Do you believe in second chances?

in #english6 years ago

Good day steemian I hope you are well, today I want to address a very controversial subject depending on the thinking of each person and is about the second opportunities.

In this case I will talk about the second opportunities from one person to another, as well as with friends, family or relationships.

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I want to ask you a question and before answering think it over.

Do you believe in second chances?

As I said before, a very controversial topic. In any relationship you have in your life, be it loving, friendly or with your family members situations will occur which you should think about if it is appropriate to give a second chance to the other person.

I will speak from my point of view, so I will answer the question I asked of you.

If I believe in second chances.

But why ?, Throughout my life I have witnessed different situations with people who have had to decide whether to give a second chance or not.

Of course it is not easy to make that decision, some people in a certain way do not deserve another opportunity while many others really deserve it, we are all human beings and we are wrong; Moreover, I am sure that many people have been in the position to ask themselves if I deserved a second chance.

I recently got an image that made me think a lot about talking about this topic with you and it is this:

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Do you think that this image is totally true?

Personally I think it is depending on the person that you think about giving him or not another opportunity.

This is the case of women who are beaten, unfortunately for many give another chance to their abusive partners enough died at the hands of that person, so in that case give another chance to that type of person if it is to give another bullet to you finish killing.

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But of course there are other cases that are remediable, that giving a second chance to the person results in a satisfactory way because the person really remedies his error and overcome the bad situation.

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I still believe in second chances.

Many times I have been the one who has received second chances which I have tried to make the person feel that he was not wrong in making the decision to do so.

As well as I have given second chances, many have gone wrong, many I gave them to the wrong people but MANY MORE have shown me that my decision was not in vain.

And what do you think about this topic now?


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Outlook good

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