Piedra Amatista

in #english6 years ago (edited)

Hello friends of steemit, I want to share with you a publication about amethyst stone, recently a great friend gave me one and I really loved it, she gave it to me for no reason and told me to always take it with me that would help me a lot to improve my creativity, my self-esteem and that I was always going to help to purify my energy, at the time I did not believe it but I did it and since I gave it to me I always carry it with me.

source: https://www.google.co.ve/search?q=piedra+amatista&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwifzsb7_N_bAhXO2VMKHYqVC8cQ_AUICigB&biw=1024&bih=662#imgrc=XucYZZpv10EKrM:

After a few days, I really felt much better, I have been calmer, some aspects of my life have also improved, I even feel more animated. Maybe it's a coincidence or maybe as my friend said it's a stone with a mysterious power, and well today I came to the conclusion of looking for information about that stone and I wanted to share that information with you dear friends.

source: https://significadodelaspiedras.com/semipreciosas/amatista/

The amethyst

It is a master stone, a highly protective glass. represent physically the alchemical Violet Thunderbolt of transformation. It is a stone for the sixth and seventh chakra. It has many different practical applications. Large amethyst stones (drusen or geodes) are widely used in health centers, meditation rooms and waiting rooms. They fill the space with relaxing vibrations, neutralize the negative energy and release blocked energy. The darker the amethyst, the stronger its effect.

source: http://sloyu.com/blog/blog/2012/05/04/amatista-piedra-protector/

Our grandparents used this stone against drunkenness. Its name comes from the Greek word amesthustos, which means "not drunk."

source: https://piedrasygemas.wordpress.com/category/9-diccionario-de-piedras/amatista/

Properties of the amethyst at the emotional level:

  • Brings clarity to the mind, purifies and regenerates levels of consciousness
  • Increase paranormal ability and the ability of meditation
  • Calm passions, violent emotions and rage
  • Encourages intuition and inspiration
  • Reduces fears and neutralizes negativity
  • Protects against psychic attacks

How to use amethyst?

  • Carry your amethyst in your pants pocket
  • Place it under your pillow before going to sleep
  • Wear it on a necklace or ring
  • Install your amethyst in a room
  • Use the stone during meditation.

source: https://www.google.co.ve/search?q=piedra+amatista&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwifzsb7_N_bAhXO2VMKHYqVC8cQ_AUICigB&biw=1024&bih=662#imgrc=JnThO43nXa0WBM:

Meditation with amethyst

Choose a quiet moment of the day and a place where you can be without anyone bothering you. Sit in a comfortable position with clothes that do not fit and cover yourself with a blanket. The important thing is that your column is in a straight position to facilitate the flow of energy and to create a connection with the earth.

Hold the glass gently in your hand or place it in front of you on the floor or on a table. Put your hands on your skirt, right hand on top of the left hand (men), left hand on top of the right hand (women) and thumbs touch. Look carefully at the crystal and discover its beauty in terms of form and its color. Feel your weight and feel how you exchange energy with your hand (heat, cold ...)

Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe deeply and release all your thoughts. Feel as with each inhalation you absorb the magical and beneficial energies of your crystal and feel as with each exhalation the tension of your body comes out. Allow yourself to enter more and more into a deep state of meditation and feel how your energy field extends more and more and is filled with crystalline energies.

Visualize how the energy field of your crystal and your own energy field come together, now you are part of your crystal. You are one! Now you can enter your crystal and look at it from within and discover its magical inner richness. You can also ask your crystal a question. The first impression or the first thought that appears is the answer. Enjoy your meditative state as long as you want.

When you have finished with your meditation, you feel your body again and you contact the earth. Inhale and slowly move your toes in circles and turn your hands. Feel the space around you. Slowly open your eyes. Write down your experience in detail on paper.


It belongs to the group of quartz (SiO2, silicon dioxide). Semiprecious stone.

Physical properties:

  • Structure: trigonal system with crystals in hexagonal prisms
  • Color: violet with all the possible range (the darker, the stronger its effects)
  • Hardness: 7 on the Mohs scale.

Geographical origin:

It is mined in Brazil, Uruguay, USA, Russia, Madagascar, India, Australia, South Africa and Zambia. There are imitations for the carving in gems: colored glass and synthetic amethysts.

Other articles on minerals:

Jade, stone of wisdom and prosperity
Lapis lazuli, mental clarity
Rose quartz, the stone of love.

Well my friends this information that I shared with you I got on this page:


To conclude I want to say that it is a mysterious and very powerful stone, it is worth having it, taking care of it, appreciating it and giving it its due value, I hope you have liked my content and it is very useful for you, thanks for your attention ... !!!



Buenas tardes amigo, bella piedra. Transmite paz y alegria.

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