in #entertainment6 years ago

Goodevening ladies and gentlemen. Permit me to have the singular honour of welcoming you to yet another exciting episode of your favourite show, "Saturday Night with Zizy". Yes, it's been an amazing journey. While preparing for this show, I realized that this is the 15th episode and 16th week since the introduction of the show. Am I excited? Hell yeah! I am so excited I have come this far. Were there times I felt like giving up and abandoning the show? Well, truthfully, yes. It's been four months and it's been challenging.

Nevertheless, this show has recorded a great success thus far and this couldn't have been achieved without you, yes, you all my great viewers. I want to say a big thank you to @vheobong, @rebeccafl, @eurogee, @one-person, @dubem-eu, @rosyblessing, @preciousimo, @mizdais, @jeaniepearl, @korexe, @t-flames, @shemzy, @esttyb, @itoroarchibong, @oredebby, @bookoons, @dklef, @deeclown. You are all awesome and I can't thank you enough for all your support.

Without much Ado, DJ play the music in Jenifa's voice...LOL.


Last week on the show, we talked about when love dies and signs that show you are falling out of love with your partner. Relationship is no bed of roses. Every relationship has it's challenges and if care and attention is not given, the relationship dies a natural death. Nowadays, we believe that people are exchangeable. We opt for the easy way out of finding a new partner once we feel our partner is no good. We forget that everybody has flaws and so we shouldn't abandon someone because they need a little of inner repair and besides who says the new person will be any better?

True, feelings trapped in a loveless relationship is emotionally exhausting. It is a burden that you experience every moment of every day, wanting to commit or feel loved even simply wanting to be noticed and acknowledged by your partner and not having those desires met leaves an empty feeling. A loveless relationship simply means one or both of you are not having their expectation met. One of the first key to saving a loveless relationship is to find and fix the problem that is eating the relationship away. This starts from making sure you both want to fight for the love. It is a lost battle if only person is fighting to ignite the passion and love back in the relationship.



  1. Communicate. When one or both of you notice that the love is fizzling out and are interested in igniting the sparks then it is important to talk about the issues, listen to one another, list out what you actually believe is responsible and then offer your opinion. This is a good start. From there, progress to talking more. Talk about each other's day, talk about your feelings, ask questions where appropriate and offer advice when solicited. Do not overwhelm your partner with your irritations and worries. Compliment each other a lot and watch the gap bridged.

  2. Do the things you used to to when you first started dating. When we make our relationships a routine, it becomes boring and the love fizzles out. This wasnt so when the relationship was new, there were lots of interesting things to do. There were lots of Hangouts and surprises and this boosted the love. How about getting back to those things you did in the beginning that worked the magic.

  3. Be become less romantic as a relationship gets older. This shouldn't be so. Rekindle your love by sending flirtatious text or email in the middle of the day for no reasons. Lovers love to see surprise text messages and calls from their loved ones even in their busiest moment. Tease them a little bit and talk about how much you miss them you already know how to turn each other on mentally and physically, use that to your advantage.

  4. Re-evaluate the reason you are together. The first time you agreed to date each other and became a couple, what drew you to each other? Was it money, lust, loneliness or love? What qualities did they possess that you found valuable? Do they still have those qualities? Discuss about it and be open to constructive criticism and self improvement.

  5. Spend more time together. Be more into the relationship than before. Make yourself available and make your partner your priority. Avoid intervening factors like internet, television, friends, work etc that can ruin quality time spent together. Spend time together without distractions. Find a balance between your love life and other activities.

  6. Cut out external influences. When we let in external influence, it may ruin our love life. Some external influences brew toxicity. Keep your relationship private and if you must talk to anybody about it, watch who you tell and what you say. Do not go about exposing your partners flaws to others. They may have answers but such answers may do more harm than good. Make your partner your best friend. If you have issues, talk it out with your partner.

  7. Accept what you can't change. Learn to take the good with the bad, accept and work with what you can't change. Fighting over the same topic always worsens your relationship. All couples have perpetual problems and these problems are rooted in differences in personality, lifestyle, childhood or life experiences. Accept they are never going away, those messes, late nights, busy work schedule, eating habits etc. Honouring each other's uniqueness and finding common ground and being able to negotiate your differences can help strengthen a relationship.


In trying to re-ignite your love, bear it in mind that some people are just not compatible. Some relationships are bound to fail from the onset. It is what it is. Not all relationships can be saved. Abusive relationship either physical or emotional should never be saved.


Do not stay in a toxic relationship just because you have been together a long time and you don't want all that effort to just be picked up by someone else. You only hurting yourself. Let them go.

FUN CORNER(Just For Laughs)


Virginity used to be a wedding present, now it is a birthday present. What the hell happened to us? If you know you know.


