EOS Token Distribution day has arrived

in #eos7 years ago

It is really happening!

MetaMask wallet in place, living in Europe, time to buy Ethereum.

That is how much trust I have in EOS.

For me it is kind of strange, buying into Ethereum. The time to do so might have been better when I still had an Ethereum wallet on my network. That one still had some gas in it, but I decided to dump it just like that. When I did that Ether was still very cheap. Well, I made worse financial decisions in my life, uptil now. Yet just now I decided to have a look into the folder with the name '.ethereum', because luck sometimes visits a fool. There I saw keyfiles, to my surprise. But wait, it cannot be that simple right? Indeed it does not, the JSON file makes the MetaMask wallet just disappear. Never mind that, I've got an Ethereum wallet ready to go!

That is how far I will go to get me at least some EOS, install a browser extension for an Ethereum wallet. And then buying some Ether with some Steem I made blockchain blogging at SteemIt dot Com. Just like I did with Peerplays {PPY}, another one of that fastest kids on the blockchain family. That was a good buy, until today, although I am still on the green side with that one. But as far as buying Ether goes, this seems to be the right day. Red all over the place, yep it is another panic selling day at the office it appears. Hard to believe this has anything to do with the Bitcoin community still having a hard time deciding on SegWit, right? My guess is that all that FUD {Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt} recently being spread actively by the mainstream media and traditional financial realm did have its negative effect. And it is hard for me to believe some pro cryptos minded parroted that propaganda even here on Steem...

EOS is a game changer

People that are using Steem know how it feels to be unaware of the blockchain technology behind it. The blockchain mantra: 3-2-1-Done just has that effect. It is a magnitude more extreme in speed than being used to Bitcoin and then deciding to use Litecoin. That is already an improvement, by the way, and it may be that LTC is going to surpass BTC in price at one point. This is based on the fact that Bitcoin still has stubborn miners upholding improvement that do not seem to get the importance of activating SegWit. Again, sidestepping here, sorry, it is part of how my brain works. Maybe not even that strange to mention Bitcoin and Litecoin though. As the EOS blockchain technology could run them both, while running Steem, Golos, Bitshares and Peerplays at the same time, parallel. While other Smart Contrats could create a Facebook clone. Where another already made a Twitter like app. And a payment system that easily competes with Vista and Mastercard.

Now imagine this all running smoothly at the same time on one blockchain. With a programming language that can handle it all. Or to be more precise a compiled assembled low-level bytecode script that evolved from javascript. WebAssembly became an industry standard meaning that there will be a lot of developements going on to make it even better. One of the already good things being that it is extremely fast. And developers can use C to programme and have it compiled to WASM, which is as close to a native system as it gets with a scripting language. Where I think that it will even get more optimized over time, just like it happened with javascript itself. Meaning? EOS using it for Smart Contracts will already be fast. And this will only improve over time.

United States citizens are left out?

When I was looking at the EOS dot IO website at the part where to get the tokens I noticed a disclaimer that stated:

Check here to confirm that you are not a U.S. citizen, resident or entity (a “U.S. Person”) nor are you purchasing EOS Tokens or signing on behalf of a U.S. Person.

That made me frown for a bit, because I do not really get what is going on there. Okay, less competition while opting in for EOS Tokens, yet I find it a kind of strange. The enterprise is mostly American based, but US citizens are not allowed to get EOS Tokens? Now why is that, in the land of the free, what are they doing there. Seems that other parts of the world are actually more free. What if cryptos were like collecting art or stamps, in a digital fashion, would that have to be regulated or prohibited even? Not even to mention if cryptos were like tulip bulbs... Somehow this estranges me.

EOS the parallel processing blockchain.

EOS will be able to do millions of transactions per second. That be scaled by adding more processing power, multiple cores or clusters of computers, complete networks. Combined with powerfull high speed WASM scrypting for Smart Contracts and no transaction fees. This is the next big thing in blockchain technology. For Bitshares, Peerplays, Golos and Steem this is also great, because it is all one big fast family. And the EOS code could be used for future developements of things like Steem. Exciting times ahead and I sure will get some EOS tokens. Or even just a tiny part of it.

Have a great one!

EOS Token sale almost started

screenshot by @oaldamster


Resteemed it ....EOS ...let's see how this work in future let's invest

Thank you very much!
#EOS already got 4500 ETHER...

Can I buy now from site ?

Doubt it, there is quite a run on the EOS token. Last time I could see it almost was at 12000 ETHER, that is allready 3,5 million dollar...

I am thinking of investing in EOS

Going to invest some myself today.

I find it strange that the USpop can't participate, does it state why?

Yes, thought so too that it is kind of strange, are they not 'land of the free?'...
Did not state why.

Let me invest too in this ...thanks bro

You are welcome!
Trying to get in but site overloaded: 503...

Bro can I get ur email id or any contact plz...

You can contact me at Twitter PM.

I think I will buy some as well ;)
Thanks for reminding me :)

Already invested! Amazing idea, check out my blogs similar to this @the.dajboz

How did you manage to do that already then?

As in I've transferred a fair bit of ether, and claiming tokens as soon as time runs out. :-)

That is my plan now too. :-)

Is parallel processing just another acronym for "state channels" tech that many other blockchains are implementing?

It really means parallel processing. From what I know from 'state channels' is that is a different technology with 'off chain' transactions, for instance.

The parallel processing is like the one in cpu and gpu hardware, more cores means more tasks to do in the same amount of time. The more cores the more transactions.

Lovely read! :)

Glad you appreciate it!

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