in #entertainment6 years ago

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It's another Saturday and time for your favorite block chain show that helps mend and build stronger relationships on the block chain. Yes, it is Saturday night with Zizy. If you notice I didn't say it is a beautiful saturday, this is because the crypto dip has really affected so many of us and if not for the love that some of us have for writing and also the fact that others feel obligated, so many of us would have stopped steeming by now but oh well, I would say I'm hopeful that the market shows green soon enough so everywhere will be as sizzling and as bubbling as it used to be. I miss the traffic on my blog and I'm sure you miss yours too.

Last week outing well, we recorded a very low turn out and you know why, with the crypto dip as I mentioned earlier and the ongoing world cup, so many couldn't make it to the show but some still made it a point of duty to show up and lil token of appreciation have been sent to each and everyone of you. Let me still use this medium to say a big thank you to @mizdais, @jeaniepearl, @julietisreal, @doris-adioha, @igweyakubu, @itoroarchibong @korexe, @dklef, @preciousimo, @rebeccafl and @shollstun for coming to the show last week. @one-person, @dubem-eu, @eurogee, @oyinoza ,@vheobong, @iamthegray, @esttyb and @surfyogi, I missed your lovely comments and I hope to see you around today.

Without much Ado, let's go straight into the crux of the matter but before we start,

DJ play the music in jenifa's voice...LOL



Love is a strange feeling. So many have tried to give it a definition but who can truly understand how it operates? Love hits you when you least expect. One moment you are in love, butterflies in your stomach and lots of daydreaming and fantasies. The feeling of falling in love with someone is perhaps the most fantastic and excited feeling you could experience in the world. You feel so lucky to be love by the one you love and then promised of forever follows. We all have been there. But then, things take a turn and trust goes, all of the assurances and security goes out of the window and things are not longer the same. Love starts to die a very slow death.


There are so many factors that can cause love to die. Sometimes it is intentional and other times we do not know that a particular attitude or habit is killing the love our partner has for us. For those who have suffered series of heartbreak, opening the door to love again takes so much work and when they finally let go, they feel a ton of fear about loosing love so they try to lock it in place.Ironicaly, this coping mechanism backfires because the tight fence they build around love suffocates it in the end. Love cannot be boxed in.

In the same vein, overthinking and preempting your partner's action is another love killer. When you overthink and overthink and over analyze your partner's every word, movement, action or even thoughts, it killed any chance of intimacy or connection. Worrying and trying to figure out someone's intention versus taking them at face value is a sign of emotionally operating from the past in an afford to stay safe in the present and this past ends up hurting the present.


Love is work, look at love as trying to loose weight, when you exercise and eat healthy you lose weight and stay healthy but when you stop, you add weight and become obese. Great relationships dont just happen. A relationship does not grow without love and care and attention. Anger and resentment kills love so fast. Lack of willingness to compromise and meet each other half way, when love becomes what I want then the relationship becomes a negotiation between two selfish point of views. Sometimes, you need to put love first before your ego.

Love dies when one simply do not care anymore. Your partner no longer means anything to you and then you start taking them for granted. You criticize everything they do. Critical remarks sends a clear message, "you are incompetent, inadequate and inept". Comparison sets in and then expectations that cause nasty fights and arguments sends love flying through the window.

There are so many factors that can kill love slowly. Having a partner who Stonewall and will never want to communicate is also a part of it. When you feel like you have to love your partner in a certain way or do certain things to make them happy or act in a certain way to get the love you deserve from them, love starts to disintegrate and dies slowly. Boredom, distractions, wandering libido etc are all killers of love.

When love is dying, it usually doesn't show signs at the beginning. It can sneak up on you as quietly as falling in love did in the beginning. How can you tell your love a dying or your partner love for you is diminishing?


  1. NO FUTURE PLANS: When we fall in love, it comes with lots of fantasies and we can't stop making plan and picturing yourself in each other's future. Talks about number of kids, where to live and even wedding plans are always pleasant but when love is dying, such topic becomes sore and it is entirely avoided.

  2. "I LOVE YOU" IS RELEGATED: Lovers always want to say "I love you" to each other not because they do not know they love each other but because saying it feels like a reminder, a reassurance and to some, avow renewal. When love is dying, saying those words becomes a burden. You may try to force it out with a smile but it really doesn't work. This is because the less you feel it, the less you say it and sometimes, you want to change the subject immediately.

