TGIF WITH @jeaniepearl .....episode 4
Can somebody say yeah! yeah!....... Yupee!! It's Friday again and you are on to TGIF WITH @jeaniepearl. Make some noise..........tell a steemian "the real deal is about to get started".wondering why am super active today? I have here with me, a beauty Queen,ever crazy and dramatic, don't mind her innocent look, she has been bursting my head here with her funny acts and crazy words.
yeah!!! It's @mimy
@jeaniepearl ~ you are welcome to TGIF WITH @jeaniepearl, thanks for honouring my invite and congratulations on being my 4th guest.
@mimy ~ stands up and wave her hands to the air with her waist twisted yeah!!!!!!
@jeaniepearl ~ Tell us something about Mimy the steem blockchain doesn't know already
@mimy ~ Okay, that would be a bit about my health. Just few days ago, I produced a the drama video which I used in introducing DeDramaClub. In the video, I acted the role of an asthmatic patient who suffers an asthma attack after a tragic breakup. Okay, yeah, it may be a fiction but I can relate to it.
My passion for acting, dancing and writing requires a lot of energy and stress. Several times, this has affected me and stopped me from doing some of the things I want to do.
But I am much more stronger now compared to my days in the university and I think it’s passing away already.
@jeaniepearl ~ What excites you most about steemit?
@mimy ~ Of all the human parts, I have a certain attraction towards the hands and the eyes and steemit works with this body parts.
On steemit, you make yourself into what you want to be, through your hands by hands I mean talents and works. I see a lot of people building their dreams on steemit.
Steemit is a beautiful starting point for anyone.
And with our eyes, we use it to see, read and upvote quality posts…. Lol
@jeaniepearl ~ How did your steemit journey begin and what can you say about the journey so far?
@mimy ~ bursts out in laughterLol….. Wanna know why I laughed? Hahaha…. I remember those times when I used to write quality posts for people just for little amounts and sometimes they would be so wicked, breach the agreement and give me airtime instead… Ah, Jide, wherever you are, God is seeing you… Lol
Okay, I joined steemit in August, 2017, I was introduced by @ehiboss. It wasn't quite stressful as I was a little bit contented with the little I was getting but I eyed the biggies and I planned and hoped to get there someday.
My journey so far as been stressful, sweet, discouraging but yet fulfilling and I haven’t even arrived yet.
I have started a bit on the things I said I would achieve on steemit and I am coming for the rest…. Yeah blows kisses
@jeaniepearl ~ A little bird told me that steemit gave you your heart rob,what can you say about that?
@mimy ~ Hehehe, I love birds, If u had said Cats nao, I would have demanded that it be skinned alive. While in school oneday, I slept and left the door a little bit opened, woke up in the middle of the night, and wooh! I saw a cat beside me, Lol, You can chat me up to hear the rest of the story..
Okay, first I should begin my saying who my hearthrob is, Yeah, that’s @ehiboss and steemit did not give me my heartthrob.
I have known @ehiboss for over ten years. Yeah, we were childhood friends. Haha, we used to exchange love letters to each other back then.
Well, as they would say, If something is yours, let it go, if it comes back to you then it’s yours to take. That’s the best way to describe me and my heartthrob… Heathrob? Lol… I call him My Chocolate.
@jeaniepearl ~ You blew our mind days back by the announcement of Dedramaclub. Can you throw more light on what dedramaclub has for steemit
@mimy ~ Hahaha. I hope your minds are still on fire. (Winks)
DeDramaClub hopes to bring crazy, fresh, juicy, and beautiful entertainment to steemit. It would do this through videos and pictures.
DeDramaClub would tell historical, classical, traditional and modern stories.
Okay, So there is a rumour that the DeDramaClub might be performing at the Owerri meet up.
DeDramaClub is very much open to more newbies. You can drop your details to me on steemit chat @mimy
Or here is the invite link.
stands up and fake epilepsy ahhhh don't be scared, it's just an act. Up DEDRAMA CLUB!!
@jeaniepearl ~ With your experience on steemit, what tips will you give to a newbie who is frustrated because of low payout and at the verge of giving up.
@mimy ~ Steemit is a big sea, there are so many fishes in a sea but there is space enough for you.
Engage yourself with the community, don’t just post, bounce out and expect a Nigerian Angel to bounce on it.
On steemit, you really cannot survive alone, that’s just how the community is built. You need different forms of help, hence, go and seek that help.
Another tool is self-discovery. You have to discover who you are and hold unto that then never let go.
@jeaniepearl ~ Who is your steemit role model? Why?
@mimy ~ No one in particular. I am motivated by every good thing you say and do.
@jeaniepearl ~ If you had the power to change something about steemit,what would that be?
@mimy ~ The platform is based on what I would call, the survival of the fittest, while this might help stimulate you mentally, it is also highly discouraging.