Anonymous 1


@zizymena, I have an issue I would love to hear opinions from your followers. This is not a sex problem. I met this girl last week when I was coming out from the bank, she was trying to cross the road with my guy and i got attracted to her and so asked my guy to tell her someone is falling for her and she said he should give me her number. We have been talking on phone for close to seven days now and i think it is mutual because she calls/flashes a lot too. This morning while we were talking on phone, she complained about her dad, that he is annoying her and when I asked her what was wrong, she told me it is personal and so i let it slide. Later that day while we were chatting, she said she wants some help from me that I should please give her 5k. Remember we just started talking seven days days ago. Please guys, it you are in my shoe, will you give her the 5k because I am having double mind on that. Thanks

Anonymous 2


Dear Zizy, maybe I am paranoid but I think something is wrong in my relationship. Recently my boyfriend started acting weird. His calls dropped and then he almost never chats me up except I chat him up first. He also started using words like, 'hey", "hi" instead if hi sweetheart that he usually does. If i say I love you to him, he struggles to respond. I can feel it that he is struggling. Two Months now and we are yet to see each other which is unlike us. We see every two weeks before. I have asked him what was wrong severally but he keeps saying nothing please I am loosing my mind. What do you think? Don't ask me to talk to him about it because I have tried severally but he will still tell me I'm just complaining unnecessary that nothing is wrong.


Wow! What a trip all the way down here. We have finally come to the end of the show. I hope you enjoyed every part of it? If you have comments for every segment, do not worry Steemit doesnt penalize you for dropping more than 1 comment on a post. Why not express yourself and check out other peoples comment too? It's always fun interacting.

If you love this show and want to support, your SBDs and Steem are very welcomed. Supporters so far are @eurogee, @amec and @samminator@sammest and @smyle. Thanks a lot guys.
I hate to leave you but leave you I must.

Until next time when I come your way again, same time, same blog, more hosts, I remain

Yours truly


About the falling out of love... I don't really know the possibilities of that ever happening in true love!

Great show Zizy. Thanks for the tips. Communication is key for every relationship to grow well. We need to continuously rekindle the fire we started with in our relationships.

Fun corner
So funny, but anyway, we still have people who are still faithful and will give out their virginities as a wedding gift.

Anonymous 1
Well... We have different people all over. Some ladies are so spoilt and have no shame. I dunno sha, but as for me, even till now, I dnt know how to ask a guy for anything. If you give me on your own, fyn, if not, leave it. If I'm the guy, I would clearly say it... Babe, we've only met for a week and u'r already asking me for money... In a polite way anyway. To me, I feel what the lady did is wrong, what if she didnt meet the guy. Ladies shld learn to hold on to themselves when it comes to stuffs like this. Men are not ATMs

Anonymous 2
The truth is that the guy is tired of the relationship, or maybe going through difficult times. The lady should just give him space. Whrn he needs her,he'll call, if he doesnt, so be it.

Guys, check @oredebby out, with this comment she has proven to be wife material, 100 yards😁😁😁. Thanks for advising the ladies, the earlier we stop seeing men as a financial solution, the better for us

Hahahahhahaha Zizy what I do now??? Lol

Tiri gbosa for you @oredebby

Anonymous 1..

Don't send any money... A decent girl won't be asking for 5thousand naira from a guy she just met barely a week.. I think she want to turn you to her not pay.

anonymous 2

If you want to know how he feels toward you, ignore him for a month. Within that period.. If he doesn't call or text or even care to know the reason you didn't contact him... Just let him go.... The love has faded....

@burlarj straight to the point. Dont you think ignoring him for a month is rather too long? When you say ignore does it mean dont answer his calls and reply his text? What if the young man is going through a rough patch?

It may not be up-to a month, what I mean is that she should not try to contact him first... And moreover if he is going through tough times, he should not let others pay for it.. He is a man

Every episode has been a hit back to back
And i love this, relationship can be very hard sis. Humm it is well.
Ano1. Humm, try send half of the money to her not all... Then guve her time, if she continu asking then no say u be maga

Ano 2- bae i understand that feeling, i'm sure you care that y u noticed those things...
Give him time, he might be going through hard times. Give it time bae, cheers😘
And also let him know how you feel.
Bye zizy

Hehehe @rebeccafl darling, thanks for alwats coming to the show. Your points are noted. Why give her half?

Well done @zizymena this show is growing and will keep growing, more greese to your elbow.
I enjoyed the show now i think its time to share my opinion.


Bros, bros there is one raving comedy going around "ja paa" (run for your life), its absurd for her to request for money just in 1week of talking. Its bad even you in your mind you know its not a good thing and the girl has already lose your respect like that. My advice if you have the capacity to give her, give her and stop talking or thinking you can date her, she is a parasite.

