Dear Bernie Sanders. You missed one... Whaletank Announcement is on

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

To Whom it may Concern,

@berniesanders if you want to attack what I sacrifice to build, please dont just do it to the minnows who join and get paid for trying to help build something of value...Downvote me too.

I added EOS tag to this post too:

It is important to me that you at least do what you promised. I mean @ned already downvoted whaletank (that pays guest speakers well over its earnings) when I designed the only crossplatform use case in BitShares and Steem, WhaleShares, to try to build Voltron...and rebuilt Steempay thanks to @emerge (have it recorded). @Fyrstikken vowed to attack whaleshares (have it recorded), and a handful of whales i'm sure I have not feel free to join the fray. You are afterall a big boy with lots of "power".

And for the record...I give nearly all my votes away. Because things like this benefit the community and lift all boats.

Now with that said...

I suspect it is time for you to call me a "shill for Dan" in the comments below. But just remember when you do that, that you are calling someone a "shill" who turned down being a shill for Bitcoin, Ethereum, @ned and many others who actually OFFERED ME REWARDS for shilling. I am unsure if Dan has ever rewarded me other than building amazing things (that I saw when most were singing praises of higher marketcap crypto) and allowing my brain and vision contribute in some way to his vision. If anything, being someone who has helped Dan has apparently caused quite a bit of pain that I never would have to deal with if I hadn't agreed with most of his vision. So call me what you will, but be careful on the "shil" comment. Being somewhere first and sticking around even when it doesnt help you ...because you see the vision before its popular is called Prescience.

@ all minnows. I apologize sincerely for this. I feel struck between the need to defend myself and what I believe in, while wanting to build valuable things. But promising to downvote anyone who makes money on forums (based on @jesta's chainbb) hurts everyone. Not just me.

Dear Voltron and Synergy Lovers: Our EOStalk Discord

During the Week you can find our grass roots community in Our 24/7 WhaleShares Server! (preferably the Adult Swim VOIP)

All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by -- or rather the brave souls who help "the marked one" -- so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustenance. Post to to earn and pay others with a simple upvote!


I'll chime in merely to echo the sentiments of others: "Huh?"

If both sides, or at least the flagging side, would lay out their positions it would be beneficial to all. If either side is looking to affect public opinion, which does affect reality, it's tough to do it when we can't tell what's going on to make a judgment.


Do you want to see the full image? Click it!

more respect plZZZ


Where are you from @elgeko n y the fuck you are insulting my God . Stop posting stupid editing pics

I'm soo confused why my post got downvoted. Why is it such a threat to @berniesanders ? Just tryin' to help out the community!

Best I can figger is that @dan is flagging @berniesanders, so @berniesanders flagged you in order to force @dan to counter the flag, and wear out his VP.

You, and your post, are but collateral damage to @berniesanders. IMHO.

He's, I believe, trying to use you as a weapon against @dan. More than that I neither know, nor can conjecture.

That's just plain childish and whiny. Hurting innocent bystanders to get what he wants. Pure nonsense.

It is the equivalent of taking hostages, or terrorism, in RL, so we can see it's also a time-honored traditional means of dispute resolution.

I guess all we can do is wait and see what happens. Either he will come to his senses and stop this moronic tirade or people will stop supporting him.

After seeing what he did to so many minnows along with his self-upvoting bull, I honestly lost all respect for the guy. All he does is down vote innocents, make useless comments and then get upvotes from his bot army, thus reducing the block rewards for the genuine users.... 30 year old man

That's actually pretty funny because he owns an account called "the terrorist"


LOL those account names. Apparently truth in advertising...

Sorry to see he is doing this to you.

I haven't really looked at his voting history, so remain unaware of other than the reports of others regarding it, except as I have related in comments on this post, and in others where I became aware of it through context there.

Well I'm not surprised. I wrote up a report against him and pointed out his hypocrisy so he obviously had to censor me xD

Its not what he is doing to me so much as an entire community im trying to build on steem

Isnt it crazy now that ned is creating steem media tokens but this community trying to build voltron and the eos community on top of steem is being downvoted?

Yeh if that is the strategy he must really misread the situation (lol)

Not sure how I am used as a weapon against Dan. The guy is sitting here calling me a nobody shill while at the very same time he considers me a weapon against Dan? Purest of insanity if this is the case, but can't rule it out (obviously) :P

@officialfuzzy You're a weapon because he'll attack you like countless others and drain Dan's VP in case Dan tries to undo the mess. It's just a pathetic tantrum on his part because he can't get what he wants so he's resorted to damaging the innocent bystanders and minnows to get what he wants.
Not only is he hurting the platform but the genuine bloggers who work hard here.

If you're really the block-police I know some serious abuses you can investigate....

Well I did just write up a report on the abuse by berniesanders which got down voted and hidden.
But yea. Add me on discord and I'll be happy to investigate. My name is block-police #8115

when Dan flagged Bernie? Please, give a link.

Just look at @berniesander's profile, and you will see many flags from @dan.

What I see when I look at his profile... is a LOT of accounts upvoting by 10% - many with the 'nextgencrypto' or similar monicker.