If I had the power, I would increase curation activities… so many 0.00 everywhere.
@jeaniepearl ~ Name 5 people that inspire you the most on steemit and 5 people that have contributed the most in your steemit journey.
@mimy ~ A lot of people have inspired me on steemit. Everyone I ever exchanged even the smallest of conversation with has inspired me.
Yeah, a lot of people have contributed in my steemit journey but I would mention this few.
@ehiboss, every man should be a pillar and every woman should provide warmth and happiness and be the foundation of the pillar. You are my rock. I am your beautiful rock too joor, lol.
members of genesisproject
@switmag, my twin sister, my number 1 supporter any day, anytime.
@You, yes, you.
@jeaniepearl ~ Shout out to your fans
@mimy ~ My loyalty lies with DedramaClub... A toast to more Drama and more Dramatic insane sanity.
To the entirety of Genesis project, I scream One love.
All steemians reading this, I say, You are too much!
@jeaniepearl ~ we have a lot of shoutouts and bottled messages popping in. Awwww @mimy I don't feel like letting you go,I had a swell time and am sure my fans enjoyed your company too. You have been awarded 1 SBD for being my guest. Thanks so much for coming.
@mimy ~ it's an honour being your guest,especially with the fact that @surfyogi sat on this same seat last Friday, I think am a whale already, hahahahahahahaha.
@sweetestglo-eu ~ @blinks Dear sweet, like I nicknamed you my Alpha male and romantic to a fault, You are strong, Loving, caring, sweet and doesn't tolerate any Bs.. You are not perfect but my perfection, you are the reason why I am strong, you push me beyond my comfort zones.. You have challenged me to be a better woman. You are a caring dad and I get jealous of your relationship with your son! Truly the best. Thank you for choosing me to spend the rest of your life.. Thank you for 12years! Thank you for being a friend! Cheers to more years together!
@rebeccafl ~ I am making a shout out to @ehiboss and @mimy,Thanks for the NDJT contest, thanks for the money, more funds into your accounts.
@evashinen ~ "The altruist of our time, here is me saying a big thank you to you @idowu-kunlere for agreeing to donate blood for someone you don't know. With just a phone call from me that someone needed blood at the hospital, you left all to donate blood (life) without knowing the recipient.
Your beautiful heart is blessed darling.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you."
@sussan ~ Shoutout to @evelyniroh and @tolarnee I love you guys
@ogoowinner I can do anything for you
Shoutout to @gee1 you made my week! Though I feel totally flattered, but that's okay. Thanks a lot for the love.
Hasii Usman ~ Jeaniepearl well done for the TGIF initiative. God will continue to give the strength to carry on your interesting work.
My shutout today goes to @oyinoza. I don't know what has come over me these days, I cannot stop thinking about Oyinoza. Its like she has captured my heart and I don't even want to recover it. Oyinoza is a very beautiful girl with a very calm nature.
I know she has a bf and I wish I could shoot my shot. I also know that a lot of steemians keep disturbing her everyday which scares me off.
This is just to let her know my mind. @oyinoza I love you with all my heart and I wish we could be together. If I am to choose between my Steemit account and you oyinoza, I'll choose you over and over again even if you decide not to date me without regrets.
I love you so much.
From Hassi Usman
@gee1 ~ Special shout out to everyone that participated in #throwbackthursday, #mancrushmonday and #womancrushwednesday.
Everyone's story had it's own special touch.
Big shout out to @jeaniepearl for this wonderful platform.
@tojukaka ~ I want to send a shout out to the entire STACH community.
@zizymena ~ a big shout to my steemit baby @preciousimo, you are awesome. You are so dear to me. @diamondrich, my woman, my everything, can't wait to see you. Love you both loads.
@olawalium ~ yesterday was International Women's day, so, this is for @oredebby, my cutest heart, God bless your smile. Also, @zizymena our air clinic special service doctor, @kingernie, my padi, @ponmile my adorable cutie, @mosunomotunde my charming smile, @adejoke16 my padi of life, @adoore-eu such an adorable soul, @arogboolabisi my laughing gas, @iroyal my flipper, @stacey31my married friend, @Deronke my padi's mentee, and @nwamaka my Twinnie @ayinky madam jeje love you all.
@turpsy ~ shout out to my crypto guys, may our coins moon.
@aristokratos ~ @jeaniepearl though I've not had contacts with you but I feel you have a beautiful heart. I dedicate this to you
I wish I could say it louder
I wish I'm bold enough to express my feelings
Of the many imaginations of me and you
How I long to hold your hand and journey through this coast together
When the sun vanished into the lonely mountains and the cold night arrives
When I am all by myself and no one to comfort me in my sleep
When the nightmare that comes with the gift of a clairvoyant arrives
How I wish your light is there to dispel the darkness growing within me
My crush from a distant land
Your heart carved from a dying star
A daughter of Aphrodite, you evolved from the loins of Adonis
Your words are soothing balm to my troubled soul
I wish I'm bold enough to say your name
I wish we could be together
But we both know that won't happen
For we live in a different world now.
