BLOCKCHAIN HISTORY - Wallet Types and Terminology

in #eos6 years ago (edited)

Cryptocurrency Wallets over Time

People are asking me about wallet types. And I agree, it's technical. In fact, if you were to simply look up these terms with a goog search, you will probably be frustrated as well!

SO; without further ado, let us wade thru the "Kim Chee" and discuss the myriad of terms surrounding crypto currency wallets today!

A "dedicated wallet" is a typical wallet, like Vessel for STEEM, or most BTC wallets only handle BTC, right?
Most ETH wallets, are for ETH only.
That simple.

(Props to @jesta for Vessel for STEEM! Most do not realize while Steemit provides an excellent, world changing web wallet integrated with the FIRST social media to be built on a blockchain, Vessel is a great dedicated wallet app that also works for STEEM blockchain.)

So we talk in terms of a "dedicated wallet", or a multi-wallet like EDGE or Exodus. Multi-wallets are capable of storing many blockchains but are constantly being upgraded to support new currencies.

Wallet History:

Heavy wallet:
Wallets started out being "full nodes" running on the blockchain, and they would process every transaction and then tell you how much was in your wallet, and allow you access to transfer what was in the wallet.

Lite wallet:
A wallet that talks to a known good node on the network, holds your keys, and shows you how much you have in the wallet, and allows access to transfer funds in that wallet.

Occasionally a wallet can only handle 1 public key (or address on the blockchain) at a time. For people like me, that have at least 2 wallets for every blockchain i'm using (1 main, 1 for testing) then this can be a problem, but i simply keep more than 1 computer on hand 😉 One on the phone and one on the PC usually..

Heavy wallets can be a huge pain, and might need to run for a day to sync with the blockchain, BEFORE THEY EVEN ALLOW ACCESS to your funds on the blockchain. If the wallet is not sure by it's own accounting that your account holds funds (and it is not capable of doing so until it syncs with the network) it will not grant access to your funds, even though it will give you a current tally of what it currently believes your balance is.

Hot wallet:
On the network, it's actively communicating over the internet, it's open to being used (and hacked).

Cold wallet:
A paper wallet for example, that is not on the network ever, until it is restored to the wallet that generated it. Cold wallets can be handy, for storing crypto for years. But, they could be impossible for your survivors to understand, if they are left with a crypto key on paper, as their inheritance...

"Air-gapped" wallet, will mean that the wallet is capable on the client-side, of doing the cryptography necessary to use the private key, and will never broadcast the private key over the internet.

Hardware vs Software wallets:

Hardware wallets like the Trezor, simply keep your private keys on a small separate computing device that has no keyboard. It will connect with your PC< and ONLY allow access to your private key if you know the PIN number or IF you have access to the full backup password set to restore the wallet (in case it is lost, or PIN is forgotten).

The hardware wallet can be kept in a safe, and access will not be available to hackers to monitor your keyboard (with malware) and steal your password to your software hot wallet on your PC.

jeff orphid mustache 2018-06-09 08.13.22.jpg



Thanks for this education about crypto wallets. Before now, I never know the difference of one type of wallet from another.

@surfyogi it's good to be enlightened by you and the difference between wallets so as not be confused when using them.
The wallet am quite familiar with is the hardware wallet and the lite wallet.

A beautiful apartment you do have sir, I believe you are also a decorator 😁!!

this is very informative @surfyogi

Great analysis dear..
I appreciate your post and I think that your great content to create and provide this platform and I follow your every post..
Actually I know that this post is helpful for us..
Keep it up..

Upvote and resteemit done...

Perfect review and you are right, to have a well-protected purse from hacking, a thing necessary! Thank you @surfyogi

nice to know something from you always special for me, thanks for your kindness to share dear @surfyogi

Wow the man himself @surfyogi always great to see your blog especially your travel round the world blog, well the truth is, people are losing determination on the platform as for me I'm accumulating steempower cuz I know STEEM will rise again,
Well what makes the safest kind of wallet @surfyogi?

Safest wallets are often not very convenient.
Convenient wallets are usually much less safe...
Lite wallets are good for most people that don't have a lot too lose.

If you have a large amount of funds, then it's not a bad idea to have the Hardware wallet, then from there, transfer spending allowance to a phone multi-wallet like Edge, that is so convenient for sending and receiving funds.

Hardware wallets are limited in capabilities and usually only support the major currencies that have existed for a long time. BTC, ETH, etc.

Man so good to see your post once again.

With recent market lows it seems a lot of people have stopped posting altogether. It does my heart good to now see the old players more and more in action. It's my boost of much needed confidence...........


That is a great idea as far as the market is concerned. The best time to buy is when there is blood and its red. Everybody knows it but few show the courage.

Buying steem is good news and I am so glad that you shared it :-)

MAKES ME REALIZE how valuable Steem really is!! OMG...

I am clueless when it comes to these things! Now I tell me there are different types of wallets? OMG

Under which category do Exodus fall under?

Exodus is a PC-only light hot software multi-wallet!?

And Edge wallet, is a Mobile-only light hot software multi-wallet!

Damn! I need to order a new BRAIN on Amazon!

I was not aware to few of them but as it seems the more the security the more there is chance to losing few of our precious crypto in one way or other !

While as time will pass by all the delay or problems that we are facing right now shall pass I suppose !

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