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RE: How Green is your electric car?

in #environmental6 years ago (edited)

I think that the problems of the electric cars are going to be solver sooner rather than later.
The car makers can be forced to provide sources for the lithium they use. Plus, the lithium won't be thrown out like small batteries, because cars are recycled and disposed in a very specific and controlled way, at least in Europe and in the US.
Lastly the energy is more and more green as the prices drop year by year on renewable energies.

So in the long term we will be green and so will the electric cars.
Did you know that 90% of the world's cocoa comes from working the same children in Africa?


Child labor in cocoa production
The widespread use of children in cocoa production is controversial, not only for the concerns about child labor and exploitation, but also because, as of 2015, up to 19,000 children working in Côte d'Ivoire, the world's biggest producer of cocoa, may have been victims of trafficking or slavery. Attention on this subject has focused on West Africa, which collectively supplies 69% of the world's cocoa, Côte d'Ivoire in particular, supplying 35%. Thirty percent of children under age 15 in sub-Saharan Africa are child laborers, mostly in agricultural activities that includes cocoa farming. It is estimated that more than 1.8 million children in West Africa are involved in growing cocoa.

I seriously hope that is the case, but I think we have to call out governments on this, because otherwise they will just pander to the demands of the multinationals who are set to make vast profits from this technology being introduced on such a mass scale.
And no matter how much the price of renewables falls, we're still going to need a lot more sources of electric power to meet the demand for these vehicles.
I do know that much of the world's cocoa is supplied via very unethical methods, and I never buy chocolate from the big multinational producers. Apart from anything else, the quality has fallen enormously in recent years. When I buy chocolate, I get either Willie's or Divine, both fairtrade suppliers and much tastier!

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