Oh no they didnt...

in #eos6 years ago (edited)

Oh yes they did.

Binding agreements will excist in an on voluntaryism based society.

Otherwise it is chaos.

There is a common misunderstanding that things like voluntaryism and anarchism based societies will have no rules. Basically that would mean chaosism, if that even is to be considered an ism. No rules is the same as anything goes and in that realm violence and desctruction will be in the order of the day. Most humans do not do that well in chaos, so sooner or later a new order will emerge. Peace and harmony do tend to be preferred in some way or another.

Freedom can be experienced by the exploration of its bounderies. In total chaos, no rules, most human beings would experience being held captive by fear. There is a difference between choosing to live the adventure and being forced to survive in chaos. Anarchism and voluntaryism are based on having no rulers, but still work with binding mutual agreements. Also roads are still being made, by those who have the expertise. It is about self governance.

Instead of the fake assumption we are all equal a more realistic one would emerge. We are all equivalent and unique. Why is that different? Because we are equal suggests that we all have equal chances 'to win'. While this will cause a fake competition with a predetermined outcome. Combined with an artificial archaic structure this will create a ruler based system. With layers of self acclaimed 'importance' that allows itself to impose its ruling onto others through violence. That is as far from the false we are all equal claim as it possibly gets. It is the opposite of total chaos; A totalitarian order.

EOS on blockchain governance.

Now, how am I going to make a bridge to the current state of the EOS blockchain? As recently there was a consensus reached by the blockproducers to freeze some accounts. Of course this was just another reason to troll EOS. No censorship at all should apparantly be the only rule. Yet systems, blockchain based or not, that follow total chaos actually morph into a totalitarian order. With its own symbols, rules and generalisations. Those who are in and those who are on the outside. To me it just shows that rules will be agreed upon at some point. Even amongst 'professional' trolls.

We at the Steem blockchain know how this works, we learned through experience. At some point the no rules chaotics will enforce their way of life unto others, in every violent way possible. Fear will become evident, until the many come to a mutual agreement to counter it. Because even the most chaotic realm will bring forth a ruling system enforced through violence. A good example of how this works is how fascism, the ultimate totalitarian form of order, got control in Germany, around the 1930. Not anarchism ruled at that time, but chaos did. And in came a totalitarian order, also known as fascism.

Advanced technology, handle with care.

The EOS blockchain operating system is much more than just something to be used for transactions of value. Basicly that is what Bitcoin and its direct relatives are and even those blockchains do have a set of rules. The first time trolls had a go at EOS was when the mainnet blockchain paused. It was the build in security system that put it on hold because a bug had been found. That got fixed within 6 hours and the chain moved on.

When during a pre-flight check, a plane appears to have some error, it wont take off until fixed. It is complex technology, unlike my bicycle. When that one has a defect headlight I still will use it during the day. All those who wend for the kill after EOS paused, like it was supposed to, do not understand how it works or just refuse to do so. Instead of letting a bug cause havoc and losses, better pause the blockchain and fix it. To me that is just smart contract logical reasoning.

Governance needed to prevent chaos?

No rulers does not mean there are no rules. For an on equivalence and uniqueness based system to be able to function it needs mutual agreements, or rules. In a totalitarian fascist order these rules will be enforced through violence. Obey a master system in fear and survive. And the fear is that one can never be totally sure to what level submitting to the hierarchy of rulers will keep one safe. Cameras everywhere, neighbours keeping an eye on each other, to report them to the system and hopefully being rewarded for being a good snitch totalitarian citizen.

The other extreme would be totalitarian chaos. Where child abusers, rapist, murderers and so on would become the rulers through their acts of aggression, violence and desctruction. And by removing any kind of governance chaos becomes the order. Think of traffic with many cars. If we did not have basic mutual agreements driving in a car would become a living nightmare. And even though we agree on many of those rules, there are still those who think it does not apply to them. Thus endangering others by their no rules behaviour, in this case in traffic.

The thin line between bad and good.

EOS has self governance build in to prevent the build in system liberties being abused by those who want chaos to become rule. Freedom can be experienced by trying to stretch its bounderies, yet it should be secured against those who want to get in control through that to enforce their will onto others. And those who are able to secure our freedom through a system of mutual agreements should also be under control of the community. By means of voting, that will even render their governance useless almost instantly. If and when needed.

