☯ Cross-Chain Synergy Art

I incorporated this image as part of my New Years post because I wanted to illustrate my focus for 2018 with regards to Steemit, Bitshares, and EOSIO and my involvement in the BeyondBitcoin communities. It will be used as the example art for @OfficialFuzzy's next art challenge today.


I truly believe we can do great things an open so many doors of opportunity and prosperity for for everyone here on Steemit and beyond if we can all agree to work together to make it happen.

There is no reason the posts we create here on Steemit cannot be cross-posted to other similar platforms on other compatible chains into the appropriately related channels to allow us to maximize the returns for the time we spend creating out content. After-all, you can post the same content to Facebook, Instagram, Google, Twitter, and others at the same time using third-party websites taking advantage of cross-site APIs.

If you have been following me for a while, you know where I stand on these issues. We could harness this cross-chain power to help promote and fund so many beneficial projects even more than we do already. I know SMTs are on the way as well, this will bring an internal fund-raising market for ICOs and Crowdfunding to Steemit, however the key word there was "internal". At this point we can only assume they will not be cross-chain compatible themselves. We would still need people to build compatibility bridges to maximize their true potential. Only then will they have the flexibility of cross-chain tokens like BEYONDBITs, WHALESHAREs, and EOSBITs.

Let me know what you think, please leave your comments below.

As always, please upvote this post and follow me if you like my work and want to see more.

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Please ReSteem it!

Thank You to EVERYONE who has Supported Me in 2017!



Myself I would rather move from traditional social networks like FACEBOOK and help with the development of STEEMIT platform as much as I can. While currently I only add value true my posting and comments, I have in mind an app for providing better analyzed date for the regular steemer. I would use this platform as it is in the hands of the people and not of one company to hold all the goods.

Exactly, WE get rewarded for the time we spend creating our content and interactions we share with others in the community here... as opposed to having our privacy and personal data stolen and sold to the highest advertiser to support an inflated stock market price to appease shareholders.

I like the discussion about cross chain sharing. It opens up the power of creating content for steemit by allowing for a broader base of people to see this content. It would be awesome if they incorporated tools where you could choose to post links to your steemit article/content when you publish it on steemit. Make it as simple as all the FB/twitter/etc. symbols at the bottom of most articles commonly found on the internet.

The only downside is that you want quality posts to be shared on other platforms and low quality posts also get shared, it would perhaps hurt the reputation of steemit. However, high quality posts could enhance its reputation.

That is very true, spamming garbage across multiple chains would be a negative. This is were a better (and fairly balanced) self-governance system becomes important. Where flags adding up over time from the community can hurt a spammers's rep, which reduces rewards share over time to disincentivize that behavior, but maybe cannot be used to destroy accounts and rewards out-right like we see here on Steemit now just because a person disagrees with someone else's opinions.

It's definitely a thin line to walk, but hopefully others with the ability and capabilities to do so will figure it out. :-)

I appreciate your feedback.

I think this is a great topic for discussion and resteemed to get the discussion going.

that's pretty cool to know, i will always support you...

great thinking........it may be fruitful

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