Is this what a Sybil attack (or does this count as defense?) looks like?

(P.S. I will get around to 'it' - I just want to do it right. ^_^)

Did you not see the flags from @dan? I assure you I am not making it up!

Many of those accounts you note upvotes from are likely the same person, or his bots, as @berniesanders.

"Is this what a Sybil attack (or does this count as defense?) looks like?"

Yes, and yes. @berniesanders is able to extract rewards from the pool to increase his own holdings of SP through selfvotes. I consider this a 'Slowride' Sybil attack, as it slowly builds SP by extracting it from the rewards pool (it is an attack on Steemit as it decreases the rewards available through nominal curation). Since he has spread his SP into various accounts, he does so from those accounts as well, however, I am unaware that in normal circumstances he does so.

In this case, he is countering the flags @dan has thrown at him, so it is defensive.

@berniesanders does not hold enough SP to control the majority of the witnesses, which would be a 'true' Sybil attack on Steemit. His stake would be likely to be necessary to such an attack, though, so Sybil attacker(s) would seek to buy his, @dan's, @ned's, and etc., in the attempt to acquire enough SP to control the witnesses, and thus the code that Steemit runs.

I hope to demonstrate nominal patience so that 'it' is properly done. I far prefer things well done, if rare, to things common, and cheap. Data Flowers FTW!

Edit: added exposition of 'Slowride' Sybil attack.

You need not assure me @valued-customer. I could see that the up-votes were closely grouped and that they pushed whatever votes prior to them further back in history.

I am surprised that such can occur and be gotten away with in broad daylight. It gives me cause to pause and think.

Let us suppose that a sybil-conducive mass-multi-account situation comes about and is detected.

Then what?

If there is no consensus on what is to be done about such accounts (such as an ultimatum to transfer their SP to another account by a certain date as the account is to be suspended(with an agreed process of appeal for legitimate accounts mistaken for such (having an unfortunately similar name for instance)))...

...then detection will be simply like knowing you are going to get burgled but have been told that you cannot interfere.

Thank you for your patience @valued-customer. It shall be rewarded in quality.

StInc is itself a highly coordinated Sybil attack.... It's a scam and always been a scam... I have a detailed timeline I'm working on that I will be posting on the new chain that's in creation and probably on this one as well though I'm sure they'll bury it with downvotes in the first few minutes.... so much for "censorship resistant". That can't be true when the premine was manipulated to ensure that there was centralized control...

I reckon that simply having the SP to conduct the attack is no crime. There is no rule or prior sentiment against it. As most of the Steem that exists was mined before Steemit was opened to the public, the holders of it would become quite wealthy by purveying it to the purchaser(s).

Also, since they would have, at that point, sold off the majority (at least) of their Steem, they would no longer be whales, or even on Steemit, so may no longer care.

It is not necessary that a single party undertake control in order for that control to occur. Conspiracies and collusion are practically the order of business when hostile takeovers are conducted, and pooling of capital is no novel technique. The fact is that the control IS presently undertaken through holdings of SP by voters for witnesses. Since, by and large, the accounts holding that SP are the founders of Steem and Steemit, that isn't an attack at all, but management. Also, despite a certain congruence of belief and interests, there is no little divergence of views amongst those account holders (as the mutual flaggotry shows).

So, the only real means the rest of us might have to ascertain that a Sybil attack has been conducted is a) the sudden replacement of code by witnesses, most likely preceded by a wholesale replacement of witnesses by new witnesses, many likely to be new to Steemit, and b) the end of the powerdown period, which the attackers may find desirable so that they can immediately extract their Steem after making the changes to the code necessary to kill or neuter Steemit.

Those most likely to conduct such investment to harm Steemit are it's competitors with deep pockets, such as Zuckerberg, Schmidt, Soros, et al...

They will also probably make some changes that reflect their interests, such as ending free speech by making the blockchain less permanent, setting up some sort of centralized control over content insertion, etc., and may also not kill Steemit but seek to use it (it's success will be the only reason they'd find it beneficial to assume control of, IMHO).

It's likely we'd never know such an attack was being undertaken in advance, as there are many ways of xferring Steem surreptitiously. Perhaps the powering down of substantial SP would predate an attack, but accounts can be xferred, and simply convinced to vote as desired, too, so Steem might never even change hands in the conduct of such an attack.

There is but one way to defend against such an attack, and that is decentralization of VP. Presently concentrating wealth is the means of concentrating VP and this is what potentiates this attack vector. Concentrating wealth is perhaps the most singular feature of capitalism, so this is not some novel technology that would need to be developed to permit a Sybil attack on Steemit.

That one way I have long advocated, and it is to no longer weight VP by SP. The SEC may be able to conduct such a concentration of SP by means other than purchase, and the desecuritization of Steem would also preclude that attack vector.

Sorry if this is a bit obtuse. Up late and early, and the meds/coffee haven't really kicked in yet =p

Good question

Let this be an addition.

That is the definition of a Sybil attack... StInc is rife with it... pretty much their business model... I'd be happy to elaborate if you like.

... and is precisely the reason many have left Steemit for greener pastures. The price of Steem is in the basement for good reason.

