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RE: EOS.IO Development Update

in #eos6 years ago

This is incredible!. @dan and his team are selfless hardworkers sharing educative EOS information to make steemit better and give minnows like me a better understanding about cryptos. I hope this fued between @ned and @dan ends soon.


I think we can clearly see the difference in principles between @ned and @dan.

🤔 Yep. I understand everyone including Ned is entitled to their opinion, but he basically just STOLE $2,641.80 from the rewards pool which is counterproductive on a "declined payout post".

To that point please DO NOT upvote my comment.

Using a corporate account without stakeholder awareness no less. As a transparent organization on the block chain accountable to our community, we see you, Ned.

@steempowerpics, yes, I agree with you. It's indeed counterproductive especially to minnows like me.🤷

That says it all for me. @dan declined almost all payouts.

This is a HUGE shame for steemit? When i joined last July the phrase's reward pool rape and flagging war were unheard of. Now its rampant. I wonder, is it just that greed has risen along with the price of steem?

Now its rampant. I wonder, is it just that greed has risen along with the price of steem?

I think the statement explains it.

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