  3. COMMUNICATION DIES: The hours spent on phone, giggling, chatting and laughing reduces drastically. Texting becomes less because suddenly there is nothing to talk about. You naturally avoid conversations.

  4. NO MORE INTIMACY: If it happens at all, you try to make it as quick as possible. Snuggling up in the couch, a stolen kiss in the kitchen, a tight Hug and even something as simple as holding hands feels like you are being smothered. Intimacy suddenly feels wrong and then you crave for privacy and some space.

  5. FAULT FINDING: When love is dying,you start noticing flaws. These flaws may have been there from the onset but you were too blinded by love to notice them or perhaps you did notice but overlooked it. Suddenly you start noticing things that are deal breakers for you. Everything gets on your nerves. You can't stand his whispering while he is bathing or the sound he makes while he is eating. The cute little habits ain't cute anymore and his funny jokes becomes dry.

  6. SUBTLE UNKINDNESS: You become so unkind and every request meets a "NO" response. you don't care anymore and you are not afraid to show it. You are no longer willing to compromise and you become defensive whenever little issues arises with a handy threat to end the relationship at every given opportunity.


When you start desiring so much to be single again and even starts noticing someone of the opposite sex, it simply means your relationship is in danger. But can a dying love be rekindled? This will be a topic of discourse next time on this show.


Love is like a flower, it flourishes when watered with care and nurtured with affection and dries up when left untouched. Only you can make your relationship beautiful.



If she doesn't get angry or gets mad at you, my brother forget it, you are not her real boyfriend.


Anonymous 1

Hi @zizymena please post and keep me anonymous. This is for a friend of mine thats need help. I wouldnt want anyone to judge me, all I need is sincere advise. I'm a Nigerian based in Ghana. I went to Ghana to seek for greener pastures and there I became a call girl. During one of my night work I hooked up with a client who really liked me. After that night, he told me he doesn't want to share me with any other man and so I became his personal mistress and from there he asked me to marry him after some months and I agreed. He made me stop my job but the problem is he doesn't give me money. He buys everything we need in the house but he doesn't give me cash at hand. I have asked him to set me up with a business and he refused. I'm not happy. I came to Ghana to make money to take care of me and my family and now my fiance won't let me go back to my business or give me money. Once I challenged him and he beat me severely. I am confused. I don't know what to do. Should I runaway and go back to Nigeria or please what should I do? I am tired of the relationship.

Anonymous 2

I have been dating Joy for 3 years now. She is a student of Ozoro polytechnic but based in warri. She always visits me at Benin whenever she is on holidays but I never knew where she lives. Last week, a business trip took me down to warri and so I decided to use that opportunity to see Joy and get to know where she lives. I called and asked where she was and she told me she was home. I now told her that I'm in warri and I would love to come know her house. She replied that she is going to the market and that we should meet on the road that no need of me coming to her place. I insisted I want to know where she lives so she should send me addy so I can come meet her up. Next thing her phone was switched off. I called and called and later left back to Benin. Three days later, Joy called to inform me that she had flat battery that was why her phone went off. I don't know why I don't believe her. I have made up my mind to quit the relationship but I want to be sure I am doing the right thing. Please help me analyse this situation. It's anonymous ba? Thanks


Wow! What a trip all the way down here. We have finally come to the end of the show. I hope you enjoyed every part of it? If you have comments for every segment, do not worry Steemit doesnt penalize you for dropping more than 1 comment on a post. Why not express yourself and check out other peoples comment too? It's always fun interacting.

If you love this show and want to support, your SBDs and Steem are very welcomed. Supporters so far are @eurogee, @amec and @samminator@sammest and @smyle. Thanks a lot guys.
I hate to leave you but leave you I must.

Until next time when I come your way again, same time, same blog, more hosts, I remain

Yours truly



Wow very nice one

Reply to the first anonymous...
So you stopped the journey to an unknown city and drove into hell? You better runaway from there... Anyway the reward you are getting from him is worth the punishment for prostitution if your call girl means the call girl I know but if the other then young lady run away from such deadly association... Get back your career and make moeny. 😂😂😂

Anonymous 2
Hey dude! Do you know if she's living with her parents and she can't let you get close to avoid embarrassment?
Do you know if she's living in a very poor class area and wouldn't stand you knowing her real background?
Do you know you're abit insane pressurizing her to take you home?
Do you know you're not educated enough to know she's hiding something and it could be for good or bad and you should let that be?
Do you know switching off her phone was the best decision to make when you were being unreasonable?

