The Weekly Airdrop #5

in #eos6 years ago

At EOS Detroit, we keep our finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the EOS ecosystem. In an effort to keep the community up to speed on the latest breaking news and updates we produce The Weekly Airdrop, an EOS focused research report.

If you didn’t read The Weekly Airdrop last week, you can find it here.

You can also Subscribe to The Weekly Airdrop to receive them directly by email.


EOS Detroit Team Update


In an effort to provide transparency to the community, we have published a transparency page on our website which displays details of our ownership disclosure, our plans for allocation of block rewards, and a complete history of our RAM reservations. View our Transparency page.


We are planning to implement a hybrid bare-metal/cloud infrastructure. Our EOS nodes will run on bare-metal hardware in various Midwestern US data centers, with health monitoring and automatic failover using multiple cloud providers for redundancy. Block producing nodes will be kept isolated from public traffic, while API nodes will be available to serve public requests. We are currently operating using cloud hosted infrastructure for greater agility and flexibility while the company is being bootstrapped. Post funding, we plan to co-locate our bare-metal nodes at the most connected data centers in our region, in order to provide the lowest latency responses to the EOS network. View our Infrastructure page.


EOS Detroit has been working with other block producers and valuable members of the community to coordinate the upcoming launch of the Telos blockchain. EOS Detroit has been live streaming the weekly TLOS Launch Group calls on our Youtube channel. Meeting notes were scribed from the call and can be found in the video description. Telos is an alternative network based on the same EOSIO code that aims to solve some of the issues that we currently see happening with the EOS network such as:

  • Economic decentralization
  • Equitable pay structure for block producers and standbys
  • A focus on cheaper RAM for DApp developers.

Block Producer Calls:

Rebel Detroit:

EOS Detroit’s recent talk Rebel Detroit: New Economies, New Futures, New Power highlighted alternative economies produced by Detroit residents. The discussion presented a fresh perspective on the possibilities of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency to address some of the issues Detroiters contend with such as the continuous marginalization by financial institutions and the racial wealth gap. The Rebel Detroit panelists included Halima Cassell, B. Anthony Holley, Bryce Detroit, and Kinnard Hockenhull, with Chief Community Officer of EOS Detroit, Ingrid LaFleur facilitating. All of the panelists have intentionally adopted a cooperative economic model to serve their communities in hopes of bringing prosperity to Detroit.

Because Detroit is 85% Black American, we spoke about the need for healing since for centuries “capital was weaponized against Black Americans” prompting a new relationship to currency and economics as a necessary step to establishing a new economy. We were left with the question, what is the process for shifting consumer culture to achieve economic justice while healing centuries-old wounds? Do you have any suggestions? Let’s have a conversation about best practices for sharing with communities of color about the possibilities of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.




Everipedia was featured in Block.One’s latest #BuiltOnEOSIO Dapp Spotlight.

Key differences between Everipedia and Wikipedia:

  • Content is censorship resistant as all edits are permanently stored on a blockchain.
  • Content contributors are rewarded with cryptocurrency based on the upvotes that they receive.
  • Content creators can make pages about anything in the world. For example you could make an article about a particular street in your neighborhood or a small business.
  • Memes, GIF’s, images, & videos can be placed in the articles.
  • Verified Accounts that allow individuals to contribute information to their own pages and have conversations with their fans.
  • Editors are automatically subscribed to pages that they have participated in. Therefore they can receive notifications of activity/edits. Editors can send and receive private messages to and from their inbox.
  • Everipedia embeds an Article Discussion section in every page to discuss the page’s overall content or to report inaccuracies.


EOSFinex: Kasper Rasmussen of Bitfinex talks about combining that platform’s expertise with the scalability and speed of EOSIO:

“EOSfinex is the first high-performance, trustless trading platform to be built on EOSIO technology. EOSfinex will combine the scalability and speed of EOSIO with the expertise accrued at Bitfinex to provide the space with an on-chain exchange experience based around instantaneous, transparent and trustless trading of digital assets. The purpose of EOSfinex is to innovate within EOS as well as to provide a platform for the research and adoption of EOS technology focused around security and scalability. We envision EOSfinex and related developments to fundamentally alter the way value is exchanged between parties around the world.”


