Surwiwal of the 21st century-History which scenario have written life ...Miner Gate digs what you can do. ENG/PL

in #english6 years ago (edited)

miner-gate-696x449 (1).jpg

MinerGate - dig at what you can.

The profitability of the mining at today's cryptocurrency rates at CoinMarketCap is under a huge question mark.
However, this text is intended for beginner miners who want to familiarize themselves with the topic of mining - digging cryptocurrencies.
So I will try to explain it in simple words.


Mining - generally speaking, it is solving complicated mathematical calculations with the help of computer systems and, as a result, obtaining cryptocurrencies that are supposedly a "reward" for the work done by our equipment.
In the article Cryptocurrencies - is this the song of the future? I talk about financial transactions with the help of the non-centralized BlockChain distributed network.
Mining in short is the support and rapid flow of information contained in the BlockChain chain and their proper protection.
Powerful computers whose computing power allows us to perform very complicated operations solve mathematical algorithms, as a result of which we receive a payment in the form of cryptocurrencies.
When digging BTC, ETH, or other, we support the payment system in this way.
In summary, it's as if we were helping the pensioner to count his little money at the supermarket checkout, and he would give us a few fines.
Computers used for this type of calculations are excavators - they are much, much faster in terms of computing power than normal PCs.
The excavator is usually built of several, several, connected with each other very efficient graphics cards (GPU)
Mining is also possible with the help of a processor / CPU (CPU) - however, due to the higher power consumption, less profitable.
The speed of the excavator is determined in hash / s (Hash - from sign, mark / second)
We can have Mhs, Ghs etc, etc.
As it is easy to guess, the higher the value of the hash, the faster and easier our production will be.

We use people who deal with this type of profession as miners - miners.
The greater number of excavators is already a mine - a server room which, equipped with ventilation / air conditioning systems, ensures optimum equipment operation conditions.
The number of cryptocurrencies that we were able to obtain as a result of mining is spoil.
Profit and profitability of this profession depends on several factors:

course of a given cryptocurrency on the stock exchange
electricity prices - the equipment consumes huge amounts of electricity while working
the speed of our excavators
level of mining difficulty (also depends on the speed of the equipment)
The profitability of the mine is determined on the basis of:
Simplifying the profitability of mining is dependent on how much electricity we spend and what costs we incurred for the purchase and use of our excavators.

A sensible excavator that will give us noticeable profits is an expense of PLN 10,000.

However, we do not necessarily have to invest so much money in equipment, be familiar with its use, ensure optimal working conditions, etc.
As beginners, we can invest our $ in mines, which will buy the right equipment, will have convenient locations for it, work conditions ect.
As shareholders in the mine, we will be with its founders supposedly "to divide profit", however, in this way we will avoid many problems regarding the care of the correct operation of the equipment.

high bills for electricity
noise related to the operation of the mine
ignorance of computer systems operation
In the episode Cloud Mining - Digging in the cloud
I described the operation of the Eebot mine.
Today is the time for the next bite - the MinerGATE mine

I'm mining on MinerGate - the best cryptonote mining pool

It is enough to register on the mine's website and with a small printout, we can become a miner.

The mine allows us mining through many ways.

We can dig with:

our home computer / laptop - MinerGate v8.1 - a lot of cryptocurrencies to choose from,
mobile phone (minergate app on Android)
Cloud Mining - digging in the cloud, just like Eobot, we buy a certain amount of Hashy and the rest of the mine will do it for us.
It is enough to register on the mine website, download the miner program and we have already become miners.
Of course, the faster the equipment, the sooner we will get the right amount of crypto-currency that can be paid out.



As you can see on 1 screenshot, mining is much, much faster and the number of hashes is incomparably greater than in 2 cases.
However, let's skip profitability, and our game is purely educational and theoretical.

At the end I will add, ignoring the profitability of miners that MinerGate, just like Eobot, will allow us to easily implement the world of cryptocurrencies and our participation will allow their popularization and further development.
In addition, I warn you, there are many "kind of mines" referred to as SCAM - cheating, and buying shares should be considered because we can easily become his victim

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