@fadiji09 ~ My special shoutout goes to the following wonderful people
Also to the entire steemitIbadan WhatsApp group page members.
Miss Z ~ @coachlovemore I love you to the moon and beyond. Sincerely
Miss Z ~ @samminator I remember the first day I noticed you. It was @burlaj being funny with pictures and all but then I never knew it will go from fun to more. The connection we have is magical. I like the fact that we don't feel okay when we come online and can't find each other. I love the fact that we can talk unending on phone without getting bored. I love the mysteries behind it and even though it may never become what we both secretly yearn, I'm glad that I have you as a friend, a sweetheart and my gossip partner and closest confidant. You are truly amazing and I cherish every moment with you. Like we always say to each other before we end the call, ....."one last thing, get off my phone"
Miss Z - @coachlovemore Hi honey, I can't thank you enough for being there for me especially during low moments. Thanks for being my friend
Mr Z ~ @nwamaka when will you back to WhatsApp?? Miss peeping at you.
Miss Z ~ @coachlovemore You're one person I'd really love to meet. I've heard so much about you and I find your sense of humor very seductive.
Unfortunately, I find you very off the market too. So I'd just watch and bid my time
Mr Z ~ @alisonudeme Guess what I wanna do to you right now Alison, I want to kiss you in your ears.
Mr Z ~ @coachlovemore You're a great person and I admire your knowledge. I'd like to be like you when I grow
Mr Z ~ @xpressng How can I get it right? How can I have you all to myself
Mr Z ~ @thatibomchic Hey lady. You rock. I like your maturity. You just seem different from the rest. We have not really been close. We chat once in a while but we just had one interesting one recently. I want you to know I have a girlfriend but I dump her this very minute to be with you.
Though I have not really gotten to know you well like where you live, what you like etc but I can assure you that I crave.
A kiss from you is going to be like an ice cream from cold stone. Oh wait guess I am going yo far.
Get your clue from the word "trust"
Love you
Introducing @steempeninsula, a project by @bob-elr, @tormiwah , @gee1, @zeechan003, @pasaift, and @adetola. It's aim is to make available the education of computer programmes,graphics,programming,computer exposure, online and offline advance training programmes for all levels,orientation to digital and information world,etc. We also intend to
partake in community development functions, rendering charity programmes and promoting steemit/steem blockchain. Follow us @steempeninsula and enjoy lot of rewards.
In honour of the international women's day celebrated yesterday, let's talk about women. What are those aspect of life women make beautiful and what do you think they can improve on???
Best two comments on this topic will be rewarded 0.5 SBD each.
He is the founder of @stach, just this week he was awarded a promise of steem delegation for @stach from @tangerinetravels account by @shenanigator and @sharingeverybite. He was also awarded the steemtradecard with the honour of being the first African and the second awardee for 2018.
Be the first to correctly mention his username and get rewarded with 1 SBD, as well as the star
wrapping it off
My shout out to all the viewers and participants of TGIF WITH @jeaniepearl, what can I do without you? Thanks so much, I send my love.
To participate in episode 5 of this awesome show,send your shoutout, bottle message and advert to me via
Steemit chat ~ jeaniepearl
Telegram ~ jeaniepearl
Discord ~ jeaniepearl
WhatsApp ~ +2347069670702
Email ~
I anticipate your messages......
Please if you are sending a bottled message via my mail,kindly signify your sex and dont forget to add your username if its a shoutout.
You can support this program by sending a donation of steem/sbd to @jeaniepearl, resteem this post,upvote and comment
Hey its @ackza on a mission from @surfyogi to reach ou to you

We would like to get into contct with you to work with you, come to myd iscord room so I can make sur we get you n contct with @surfyogi
Here is the discord room
I am ackza in there so just DM me and hit the Call Button to send me cal and ill answer or feel free toc hat with the other people in my channel , many from Nigeria and Ghana
Congratulations @jeaniepearl 😘😘😘
Doing that right away
Thanks much,i feel honoured
Hello @jeaniepearl,
You have received up-vote from @steempeninsula account courtesy of @bob-elr and team.
Keep writing good post.
This is one hell of a long post lol
From a popular song, I'll like to drop a line from there. Who rules the world? Ladies. You see ehh. Women are way more powerful than what we can imagine, I beg to disagree that they are perceived to be weaker vessels, men are strong, but women are tough. Just like Iron, men can break. I like to see women as tough and flexible, stretching like an elastic spring and returning back to its original state. They make the world beautiful in every way, every man desires to be with them. Children crave for their attention and you can't take away the ever caring nature in them.