EOSIO Watcher: Want to Monitor Your EOS Account and Set Up Real Time Alerts?
Props to EOS Authority for building an EOSIO Watcher Plugin which can be used to watch for specific actions on the chain and then send them to an HTTP url as the action takes place. You can either get notifications for all actions on a specific contract account, or any specific actions. You get notifications in a form of HTTP POST call to the url you specify. EOS Authority also built a similar Alerts tool that lets you get email notifications when actions take place involving your EOS account. Link.

Watcher Plugin Features:

  • Filter and get notifications for actions on any account
  • Age limit for actions
  • Flexible configuration
  • Asynchronous http calls
  • Retry on failed calls

EOS Network Monitor 2.0:
Faster load times and additional real time data from backup block producers. Link.

An EOS Wallet for Your iPhone:
NOVA wallet is UX-focused Multi-OS wallet for EOS token holders built by South Korean based block producer EOSYS. Nova will initially be available for iOS users, with Android and Chrome extension next to go live. Nova is aiming to be like metamask or myetherwallet for EOS.

Demux is a backend infrastructure pattern for sourcing blockchain events to deterministically update queryable datastores and trigger side effects. This library serves as a reference implementation of that pattern for use with Node applications.

Proposal for EOS Resource Renting & Rent Distribution:
In a recent post on Medium the CTO of Block.One, Dan Larimer, lays out a proposal to create a “resource market” to facilitate the lending and purchase of network resources in a way that benefits all parties. EOS holders would be able to lend their tokens to a Resource Exchange (REX) and in return would receive fees as well as “rewards from network operation”, while those needing network resources would be able to acquire them at a fair price and without exposure to the volatility of the EOS core token. In addition, the proposal would greatly incentivize voting by requiring EOS token holders to vote for a full slate of Block Producers, or proxy their vote, in order to participate in the REX.

EOSIO 1.1.2 Update:
** Note: EOSIO 1.1.2 Release had a bug in it and it’s not recommended for block producers to upgrade to it at this time. **

This new release addresses the following issues:

Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements

  • renamed LICENSE.txt to LICENSE (#4969)
  • added warning/correction when implicitly installing to system-wide paths (#4970)
  • better discovery of core CPU count during build (#4977)
  • removal of duplicated block signature check (#4951)
  • improved installation of binaries and contract dev dependencies (#4844)

Non-Critical Security Updates (#4981)

  • Optimize block_status tracking in bnet_plugin
  • Optimize connection releasing in net_plugin
  • Move misaligned array copy to heap
  • Disallow scheduled transactions from using subjective leeway cpu time
  • Respect wall-clock deadline for blocks in the producer_plugin::start_block
  • Serialize transactions in cleos instead of using an RPC

System Upgrades

Block Producers Voted To Approve “1dot1dotzero” Proposal:
The system contract proposal 1dot1dotzero was approved by 15/21 Block Producers, which increased RAM by 1 Kilobyte per block. This is a conservative step in the right direction. EOS Block Producers will continue to monitor the RAM market and take further steps if necessary.

Block Producers Voted to Approve System Upgrade “token1punto1” Proposal:
The system contract proposal “token1punto1” has been approved by 15/21 Block Producers.

Key changes:

  • If the receiver of funds authorizes a transfer then it can and will be charged the ram to create the balance if it didn't exist.
  • No longer automatically delete the balance in the database when it reaches 0.
  • Added an additional action to delete the balance in the database if it is 0.
  • In combination with the approved EOS system contract update this will help fix the current sellram problem ( see issue ) when the seller doesn't have any tokens and the ram contract is out of RAM.
  • Retire function - It allows the issuer of a token to remove tokens from circulation. The tokens must be owned by the issuer at the time they are retired. So it does not allow an issuer to retire tokens out of other people's wallets.


Referendum Contract Update: Currently EOS token holders have the ability to vote for which block producers they prefer, but soon there will be a wide variety of other things to vote on. Various members of the EOS community have been gradually working towards delivering a referendum system for the EOS blockchain. An MVP referendum contract is expected to be ready soon, which would enable token holders the power to vote on system upgrade proposals, amendments to the evolving EOS Constitution, governance issues, and provide access to worker proposal funds to be voted on. The following interfaces have committed to supporting this referendum implementation: Greymass, EOStoolkid, EOS Authority, MyEOSKit, and EOSVotes.

Preferred Wallet: EOS-Voter.

How to Vote for Block Producers: Tutorial.

Proxying Your Vote: Link.