The EOS blockchain operating system tries to make self governance possible. Recently a consensus between blockproducers froze a couple of ill behaving account. One of which kept bombarding the EOS blockchain with ddos messages. Now, suppose this was a car driver in traffic that decided to slowly drive in the fast lane. Not only annoying, but this behaviour also endangers other drivers. Putting their safety at risk, on purpose, because the driver thinks he or she is able to do so and therefore should.

Chaos ruled out.

This could take away the biggest liberty of any human being, that of being alive. We are also bound to the limits of our freedom as they also involve the liberties of others. So, just because it may be possible to ddos flood message a blockchain, should this be allowed to possibly hurt the freedom of many others? From my point of view this is were self governance by a community kicks in. Or like in the case of EOS the voted for blockchain producers do take action.

One account was filling the EOS blockchain with spam. This was clearly done on purpose. Now, as a community that wants to thrive as a whole would that let a troll take control? Sure more transactions would have made sure that the troll would not have had enough resources left to SPAM the blocks. But why even let this kind of chaotic, no rules, behaviour endanger the acceptance of EOS? And if I were an investor who wants to use the EOS blockchain for serious business I sure would like to see some counter measurements. Just like I would like to see dark chaotic stuff prevented from taking over. There is a web for that kind of no rules shit. But EOS is supposed to be transparant, with governance and security for its blockchain members.

Mutual agreements.

In a society based on equivalence and uniqueness both the individual and groups are taken into account. Where no rules is great for the most psychopatic individualistic sociopath, for the majority of humanity it would resemble hell. Just as the ultimate other extreme order of fascism would be great for a bunch of psychopatic sadistic control freaks, but most of humanity would just suffer. Trying to survive one holocaust after another.

Therefore I do see the creation of a self-governing community system, like Bitshares, Steem, EOS and others, as a step forward in human evolution. To find out how freedom of expression does not mean the same as no rules or being an open inventation to fascism. At some point we will come to some sort of consensus. We will find a common ground to work from. Reaching mutual agreements will be an ongoing proces where we constantly will rediscover our liberties by exploring the bounderies.

Developements like EOS and its practical use will be a part of that ongoing exploration. For me it is the discovery of a path to human equivalence and uniqueness. And so far it has been a very interesting one.

Have a great one!


The FUD is spreading around about EOS, let them bite the Tx/s-dust!

Hahaha, all that will be left to see for them muddaFUDders will be dust settlin', so they can eat that. 😂👊

Yep, I hope they add EOS to blocktivity in the near future!

Would be weird if it was not added.

And there it is! EOS at http://blocktivity.info


Nice, that means just one thing: they're reading your posts and my comments :P:P:P

Thank you for your interesting considerations. The eos Governance System has so many fascinating aspects that are only grasped on a superficial level. Your article helps to better tie it to socio political discussion. To me the radical explicit contractual basis is something to take a closer look at...

In addition a recent post on Medium by Daniel Larimer might be an interesting read:

Thanks, have read it, and the idea of governance competition is intriguing. As regards eos it will also need to deliver on it's promises governance wise, the start has been quite bumpy, and we haven't the slightest idea what inter blockchain communication will look like...

You are welcome.

There are many exciting things possible with EOS. It is still early day and I expect that things will become more clear in the next couple of months.

Just made my first exploration yesterday on the EOS blockchain using some Apps and dApps. So far I do like the experience.

It is my pleasure.

EOS does have a lot of potential, with a real world connection. It will be very interesting to watch it mature over time.

But the main question is ... Why did they do it?

Well, maybe something like: "I was alright, then she came along..." She called herself Bugsy.

And then...

One of the few (if not the only) bands that is not just worldfamous in the Netherlands. (not counting the brothers Eddie en Alex VH)

True, one of their most world famous songs is 'Radar Love' I think. Great song.

I think EOS is one of the most standard coin as it has a bright future.

I agree with you, first we must learn about what we will use. So, what we fear will not happen.
Thanks @oaldamster
Have a good day @oaldamster

Wow, great piece man! Definitely removes some confusion :-)

Thanks mate! Glad to know I was able to get it accross. 😎👍

Wow this is the great news , finally removes some confusion .
I agree with you .

Thanks for sharing @oaldamster
Upvote you .

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Basicly that would mean chaosism, if that even is to be considered an ism.
It should be basically instead of basicly.

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