I will trade SBD for EOS! If anyone has a Kraken or Bitfinex account and can buy me some EOS tokens and hold them for me, I will pay you in SBD and buy you some EOS tokens too! Its just a headache for me to get ANOTHER exchange account!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #eos7 years ago

If anyone can buy me some EOS tokens and hold them for me, I will pay you in steem or SBD and buy you an EOS token too! Its just a headache for me to setup a new exchange account and by time i get my kraken account up EOS will be worth more

hahah oh wait wrong EOS haha these are all things titled EOS

Here is data for EOS from coinmarket cap, where it is #9 biggest cryptocurrency by market cap with around 700 MILLIOn us dollars!

And just look at this Graph for EOS from http://coinmarketcap.com /assets/EOS

If anyone can buy just a couple EOS tokens on my behalf, i will buy you one and send you SBD to cover the costs! Including converting the SBD to ethereum in order to buy it etc i just cant deal with opening another exchange account with Kraken or Bitfinex or Yobit where I know I can buy these...So if anyo of you have a Kraken or bitfinex account and want a free EOS token, you can buy them with kraken or bitfinex and its just a headache for me to get ANOTHER exchange account JUST to buy one token! so if any of you already has a kraken or bitfinex or yobit or any account that lets you buy EOS, i will send you the SBD to buy more EOS for me and i'll send you enough to buy one for yourself too! and I will trust you to hold onto the for me! Hopefully someone I already know here on steemit can help me, Maybe youre a minnow who has the ability to buy EOS buy no money to buy it? Well we can now help each other!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


Deal..... How much do you want? Let's put clause of
a) tag me in your post
b) upvote my next 3 post
c) follow me for at least a year hahaha .... Now seriously, I bought around 300 EOS, so I'm happy to share some with you

Got it @mynewlife
Ill go uovte all ur recent posts right now
ill follow u too, not for ayear but forever
Ill send you 4 SBD right now, can I get one EOS credit ?

This is excatly why i made tthis post!

its like...hey...why should i do all thsi extra work of ccreating new exchange accounts having to write down new passwords and shit just to buy one cooin when i KNOW some steemit users have already bought mre thanthey need lolol and have already made so much of it they probly will be so Jolly like santa calsue like the vibe im pickin up off u br0

br00000000 this is awesome u even said CLAUSE

k proof of my upvotes of alll ur posts!

@ackza Haha that was just for laugh and giggle :) I've got 291 EOS , I will keep one for you. SteemDollars will be suitable so I can add some steempower

awesome here is proof of my 4 SBD i just sent!

I will send you some more so i can have a few more EOS! and enough to pay for you to byyourself another one too! thank you!

i shoulda waited lol but im glad helped u buy some, u can have another 2 sbd to buy another if u want tomorow! lets see if it goes down...i believe it will hit $1 thn go up to $7

boom 8 days later and its down to $1 !!!

my prediction came true now onward to $7

hey @mynewlife can u send me some of that EOS an can i buy more?
heres my EOS address
so easy to get an eos wallet now with

I can mail you the chapstick and the camera. Car too big.

Hahaha - He should have bought at the start last week. 62c!

haha wait what???
chapstick and camera??
i think u might have replid to the wrong post? lolol or arre u tallking incode?

you did say you wanted EOS ;} good one roy.

ooooh sorry i forgot my own photo! off coirse! the chapstick threw me off i had NO idea that was chapstick in that photo i made! i assuemd it was an airfreshener

Hi, You can buy them directly with ETH going to the official EOS webpage. Read the instructions throughfully. Just take into account that the final price depends on how much people contributes each day.

not for US residents it says "us ip detected not allowed for usresidents"

but itts ok i got exodus and shapeshift noww!!!

oh wait exodus has shapeshift built in!!!

Is not too late to get in what now? You will be better off to wait until it goes down to get in.

Hello @ackza . I saw eos cost 3euro on kraken. I think i will invest some money in it. Thx for the info.

Hi ackza, please incase you have a need or need to have something done, kindly grace our #steemgigs or #steemgig. Been trying to reach 5,000 steemgigs for the beauty of steemit and though it has been slow, it has been a beauty because the amazing things we have accomplished and the small community that we have already built. Our discord server is filled brainstorming steemians, i invite you to please take a look. i wonder, if anyone on there will be able to take care of your request here for you but i will definitely ask. The discord server is: https://discord.gg/wWrnSXK

oh yes good idea i just didnt think steemgigs would be for this

but ya u can post this in steemgigs if u want bt i think i found someone already

Oh, this definitely counts as a #steemgig! Much more than some of the posts I've seen using the tag lately... You're looking for a service.


Great! @virtualgrowth has something in mind as well. As for the tag, don't forget to use it, if there comes up another need or giveaway. Thank you alot. Glad you found someone. @virtualgrowth is really knowledgeable with stuff like this!

I have exchange account if you still looking for someone to hold eos for you, i would love to help :) @ackza

i found out eos is now on shapeeshift AND exodus wallet has eos!!
i would like some EOS ill send u SBD

wow i just foubd out exoddus has shapeshift but steem temp disabled

Nice man did u send me 1 EOS or was that @mynewlife ?

see how steemit is superior? I can see who sent me crypto and with btc oir eth or EOS i cant tell who sent it to me haha

i wanna make sure it was @mynewlife who i already paid sbd for some EOS hahah he made a good profit! I paid him for EOS at like 5 bucks and now its $1 hahah now i wanna buy more and now i see i can use shapeshift lol and exodus so cool! so easy to get EOS now!

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