Women are strong
And above all the most beautiful creature of our world. Men don't argue with me o.
It would have been a boring adventure not to have these creature's with us. Am happy to be born of them and happy to have a love of them (you know na}..
But they said that. Peace can't not exist without conflict. So amidst these beautiful qualities. Women can be like bees and annoying too. Most women are heavily dependent on men, I'll like to see a situation where they can be more self dependent, building a career and helping out without being heavily dependent on men
I'll also like to see a situation where they can become more understanding and considerate . A lady will make you woo her for many months, weeks. Some will even eat your money and run away 😂😂
They should either say no or learn to be considerate with us biko.
Women should also be more involved in the affairs of the country. They should learn to take up responsibilities ranging from politics and leadership. Time has gone when a woman's place is only in the kitchen. Let them try and be more involved.
I've lots of advice for these beautiful creatures. I hope we can keep on being better women. Belated happy women's day to all steemit women/ladies. And every woman out there.
@donnest loves you all.
This should be converted to a post, such a beautiful piece.
Thanks for contributing,i highly appreciate
You welcome dear. I really love your program.
Hope I won?
thanks for sharing. Today, women need all the encouragement they can get.
@sweetestglo-eu, my sweetest love and the sweetest of all things, those lines of your's are just as sweet as you are. Thanks dear for been there for me through the rough and hard times, you are really an angel sent from heaven. You have been my strength and my best friend, to me you are worth everything precious put together and if there be another world after this, I will still choose you. I care now and always.
Women make every aspect of life beautiful cause they are present in all.
They make the minds sharper, due to the super multitasking ability of a woman you might never really know what she is up to at some moment , so your mind gets to real work trying to figure that out and as you keep pondering your mind keeps expanding you get sharper cause of a woman around you.
A woman adds beauty to everything she comes in contact with, she adds that soft, tender , fragile yet strong touch to the home she makes, to any surrounding you find her. You wonder why a hard heart seems weak with her around
The woman, a well of knowledge, teaching and training her kids and every human around even when she might not have formal education she impacts knowledge making the next generation beautiful
For everywoman out there you can do more than you are doing right now, lets keep working on our self esteem its our booster , if you believe in you then you can achieve it.
Let the woman encourage her fellow woman lets work on our love life, instead of putting the other lady down cause of her mistakes , lets all hold hands and make a better nation.
Cheers to all the women out there , am proud to be one
Cheers to you hun
Thanks for the lovely input
Yeeeyyyyyy💃💃💃💃thank you @jeaniepearl
I'm actually down with malaria and meant to take a break from steemit but when I saw your post, I just couldn't resist.
It's awesome as usual and I like your animated guest @mimy. I'm interested in the arts but I doubt if I can spare the time.
Women make every aspect of life beautiful. I cannot imagine a world of men alone, it's going to be terrible, extremely terrible. Women are moulder, caregivers and sensitive people. They have this gift of connecting with needs and emotions.
It's unfortunate to watch women treated as secondhand citizens, it's simply awful. History has shown that women know when to be sensitive and when to be aggressive. I remember in the current ondo state, women used to be warriors. Yes. Not to forget the legendary queen called Moremi.
Women make the home beautiful; you can almost tell if there's a woman in any home once you step right into it. But it's not just the home. They also bring their unique skills and perspectives to the workplace too.
One thing I want women to work on is their ability to work together. I'm tired of seeing women bash themselves. I'm tired of the two women cannot work together narrative. I'm tired of the I can't have a female boss talk.
Women have to learn to work with each other. I'm not saying men should be off their lives. I mean that they should support, trust and love each other. Women aren't trustworthy? Then work on it.
That's all I can say for now.
And you nailed it as usual.
Sorry about your health,do get better
Thanks for contributing,i really appreciate
Women are amazing creatures, they posses unfathomable strength in the seemingly feeble temple.
Women are life, wherever there's a woman their is love laughter and joy.
In a gathering of guys with just a woman, there's a bid to win the woman over with intellectual words.
Women bring life and light to the family, a lonely heart, and grows any business easily compare to men.
I believe if women are given enough opportunity for expression, they will do more.
Regarding them without basis of their gender will unleash immense potentials trapped within them.
I celebrate every woman out there, keep fighting and don't stop shinning
Such beautiful piece for the ladies,thanks for your wonderful input.
thanks much for the shout out,its lovely and i really appreciate
Glad you did💓
A woman adds beauty to everything she comes in contact with, they are more important than what we can imagine they make the world beautiful in every way, every man desire to be with them, children need their attention nobody can take away the ever caring nature in them, I CELEBRATE EVERY WOMAN OUT THERE KEEP SHINING.
Well said
Thanks deary
The founder of stach is no other than @ejemai.
You are right