BitShares Hangout #45 | 2017-11-04 | Sat @100PM UTC | OpenSource Agenda [Beyondbit Payouts Powered by SP!]

in #eos-project7 years ago (edited)

BitShares Hangouts Speakers and Worker Proposals Earn Beyondbits for Participating!

Use them to hire attendees and listeners for promotion of your work...or just pay yourself for documenting work done!

Notice: Beyondbit Payouts are BASED ON POST PAYOUTS and are sent After Final Payouts for this post are Received!

"Join weekly to speak with founding community members of the BitShares Enterprise Dex about history and current events in Cryptocurrency and earn some free BitShares Tokens!" ~officialfuzzy

Hangout Format:

This will go up at least 4 days before the BitShares Hangout. BitShares community members who post subjects to cover and bring topics of discussion are asked to do so in response to this post first. Worker Proposals are a Chief Focus in these hangouts, but other topics and projects are welcome to join. @officialfuzzy can finally pay people who have supported this powerful cryptocurrency for the past 4 years since its birth and evolution. So reply below with valuable topics, updates, info we should cover and earn upvotes from in this thread and earn a special bonus if yours are chosen!

How Much Time Per Topic?

Hangouts will be at least 45 minutes long, but depending on attendance and projects/topics to be covered may last up to 60 minutes. Given this, we will try to stay with 5-6 core topics and will fit in others where possible.

What do we Earn for Actively Participating?

Those who attend will each earn from a pool of bitshares that will be purchased with earnings from this post. They will then be given directly to you via our new guestbook that we are testing.
Fuzzy will be giving Beyondbits to community founders who attend this weekly hangout to give their own unique perspectives and expert commentary. He will also be giving them to people who give topics and information we choose to use in our hangout!
So make sure you get a BitShares Wallet!

And let's not get SP through upvoting quality information and content worth sharing with the top minds in crypto across the graphene ecosystem!

Is Any Topic Off Limits?

Yes. We reserve the right to learn from the newest trickster trolling steemit consistently searching for way to insert chaos into the equation and devise future strategies for negating these. Naturally if these efforts become ham-fisted attempts at shutting down free speech in honest conversations, the audience will hold us accountable.
But with that said....pretty much anything can be covered--even up to and including current events. However, I personally will only be voting up stories that touch the blockchain in some way shape or form and will be asking the community to downvote absolute Rubbish! ;)

Listen to Last Week's Lightly Edited Hangout

BeyondBits are powerful tokens worth upvotes on Steem, but you need to use BitShares Wallet and follow the instructions on WhaleShares.Net! So make sure you have a BitShares Wallet to receive and send them for upvotes on your steem posts!

Download BitShares Wallet

And of Course you can join Our EOStalk Discord

During the Week you can find us in Our 24/7 WhaleShares Server! (preferably the Adult Swim VOIP)

How to Join the Beyond Bitcoin Mumble where BitShares and Steem were born!

Or message officialfuzzy on WhaleShares Discord to ask about help creating a token.

How to Join Beyond Bitcoin Server

Step 1: Download Mumble Here
Step 2:

Step 3:
Enter the following information:

Label: BeyondBitcoin
Port: 64738
Username: Enter your username
Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3

Step 4: RSVP Below with the following details:

  1. Project/Topic Name/News Piece
  2. Relevant Steemit Tag?
  3. Appropriate links to share?
  4. Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker
  5. How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?
  6. What is your bitshares account name?

All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustenance. Post to to earn and pay others with a simple upvote!


Project/Topic Name/News Piece

  • Real Bitcoins To/From the Bitshares DEX

#bitshares #bitcoin #blockchain

Appropriate links to share?

Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker

How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?

  • @intelliguy wants to talk about a possibility of two bitcoin users exchanging bitcoin for BTS on the Bitshares network in a decentralized way without needing a gateway or centralized exchange, using Bitshares witnesses as the verifier.
    (Hard fork may be required, but maybe not?)