Vote With Our Proxy: detroitproxy

Detroit Proxy Cleaning Time: We've removed BPs that weren't providing the min. requirements and added standbys that deserve your vote. EOS Detroit will regularly be monitoring the block producer landscape and will update our voting slate so that it stays maintained in real time.

Featured Airdrop of the Week

Airdrops are additional tokens that are distributed to EOS token holders. New projects can bootstrap a user base for their DApp while avoiding the complexity of selling tokens via the traditional ICO method. Projects then withhold founder tokens that can provide a runway for the development team. Market participants then decides the fair market value of airdropped tokens for themselves.

Lumeos - Decentralized Infrastructure for Data Sharing

Every day, millions of people are sharing their personal data across the web without controlling it. The robust protocol that Lumeos offers backs an open marketplace with individual buyers, sellers, and viewers exchanging data and information on a P2P basis. Lumeos is built on a blockchain and uses the blockchain as a data structure to
allow users to own and monetize their own data safely and securely across the internet. Read the Lumeos whitepaper.

Lumeos is launching a mobile app for users to earn money by taking part in polls. By answering polls and providing personal information on the app, users earn LUME tokens. The platform encompasses an SDK that allows any website to have a frame or a section where anything that is shared in (comments, votes, polls, images) would be owned by the user who is sharing. On August 1, Lumeos hosted a their beta launch party and announced that they will be unveiling their mobile application beta for iOS and Android platforms.

Why Lumeos Chose EOS Over Ethereum:

"EOS is a smart-contract-driven blockchain similar to Ethereum. Unlike Ethereum, it features horizontal and vertical scalability and zero transaction fee to users, allowing for a massive number of transactions per second at lower cost for building fully decentralized applications from day 1." - Guocheng Xie, CTO of Lumeos

See also: In a recent interview with the CEO of Lumeos, Bluejays from EOS Go asked why the project made the switch from Ethereum to EOS. See his response.

Lumeos on Telos instead of EOS?

Lumeos is also considering launching on the Telos blockchain instead of EOS. Like EOS, Telos is built from the same base EOSIO code and therefore has the same capabilities as EOS. For developers looking to build their own apps, Lumeos wrote a post about how Telos could be a cheaper option since it focuses more on security and user acquisition, while also providing lower development/RAM costs.
Read their post: “EOS vs Telos - Lumeos Analysis”

For more information about airdrops, we encourage you to visit AirdropsForEOS.


Price of EOS: $7.22

EOS Voter Turnout: 22.2%

Market Cap: $6,545,887,421

Price of RAM: 0.15217242 EOS per KiB

Note: The numbers above are accurate as of 03:00 pm EST on 08/03/2018.

Upcoming Events

EOS Detroit to Host David Packham from EOS42 in Detroit

This Tuesday, August 7th, EOS Detroit will be in conversation with David Packham, co-Founder of London based block producer EOS42. We will be discussing all things EOS such as governance, RAM proposals, BP pay proposals, and more. Come with curious minds and let's dialogue.

David Packham leads the strategic planning and development for EOS42 block production, including operations relating to community-led expansion requirements, capital investments, finance and legal. David co-founded EOS42 after helping build the EOS community in London and organising the recent meetups. His career in management consultancy and asset management in London was for a range of global institutions in areas covering FinTech, business strategy and programme management. David studied economics and business systems analysis and design, and is a decentralist with a passionate belief in the potential of blockchain to change the world by increasing personal freedoms and reducing inequality.


Event Details

A conversation with David Packham
Tuesday, August 7th
7 pm
Grand Circus
Detroit, Michigan

EOS Ignite

Valuable members of the EOS community will be taking part in the EOS Ignite Conference on August 14-15 which will be a 24 hour webcast conference.

Check out the schedule here.

Recommended Content



  • Developers: Check out these EOSIO C++ dev videos.
    Block.One released a new video on their youtube channel about EOS:
  • Build on Change:

At EOS Detroit, we keep our finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the EOS ecosystem. In an effort to keep the community up to speed on the latest breaking news and updates we produce The Weekly Airdrop, an EOS focused research report.

If you didn’t read The Weekly Airdrop last week, you can find it here.

You can also Subscribe to The Weekly Airdrop to receive them directly by email.

Please contact [email protected] to report inaccuracies.

Connect With EOS Detroit


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63166.66
ETH 2575.67
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77