Your EOS tokens could become WORTHLESS if you don't act now!

in #eos6 years ago (edited)

It is impossible to keep up to date with all the cryptos these days. There are new ICOs daily and there is always some kind of software update, rebranding, token drop or swap going on so keeping track of everything gets to be quite difficult. I personally have invested in over 20 tokens and I haven't been keeping up on cryptocurrency news much lately which fucked me with Centra and almost just bit me in the ass again with EOS. They are doing a token swap soon and if you don't register you wallet for the token swap your tokens could potentially become worthless!

It's not that I don't care about my crypto portfolio, I just like to HODL for the most part and to be honest I have been so busy and preoccupied traveling america searching for a new home for the last few months that I haven't had time for cryptos lately. That's the thing about cryptos though, if you own them (especially in ICO stage) you need to keep up to date on them, this isn't your normal stock or bond and it can really mess with you portfolio fast if you aren't careful.

Luckily I still cruise the steemit feed here and there when I'm bored and happened to stumble across this awesome article by @pandorasbox explaining how you have to register your EOS token wallet soon (for a token swap) or your tokens will become worthless! In the post she links videos of how to accomplish this, even if you aren't very tech savvy (like me). This isn't that hard, it is just annoying to have to do. You would think that EOS would have set up a better way to do this so unknowing people (like me) don't loose their money, but that's just my opinion. Maybe they do it on purpose for some reason, I honestly don't know.

If you don't have @pandorasbox on your friends list you should definitely add her! She is always doing awesome articles about coins/tokens and I have learned quite a bit from her posts. If you want to stay up to date on the cryptoverse without doing all the research yourself than she is your girl!

Anyhow, I have HUNDREDS of EOS tokens and I would have lost them all if I didn't happen to see this post so THANK YOU @pandorasbox! This is a big wake up call to me and it should be to anyone who is invested in multiple cryptos. Learn from my mistakes! Remember, technology is always changing and if you don't stay up to date you could easily loose all your money!

If you need to know how to do this click on the (green link above) in this article, visit @pandorasbox page or go back to my main page where I resteemed her article. Click here if you want to go to the EOS countdown website. Good luck everyone, I hope this can help more people like me!

Peace, Love and all this hippie shit!


Great post, which I'm only just catching up on, as I've been away for a few days in a place with no internet.
I only have a few EOS tokens, and I did register them a couple of months ago, but the process was a nightmare! I have bought into crypto ICOs before, and they were massively easier than this one. I'm not sure what that says about EOS, but I'd imagine there will be quite a few angry traders when the token swap finally takes place!

Yeah, this was so fucking pissed when i found this out, i almost lost a shit ton of money for no reason! I definitely think that will come back to bite eos in the ass somehow.. i honestly see lawsuits coming from this, it was really a terrible process.. :/

Another thing that annoyed me is that because my computer software is too old (as I don't own the computer I'm using, I couldn't update it) I was unable to use Metamask. I had to do a complex procedure using an earlier post on Steemit for instructions. I made a few mistakes along the way, and with each mistake, I had to do the whole process over again, which incurred considerable gas fees.
I reckon the best time to invest will probably be when the price plummets after the fallout as many people realise their EOS tokens are worthless!

I definitely see a price plummet coming soon! So if it spikes cuz of the main net release tomorrow then i will cash out and rebuy back in cheap.. i just hope it does spike again before crashing!

Paying it forward ! :)
I hope nobody gets 'left behind' in and stuck with the ERC-20 tokens!

I hope not either! Thats why I gotta let as many people as possible know about this before its too late! :)

Do i need to register to get steem also?

No, steem is totally different than eos, nothing will change with steem.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

You have to have eyes in the back of your head with all the tokens out there now @moderdayhippie this is a great reminder, something I was not aware of, thanks for sharing.

Keeping up... Steemit has become a go to place to find out news.

If I understand correctly, the tokens kept on Binance and Kraken will be registered automatically by those two exchanges. No action required on the user’s part.

I dont know which exchanges support the swap, you should look into it to make sure.

That is what I am saying: based on the official statements from Binance and Kraken, those two exchange will support the token swap. I wouldn’t babble about it if I hadn’t seen that information myself.

Ohhh, sorry, i didnt realize that. Thanks for the update. :)

No worries, friend. :) You’re welcome.

Great article @moderndayhippie. I was looking at various ways to register and then I found an easy way with exodus wallet which is literally one click. You just need a little bit of ETH in the wallet and you can get it done so easily.

Oh, I'm glad some wallets made it really easy. mine wasn't quite that easy but I have a Trezor hardware wallet which is linked through myetherwallet so it took about 10 steps. Not to bad with the tutorial. lol

I do intend of getting some EOS before the change date, but keep putting it off. Thanks for the info, I just need to get my arse in gear and get the tokens before June now.

Yeah that's the thing about cryptos... You gotta keep up with it or you won't know what's going on.

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