Great episode and I must commend this one @zizymena
I've had alot of dead relationships and I must say I can't even tell a good reason for the death of the relationships. But twice it has been distance problem and fading into thin air...
Once, influence of a close friend on my boyfriend. But later he came to realize the damage his friend caused and it was too late.
Then betrayal... Avoiding responsibilities...

Mostly relationships in my state here crashes for no reason... Even after investigation, you just don't find a good enough reason for their breakups.

But I'm looking forward to the next episode because I totally do not believe that a dying or dead relationship can be rekindled.

yours lovely, Itoro Archibong! 😘

Hehehehe @itoroarchibong honestly your advice cracked me up but i believe no matter what her reason is for not taking him home, she should have explained. According to him, she said she lives alone in warri so really wgat could be her reason?

Yeah about reasons why love dies, the list is endless. Everybody has their tale you know? It could be betrayal or even bad advice from friends like you mentioned.

Ok....i got here first. Thats awesome. Ypur show is awesome. I always look forward to it. You've earned my loyalty as a super fan.

Please what do you mean by wandering libido.

You've spoken deserve accolades. I wish i can dash you 100 upvote from a whaleish acct. You're too much. Keep doing what you do, i see you expanding. If you need help anytime, am a dm away.

Love is beautiful work, love is sweet hardwork, love is a work, a life work.

If you say you love someone, what you just said is, i want to commit the rest of my life to loving you, everyday.

Love is a responsibility. It requires work. What is work if your fellow man isn't working.
Both parties work at it.

You've pretty much said everything. But one thing i know is that thw success of every relationship, love relationship depends on communication and learning.

You're two people, why no learn about each other instead of assuming.
And communication, most times, he doesn't hear what you say and he doesn't say what you heard. is crazy.

To the first anonymous, sister.. i know you're pretty. No offence but a change of name for the profession is still what it is. He is your fiance and he is already beating you, that is wrong. And i want to ask. When he is having sex with you, how does he treat you. Like a call girl or like a lover?
Secondly, babe, your life is your life. Please get honest means and work. Dont go back to being a call girl. If he doesn't want you to work, i don't think that solves the problem. You know what you want. And i suggest you make up your mind, if he can hit you, please don't tell him you are going to naija at arms reach. Just be careful.
I believe in honest means, even if they pay little, if you manage the funds rightly, you will enjoy the life you desire.

And number two, that guy is funny, after casting, he is asking if its anonymius. I love your humor. Youre dating for three years. And joy never wants you to come visit. Sir, something is fishy. Either she is married or hiding something that she feels might get you heart broken, please call her over to visit you, and set US or Go before her. If your mind carry am. I feel you need to talk things over.

Sorry i wrote you a post @zizymena i love your show too much. I celebrate you.

Hehehehe, you always write a post sweetheart and i love reading from you. You are so rich when it comes to giving relationship advice. Hope you would come to discord, i nedd you to DJ @t-flames

Another wonderful edition. These helpful tips help keep the relationship zizzling.

Anonymous 1;
Run as fast as your legs can take you. Infact, run back to Nigeria, there are businesses you can do that does not require so much capital to start from there you'll grow. He's already beating you and you aren't married yet, what happens when he feels he owns you?

Anonymous 2;
Joy is lieing to you. She's playing games. I wouldn't be too surprised if you walk into her in Benin one day. If you do care about her, ask her for the truth, if she doesn't tell you, biko, walk away.

@bookons you are so direct with your advice, i love that. Thanks girl for coming around.

you make Saturdays on Steemit something to look up to

keep it flowing dear
enjoyed this as always

Thank you so much darling, its always a pleasure seeing you

I love these love tips
What causes love to die
I'm not a relationship expert so I'm just gonna sit and learn from the pros.

How can you @julietisrael that is versatile not know anything about relationships?

Awwwn! Good to be here this week.

Topic for the week
Attraction and passion may bubble at first but it takes true love to keep pushing the relationship. This is one of the reasons why marrying ones friend is key.

If after a few months,the relationship is already hitting the rocks. Then that means
it has failed to get to the marriage stage.

