฿ Introducing EOSSWAP, an EOS OTC trading platform for EOS.IO tokens
EOSSWAP - Flexible Decentralized OTC exchange of eosio tokens.
More and more applications are being created on EOS. As a rule, each application creates its own token to implement the concept of profit sharing and airdrops, as a result, more investors come to the platform.
Use case
Since listing a new token on an exchange can take a long time, it can lead to inconvenient conditions for early investors - tokens cannot be bought or sold before the application token is listed on the exchange.
Therefore, i have a task to create a service for secure OTC transactions, for the exchange of any amounts of tokens, without the need to trust their assets to third parties or centralized exchanges. EOSSWAP allows you to do this quickly and seamlessly.
Using EOSSWAP you can exchange any EOS tokens to any other EOS tokens, atomically, the waiting of adding a token to the application.
On the main page you can see a list of current orders and tabs with sections.
Balance of all tokens available to the user
A simple form of creating a new order
Auto-selection of top 100 tokens. Or manual configuration of the token, where the user can set the contract and the asset symbol.
History of all operations.
Technical part:
- At the moment, the contract has only two actions: the creation of the application and its cancellation.
- Matching of orders happens automatically and atomically.
- For each completed transaction, a Commission of 0.25% in the amount of both tokens is taken.
- The tokens should comply with the standard eosio.token contract.
- Update frontend, more filters, UI/UX optimization.
- Client updates, development crossplatforming and IPFS version.
- After the release of the stable version, accesses to the contract will be divided into multisig including trusted community members.
At the moment, frontend application open for public audit: https://github.com/avral/eosswap
please support the project with an star ;)
All questions, feedback and suggestions you can ask in Telegram: tg.me/eosswapio