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RE: EOS.IO Development Update

in #eos7 years ago

Dear @ned,

I am a kind of New user on steemit (2 months only), and i don't know If you Will even read this comment, but you should, since the big rise of steem value (now top 20 on marketcap) is coming from the New users that joined on the last december crypto fever.

This small time here was enough to noticed the ongoing fight between the two main creator If the steem blockchain and Steemit (you and @dan)

I am not a tech expert, but understand a bit about How public relations work.

And your latest public relations actions are the kind of actions that Destroy a Brand.

I understand that you have personal feelings towards @dan, but at this moment you are using Steem Inc. Power to try to Win a personal fight with @dan.

I (and the bigger part of the community) have no Idea what exactly was the disagreement between you two, and guess what? WE DONT CARE.

You May say that you are using your personal account to do whatever your personal reasoning Tell you to. But please mind this:

Your actions (through this account specially) Will always be percieved by the community as the actions of Steem Inc. You are the CEO of Steem Inc., Therefore you are the face of Steem Inc.

Your personal problems should be dealt with outside the platform that is the main product of Steem Inc.

Besides that, these kind of actions (huge self upvote on a one line comment) Will make you lose the support the main asset your Company have: you userbase.

And If you lose your userbase, Steem will disappear.

@dan has moved on to his New project, and is using Steem as every other normal user here: he blogs about his project. And he even doesnt take money from the reward pool.

I have no Idea what aggrandizement means, but as you can see on all other comments on this post that your actions only worked to give @dan more visibility and respect from the community. Probably the opposite of what you intended.

As a user that see a huge potential on the Steem blockchain, i kindly ask you: Please, keep your personal problems on your personal field.

If your percieve EOS as a opponent on the business field, then by all means, fight him on the business field: improve your product to make It better than his.

Please, dont Destroy the Steem community by chasing personal errands.

Thank you for your attention,

A small minnow that want to see the community grow.


WORD!! Since EOS and STEEM are the only 2 projects I´m invested in, I want them both to succeed!

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