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RE: 💰Stacking EOS like crazy💰! 🚀[In Dan I Trust]🚀

in #eos6 years ago

I'm agreeing that EOS is a great coin and we may not see a lower low than this, but it is not priced at a buy for me because I've already got a small position @$7.50 before we had that big run up to almost $20 (and there is no way I would sell it at that price when I expect it to go past ETH's cap. I would only be taking a small position at the current price if I didn't already have that small position.

The rest of the world is on sale and its a great time to buy BTS (major position right now and I'm prepared to buy twice that much if we go down to say .000016), XEM (small/moderate now), TRX (moderate with large buy at .00000375 TRX/BTC), ADA (large at .000044), ARDR (large at .000101 which we may not reach), DENT (small now), PPT (small now, moderate at .00229).

If you have been waiting for a big move by BTC, here it is. I've been holding a lot of BTC waiting for great buys or a big run up by BTC. Hoping this is the bottom because my pre-programmed buys are hitting.

If you want to be sure to get a position in a coin, go to the graph and look for low price, high frequency historical levels (areas where the price has crossed very often with a low price).


Great comment, thank you for sharing your investments.
I have only one question concerning BTS, how could it grow when you have "better" platform as Binance or Kucoin.
From a user perspective, Binance is much better for example.
Take care.

I can't say that I'm well informed about Binance or Kucoin so take my words with a grain of salt. BTS is announcing partner after partner bringing millions of new users worth of new business onto their platform, all trading in BTS. ARISE is linking their 704 currencies up with the DEX. @dan obviously has a vested interest in it and you should expect to see an upgrade or tie-in to EOS as development progresses. Support in a graphing sense has been very strong until today and I've had a hell of a time buying into an advantageous position since I sold out of mine far too early. The hype is strong and consistent for BTS. What I do know about Kuocoin is that I don't trade pretty much any of their coins they have available, so my account I created with them won't go used until that changes. BTS is a coin I don't plan on selling until at least it hits X2.5 and then I will only sell 20% of my current total. I'll reassess that once we get an announcement regarding EOS integration and again once we see the results of those announcements in real world use. I don't see that as speculation, but a 85% likelyhood.

I'd love to hear what you think the strengths of the other two coins you mentioned have if possible. I would appreciate the education.

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