What is your bitshares account name?

  • intelliguy-bts

Show up and tell me if this is a GREAT idea, or if there are flaws. I think it's pretty darn good so far!

If you want to hear about this idea on mumble radio, please upvote THIS COMMENT.

This is one of the most voted for feature in OL's BTS3.0 bitsharestalk thread:

I already exchange (real) bitcoin for bitshares or one of many crypto for other crypto on bitshares internally/externally to help users in the community. So I say it is a good idea and that it works. Just have to see who is interested. Suggest finding trusted accounts/people to carry out the transactions safely. Such as witnesses as mentioned.

Glad to hear it. I hope I see you there if you can make it?

I swapping BTS for BTC in a trustless way is a crosschain atomic swap. I though you were going to talk about a trustless gateway for bitcoin? like a sidechain where people can deposit bitcoin on the dex in a semi trustless way?

Now that the talk is over, I wanted to focus on user perception of usage (after coming from centralized exchanges)...

The other part was using Subway sandwiches and Fiat as an "atomic swap" comparison. As you can see, I might have been talking about similar things as atomic swaps or trustless BTC gateways... but I needed to say it in a way that gets regular users voices heard as we move forward. I think now it makes more sense (after hearing the way I made the presentation) as to why I wanted to do what I did. :)

Thanks for your comments during the show. They were helpful.

Extract for this weeks Bitshares State of the Network report

  • BitShares-core (v2.0.171025) has been released. This is a change to the consensus rules so is classified as a hardfork and all participating witnesses need review and upgrade to the latest code base by the 2017-11-27 14:40:00 UTC flag date.

  • A new worker proposal titled ‘BitShares Greater China Representative’ has been proposed and approved this week. The worker proposal is for a large team in China to promote, educate and build out Bitshares in co-ordination with previously established representatives of Bitshares.

  • Bitshares (BTS) has been added to 3 new Exchanges this week Big.One, AEX and ZB.

  • Crypto Bridge has announced their Market Maker program which is active now and is on trial until the 30th of November. This is a great step forward in increasing the liquidity of their orderbooks by allowing market makers to take a cut of the fee’s by creating limit orders and filling out the books.

  • @jeremypeng from the BitUniverse team has announced Bitshares DEX support in their latest release of the BitUniverse mobile app. This means that you can track the price of any asset in bitshares DEX via the BitUniverse portfolio app.

Witness Proposal by Bill Butler

@billbutler, who currently manages the GUI team for BitShares, is proposing to run a witness on the BitShares blockchain and to operate an API node in eastern North America. His witness account is "billbutler-witness".

[Unfortunately I cannot attend this Hangout]

Blockchain Comparison Website

A new website has been prepared that compares various blockchains to each other based on the number of transactions. These can be ranked either by past 24-hours, 7-day daily average, or all-time max.

In this comparison, the Graphene chains such as Steem and BitShares rank higher than Bitcoin and Ethereum.

[Unfortunately I cannot attend this Hangout]

I'd like to talk about the fact that BitAssets are not pegged to stop them rising above their target price.

It was discussed her this week:,25223.0.html

IMO, not a problem for anyone other than the debt holders - they could be force settled above the feed price, but that's the risk you take as a shorter.

If this entity is only selling bitUSD and never buying back its debt, then say BTS was at a high value and dropped to a low value it would drain the reserve pool and if/when the worker proposal ended the entity would have insufficient collateral to buy back their shorted bitUSD at market rate (Especially if it's millions of bitUSD) which could potentially push bitUSD into a black swan state.

Getting market pegged assets such as bitUSD added onto exchanges would be more productive than injecting liquidity into markets at the risk of depleting the reserve pool & causing black swan events.

Thanks again for this awesome update! All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Going to try to make it on next week as I have LOTS to talk about!

just make sure if it is a topic that you want to talk about you are rsvping to do so.

Learning more Benyondbit

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