @adncabrera the personal stories that we are experiencing today in our country do not prevent us from seeing the future with optimism, the giants grow in difficulties. Your story today discovers a sentimental world where memories are your support in the present. Receive my affections

Thank you for your warmth, @felixgarciap. You are a luminous and serene spirit. In these hours you need people like that. A big hug. Welcome always.

Beautifully done, @adncabrera. I love your writing. And I hope you can shake the feelings of guilt or concerns that it is a shallow endeavor. Fiction is a splendid escape from troubles, whether you are reading it or writing it. Many writers have found their voice in the most troubling times in human history. I honestly think writers who have never encountered life challenges have little to say.

I really enjoyed this story. I weaves a rich tapestry in few words.

I uncovered the bottle of cologne (for men) and its lemony aroma (and, behind it, the unfolding of an untouched forest, breathing in the rain...) opened my heart.

Wow. Nicely done.

I pray for Venezuela.

Thank you for your generous words, dear @jayna. Without a doubt, your contest is part of the own room that I allow myself to build in these moments based on practicing to improve and, who knows, maybe one day I will be able to find that own voice that all artists are looking for.
I have faith that your prayers will be heard.
A hug.

Entiendo como te sientes @andcabrera, esa impotencia por no poder hacer mas allá de lo que esta a nuestro alcance y precisamente por eso sentirse culpable, pero es así, cada quien tiene un arma que puede utilizar para mejorar la situación en nuestro país, en tu caso una dosis de buen lectura puede confortar cualquier alma abatida, por lo que tu ejercicio literario pasaría de algo vano a ser algo con sentido...

Si queremos salir de esta pesadilla primero debemos visualizar la Venezuela que deseamos y merecemos, eses país lleno de sueños, bellas historias e inspiradares escritoras como tu...

I understand how you feel @andcabrera, that impotence for not being able to do beyond what is within our reach and precisely for that reason to feel guilty, but it is so, everyone has a weapon that they can use to improve the situation in our country, in your case a dose of good reading can comfort any soul down, so your literary exercise would go from something vain to something meaningful ...

If we want to get out of this nightmare we must first visualize the Venezuela we want and deserve, this country full of dreams, beautiful stories and inspirational writers like you ...

I really liked your microfiction, @adncabrera. It's a beautiful story, full of delicacy and a certain tenderness, and a truly well-achieved sense of affective memory.
On the other hand, yes, it is very difficult to concentrate on writing when we are so harassed and hit by the terrible and distressing situation we are living. Some small strength is reborn in weakness and uncertainty. A hug and good luck in the contest.

Thank you for your kind and, as always, superbly structured comment, dear @josemalavem. Your readings always have the effect of leaving me grateful to have a reader who enriches my texts.
I really enjoy this contest, organized by @jayna. I have recommended it a lot (but don't mind me too much hehe!)
A big hug.

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