An highly demanding girlfriend is a parasite to her boyfriend's growth.


Am very sorry for what you might be feeling right now, i understand its so painful, but this should be an eye opener to you, i know how guys think, few guys act weird in a relationship, but the rest act the same way, this follows that if he is still inlove with you, he"ll always check up on you, so now that its the opposite, the answer is clear, he has moved on or put you on hold while screwing another lady. We guys are so greedy, greed has taken him to another lady's honeypot for now just forget it, wait for him he"ll come back, when he comes sis, suffer him oo..

There are so many relationship that was over and the other partner does not even know.

Thanks @zizymena for this wonderful show, last show solved my friend relationship issue, i would have shared a screenshot but for security reasons, they are both off steemit but soon i will invite them and they will give their testimony first hand..PEACE...

Awwww, @deeclown are you serious? I so love testimonies. Oh thank you so much. Im glad i could help someone outside steemit. I particularly love your advice to anonymous 2.

few guys act weird in a relationship, but the rest act the same way, this follows that if he is still inlove with you, he"ll always check up on you, so now that its the opposite, the answer is clear,

True fact. When a guy loves you, he will make himself availablw for you.

Oya...what will u say again? The comments have said it all. Wawuuuu!!! These got me shouting. Your brain is on 6g Ma. Amazing Saturday night 💞💞💞💞💋💋💋💋💋

Awwww @gwenflorida, this is your first time on my show. I owe you a gift as a first timer. I hope you will come around more.

Your consistency to this programme despite low pay out and steem price depreciation is very encouraging. Keep it up dear, it will surely get better.
Your advice on how to rekindle love are apt and very realistic.
To anonymous 1
If you can afford the money without expecting any reward or payback, then give her.

Anonymous 2

Long distance relationships are no no for me because it usually get intruded by any passerby who is usually always at reach. I think you need to have a heart to heart chat about your relationship with him before talking any step.

Amen o @dubem-eu, sincerely i have had my moments i felt like giving up but knowing someone like you would want to come around, it spurs me to keep pushing. Thank you for all your support.

You are the first to say something mature to anonymous 1 and thats just the fact. While feel she is out to rip you off. Its a simple case of yes and no.

Interesting. This is another mind blowing edition as always. I especially love your definition and thoughts about love and relationship. To affirm to your line of thought, true feeling trapped in a loveless relationship brings about emotional decadence. Exit such relationship!

In trying to re-ignite your love, bear it in mind that some people are just not compatible. Some relationships are bound to fail from the onset. It is what it is. Not all relationships can be saved. Abusive relationship either physical or emotional should never be saved.

  • Please say my hello to anonymous 1 Though the guy jonez big time. How on Earth would you think that a girl you met in a situation like that will be reasonable. As far as the babe is concerned you are just another "incumbent maga" on the side. My guy go get a life or better still, try run the girl package and run afterwards! Nor fall my hand

  • Anonymous 2 please don't feel bad darling. I think it's obvious he has gotten fed up with you. I might be wrong though. Perhaps you just need to give him some time. Have you tried confirming if he isn't facing any life challenges of late? I mean, that could cause a change in the behavior of our spouse sometimes. Whatever it is, I just need you to be strong and try to really find out what is diverting his attention.

**Thank you @zizymena for the 'south shout'. All the best, amazing Saturday we've had.
I bet you're well? Good evening

Wow @dklef, im so excited to see your comment as the first on this episode, you deserve a gift from me. Thank you for agreeing with that true love trapped in a loveless relationship kills emotions. As for anonymous 1, okay i laughed all tgrough.

For 2, you are so right. Maybe the youngman is going through a rough patch in his life at the moment that is taking a toll on him. Thanks for coming around dear. Im grateful.

Lol. Thanks for having me. Always nice reading from you.

Another one from steemit momma 🙌🙌

For anonymous 1, ladies don't try that Shit with me because that will be a good bye, it's just 7days for crying out loud!! , don't be deceived, she has been calling and giving you alot of missed calls because of this, Tell her you don't have!! You are not ATM.

For anonymous 2, He is tired of you my dear, why not just give him a little break and see if he still misses and want you or even notice that, then you decide if his act was deliberate or not.

Hehehehe, how long does a lady need to stay before asking a guy for money @sola3097?

It is natural , no time frame but this was way too early

That was a great one @zizymena. For the first case, I will say if you have the 5k to spare you can give it out and consider it a charity gift. Nothing is too sure anymore. If you know you know

Hehehe @mychidera-eu, please which one is charity gift?

The kind if gift you give without expecting any thing in return

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