True love does exist. I do hope to come across it again. Nice topic for this week @zizymena.

Anon 1
Go and get your source of income. There are little jobs you can do and earn instead of using your body as a work tool for money.

The fact that he is hitting you ain't good.
There is really a need to re-train girls on how to make their own money. The way some ladies take shit from guys 'cos he has a few bills to throw around is somehow.

Anon 2
You try o,3 years and she is not being plain with you.
This looks like a situationship not relationship. Best you move on and ensure you have proper communication in your next relationship.

Thanks @esttyb for coming around, yes i agree that true love does exist but do you believe true love also dies?

To anonymous her problem is she has no cash whatsoever and things aint rosy anymore. Would you advise she quits the relationship?

Hello @zizymena

I agree with you 100% on love, how it grows and also dies. I believe love is a work that has to be worked on by both parties if something positive gonna come out of it.

my responses to the anonymous persons

  1. Quite a complicated issue. If I were you, I wld just leave the guy and return back to Nigeria.

  2. Leave the gal. She must be hiding something from you. My candid opinion.

Thanks @zizymena for a wonderful show. Resteemed

@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities

Thank you so much for coming around. Your advise is straight to the point, i guess you dont have time to write much today. I always look forward to seeing you

Another wonderful episode here today from our amazing @zizymena!
In summary, i would say that the gradual death of love starts with Loss of trust for serious relationships.

Anonymous 1: Its quite a dicey situation because you have agreed to married him but, my advice is to discuss this with him amicably. But if he is an injurious and violent man, we don't have to tell you to take an exit, you can't sustain such relationship.

Anonymous 2: it is obvious there's something fishy, quitting the relationship should be a result of the lady not willing to give you a comfortable reason why she acted that way. Trust is very important.

Keep Shining @zizymena and thank you for your gift 😘

You are all about trust from the beginning to the end. It must matter a lot to you right? @preciousimo

Oh sweetheart..Yes it does @zizymena
It is quite fundamental to me and I've seen it affect stuff deeply

It's been a while and I had to break rules to come check the show.
I like your topic today, this is what happens to almost everyone, at first the relationship is like it's not gonna end and after few months we begin to notice their weaknesses, it only takes a mature mind to stand.


The two anonymous seems confusing , sometimes I don't like to conclude on someone else's issue because such mistakes happen to me too and I called them "the truth" but when it happens to another I see them as "a lie" . Especially to anonymous 2.

Anonymous 1
Running away doesn't solve anything, I believe it was a Christian marriage which permit no divorce or separation, it was sworn as for better for worst,so stay and work things out. Now I don't know if you introduced your husband to your parents or it was just a two persons agreement if you did,It would have solved one of your problem. Going back to your old life is not an option now that you are married and relaying on him for money to start a business has already proven bad. Why ? Because he doesn't trust you. So the only thing to do aside the options other advisers has given, make him trust you to be faithful, he may change his mind ,if no,then do what @igweyakubu advice

Anonymous 2
She have a reason to have done what she did,it's you to find out. That will be only through communication and trying what @igweyakubu advice

Hi @shemzy, its good to have you on ths show again, its been a while. It sure takes a mature mind to sustain a relationship.

For anonymous 1, they are not married just engaged and for the anonymous 2, that is also what i told him. Let me read @igweyakubu and see his comments. Meanwhile, i have a token for you. Thank you for coming around

If they are not married, then she have no reason to stay back. Just that going back to her old life will be a bad decision to take

Hi @zizymena, sorry I couldn't make it to your last edition, the ongoing World Cup put me in a bad mood that day.
On your topic for today, you tried so much and actually did justice to it. I wish to quickly add that trust is the foundation of every relationship and once trust is lost, the relationship is as good as dead.
To anonymous 1
Your problem is that you are not searching for love rather money but unfortunately you met love and expected love to yield money. Sorry it doesn't work that way.
Choose for yourself what you want and go for it. If I can advise you, please relax and see what was the guy is up to, he may be the help you are seeking to have.
Anonymous 2
If you ask me, I will say that you should quit the relationship as the girl have some cockroaches in her cupboard.

The world cup really affected so much @dubem-eu so i understand. Just know i missed you and yeah trust is one of the love killers there is. Whether it is one partner suspecting the other or the lne being suspected, once trust becomes an issue, love starts to suffer.

Thank you for the advice to the anonymous. It was apt

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