TV as Tunnel Vision: Tuning Out Never Felt so Good

in #entertainment7 years ago (edited)

Join me in this brief video chat as I talk a little about some of the benefits I have experienced personally as a result of being disconnected from the "boob tube."

As an aside, it also seems to me that Facebook is similar to television in many ways, and is quickly becoming a social media/internet extension of what we call "TV." Think how much the "online debates" on Facebook are based on whatever garbage is pumping through CNN, FOX, and MSNBC.

Here's the vid:



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


i hardly ever watch the tv any longer.. the nightly or daily news is literally never on in this house. It's wonderful :) very peaceful lol

I like the vlog and I have a few questions. Do you not think the news online is bought by the government? Also, on a more personal note, when did you move to Japan? Thanks and I look forward to reading more about you as I follow you.

Mainstream news sites like CNN are definitely bought and paid for by the state. I don't think all news online though, is, and that's the beauty of the internet.

Thanks. I came to Japan about 7 years ago.

If I'm not mistaken (No proof) but I believe all radio & tv stations are owned by I think 2 major corps. now, and both receive funds from the .Gov ... so, yea ... All biased, lies and propaganda ...

Read More, Reason More ... JTS

There is proof, all you have to do is look at the conglomerate who owns said network and see who owns them etc until you get to the top. Last I checked it was 3 multinationals that own the large majority of media. A few web searches will provide you details.

lol ... I understand that, my point was that all that really don't matter, its a propaganda machine .. I need no citations or proof .. too old to waste my time on a moot point ...

Wasn't arguing with you... just stating a fact.

Oh yes, I agree for sure. But also, how can people like you and me help regulate the internet so it isn't paid for by the state?

One of my friends just told me about "mesh networks," which don't require ISPs and are basically a series of decentralized nodes. At the end of the day, they still rely on undersea cables, but they can be set up so as to function somewhat independently to avoid censorship to a certain degree.

I'm brand new to the topic so am kind of learning now.

That makes 2 of us. Thanks for the information.

Mesh networks still have some serious limitations, but they are currently effective on a small scale, say for a medium to small sized town. Nationally or internationally would be a lot more difficult tho. Currently at some point they still have to connect to the regular internet.

By wanting to regulate you are BECOMING the state .... freedom of information is self controlled by the market (Us) As soon as the state takes control, we will construct our own, as we are doing now with wireless ISP, broadcasting in essence like the old days of radio ..

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I think the key is you want to avoid regulation to keep the internet free...

I haven't had a broadcast TV signal coming into the house for about 5 years. I watch documentaries and lectures and some films, but all are my choice and free of advertising. News I can get online, from multiple sources and points of view - then aggregate in my head!

That sounds great. And yes, "aggregate in my head"! For sure!

I got rid of cable 9 months ago, and haven't watched any TV. I do spend more time on the internet (and lately Steemit!), however, I have more control over what is entering into my mind. This has been a time of trying to educate myself instead of trying to "veg out" and turn off my mind.

I find that "vegging out" with a book, or by being outdoors, or people watching in a café or airport is so much healthier than the Facebook and TV vegging. The internet is great. Like you said, you can control it. After hours of watching TV I would feel so isolated and almost alienated from everything.

Great point. To me, "vegging out" with a book or outdoors is actually filling my mind, even if I am putting on idle mode, where as TV is shutting off my mind. Hard to explain, but a book or outdoors stimulates and at the same time relaxes my mind, whereas TV is a cold shutoff, and opening the valves to receive whatever the producers want to inject.

That's true. Great point.

B r o ! Its called (TV) programming for a reason !!! lmao I quit watching the propaganda/indoctrination machine (TV) almost 5 yrs ago, only movies or sht I liked, but NO news (Lies) programs, and when I did, muted all commercials ... I agree with you 100% Inet is awesome for truth/news ! Hey Great post, keep it up, Spread the love !

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Wife and I kicked the TV out couple of years ago and never looked back. It does wonders for your mental hygiene. These days when I go to my parents place and watch the crapbox I am always shocked how low quality the TV content really is and how invasive are commercial breaks. TV really rapes your brain.

"Mental hygiene." Indeed. It really does rape your mind.

i love your post!! check out my blog please
blessings from spain

You haven't even had time to watch it...


I stopped watching TV in my home over 15 years ago. I instantly felt my brain start to recover and never regretted it for a minute. Facebook/social media with its constant consciousness shattering click for endorphin systems are in a lot of ways worse though. That is not even to mention the privacy aspects of such systems.

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