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RE: Topics You Can Never Change My Mind On

in #entrepreneurship7 years ago (edited)

Hmmm, sorry not sure that's a great metaphor for this. You can't compare on an equal plane a self aware developed human, presumably adult in this example, to a fetus.

Have you ever just simply considered what it would be like if you didn't want to have a child, but you were forced to go through a 9 month body altering process, a potentially dangerous and painful birth, and then have to be responsible for this child for the next 18 years of your life, at least?

Given the modern medical procedures to easily and humanely end pregnancy, it is utterly monstrous to suggest that a woman must be denied the right to end a pregnancy.


Why do you place a distinction on the level of human development relating to the rights held by the individuals in question while at the same time trying to insist that animals have rights? A fetus is a genetically unique human from conception and the first cellular division.

Take the airplane example. I have an extra weight burden and unwanted traveling companion. Does that mean I have the right to "humanely" kill and eject him?

I originally brought up animals to illustrate the inconsistency of calling for legislation outlawing abortion of human fetuses, while supporting the killing of other species (non fetal) via hunting, or for the inhumane treatment of animals otherwise killed for food. Also it tends to be a conservative policy preference to support the death penalty.

Certainly, a fetus is a genetically unique human from conception. However, prior to birth, with the lack of a developed neurological system and self awareness, as well as utilizing modern medical practices, it is possible to humanely terminate the life at this stage. I at least would hold myself to this standard - if aborting me would have improved my mother's life in any way at the time of my conception, I would not care at all. I would have no inkling of this at all.

There is no moral equivalency between a man killing a captive man within an airplane and a ending the life of a fetus. While both comprised of human genetic material, the developmental phase as well as the bodily autonomy of the mother are the key distinctions.

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