Hey @fuzzyvest/@officialfuzzy/@fuzzmuffin, I only know your thru the Hangouts, and I sure do appreciate what you do on these forums.

I'll take someone with a good heart and sincerity any day. And, from those hangouts with the way you talk to people and moderate the hangout, I'll trust my instincts that you have both a good heart and sincerity.

I've seen some of the frustration and anger on here and I wonder if it rears its head more (or louder) because there's actual money at stake here. Or maybe the community is still pretty small so some voices can be louder and hit the HOT / TRENDING page.

I've been on reddit for years and seen lots of anger over there but with only karma at stake it doesn't seem to carry on that long. Or maybe it's just easier to avoid subreddits there.

I also reckon that I'd like @berniesanders (I sure like the real one), @fyrstikken, and many others on here who also appear to stake what they believe in, too. If only there was a way to grab a virtual beer and first agree that we desire so many of the same things (a safe place to live, being able to buy a bike for the kids on their birthdays, having good friends nearby, a tomato just picked from the garden) and the things we don't always agree on are a pretty small sliver of our lives.

In theory that would be great. But telling someone who has people come attack him to have a beer with them afterwards... well in practice is alot worse idea than it sounds in theory.

I never attacked. I only told the truth and Defended...

So I truly appreciate the nice idea but sadly this isnt a circumstance where it makes much sense.

"...telling someone who has people come attack him to have a beer with them afterwards... well in practice is alot worse idea than it sounds in theory."

Defense attorneys and DA's do it all the time!

Oh, yeah. That IS worse!

This is why I think this flagging stuff is pure crap, I mean I have never interacted with @officialfuzzy so I don't know what he does, it is completely out of my range of interest, but I don't think he is doing any harm apparently it is the other way he is doing good, so @berniesanders flags him, and then @dan flags bernie, all for what a misunderstanding? And I mean @dan has a lot of power he nullified all of bernies up votes, now I don't agree with @dan in one respect, he started with Bitshares, quit then went with Steem, quit and now EOS, I think he should stick with one thing, that is my opinion, I might be wrong, I still think flagging is dumb though.

i too think flagging is dumb.

it is there only for when people are blatantly abusing the system.

It's two edged sword, currently doing more harm than good.

what was he downvoting?

I fyou are asking about @dan, it was one of Bernies comments.

Dan from what i understand was downvoting bot accounts. Regardless nothing i am doing shoupd be attacked because of this.

Your post does not help anyone and does not add value. You should have done the mature thing and write out a reasonable and transparent post otherwise you are creating environment for questions and more confusion.

It is important to me that you at least do what you promised. I mean @ned already downvoted whaletank (that pays guest speakers well over its earnings)

Is Bernie downvoting minnows for the same reason? Are their posts directly related to whaletanks?

I understand sentiment and emotions but understand that this post does not help anyone.

Thanks imformations @officalfuzzy.

IDK what all this is about but Fuzzy I have always found you very focused and pleasant, in the face of adversity it seems.

We do not talk much but I consistently share things on here and twitter about BTS and EOS and believe basically all of us are here early and there is a cost to that, as well as a benefit.

Bernie is here early too and in that regard, we are all on rockets to the moon.

I want the best for all of us.

IDK what all this is about but Fuzzy I have always found you very focused and pleasant, in the face of adversity it seems.

I sigh...but in the end I suppose its meant to make me a stronger person (somehow).

We do not talk much

Well join up to our hangouts Barry! Its where BitShares, Steem and Peerplays were Launched and now we are creating more amazing projects for people like you who love helping people!

I want the best for all of us.

I have always talked about "Building Voltron" in our hangouts. This vision always looked like multiple DACs. In fact I always told Dan in these hangouts "We will be mainstream when we see the DPOS based chains littering coinmarketcap's top coins. We are now beginning to see this very thing. I was especially interested in chains working together and creating Synergy...which is where whaleshares, the first crosschain coin service, came from.

One would think I would be appreciated by the whales. Especially the ones milking it with bots :/

I don't know which fights are going on here, but it seems this goes since a while...

Never ends...

Im apparently hated 😂

Sorry to hear that.

its ok...comes with the territory (apparently). :/

?hated more than @berniesanders, or @ned, or @dan. Maybe a few people dislike you, I am sure there are a few people you dislike. One thing people need to learn is that people have a right to hangwith,or like who they want, and should not be "hated" because they like someone that the other person hates or despises. Clique's = High School mentality. It is how people with a little bit of power gain more power, set the clique's against each other. Dems vs Reps, Black vs white, Democracy vs communism, christianity vs muslim vs islam vs hinduism. The list goes on forever, keep the hate flowing, and the power will grow. For me personally on one of the eos talk things, someone asked @dan about the small font used, I asked a question noted in my question if it was inappropriate I to the thread I would edit out, instead I got hit with a 52 card down vote by bernie and bots/friends, and no reason given. It did not significant harm to me, but still ticked me off. Two year olds playing with nuclear weapons mentality. They do not "in my opinion" have even a high school clique mentality, just a I got the power and I am going to use it, (even though they are powerless).

Bernie is just sh1tting on his own investment...
@ fuzzy keep it up!

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