The great dilemma between God vs. Science.

in #english6 years ago


Today's topic is a simple and complex dilemma, which many say they know but nobody knows exactly, is a contradiction, but let's ask ourselves a question:

Who came first, chicken or the egg ?

It can be said that 50% of the people answered the egg and that the other 50% answered that it was the chicken, but answer this; Where does the egg come from? obviously they will say that the hen and the other is where does the chicken come from? to which they will respond from the egg, so this is an endless dilemma about life, to which there has still been no explanation, other than what you can believe from your own point of view or belief.

From the point of view of science, it is said that God does not exist, that the world is the result of the Big Bang theory or also known by atheists as the great explosion, that in the end the new scientists, or scientists of the new was, they called it "the expansion of space itself" and that it was not as big as was thought, or as Einstein expressed it in the theory of relativity, but rather an infinitely small singularity, and that is given by space time , really if we introduce ourselves to the world of the physical star perhaps we would understand a little about this long and complex topic. It is only worth mentioning that these people call themselves atheists because they do not believe that God exists and less that the fate of their lives is manipulated by the intervention of this idea. That is why the land for them was the result of science in expansion and autonomous progress, therefore biological science and according to Aristotle says that both the egg and the chicken had always existed and that none was prior to the other.

Now let's see it from the point of view of religion, our beliefs and our inherited culture, has taught us that the theory of evolution has always been and will be a mystery, because if living beings, we are the product of an evolution as says Darwin, then comes the conception of the next question, why do not we continue to evolve? and for me the answer is clear but I want to create a little uncertainty or concern in you, it is known that there is a missing link in the chain of evolution.


But how is the chain of evolution and what does it refer to?


The chain of evolution speaks, on an evolutionary line, that was evidenced by several genetic specimens, called apes and that resemble man, but that between that line a specimen lacked, and that until now has not been really evidenced. What left us with an improbability, then let's continue if life is born or comes from evolutionary science then, because that mystery of the missing link ?, there are many questions without answers. To which, from my coherent point of view, I am based on the oldest written tests in the world, it should be noted that science tells us how, but not why.

Now that you tell us the oldest evidence about the creation of the world? one of them is the book of the bible where says.

Genesis 1
The creation; 1 In the beginning of everything, God created heaven and earth. 2 The earth then had no form; everything was a deep sea covered with darkness, and the spirit of God moved on the water.3 Then God said: "Let there be light!" And there was light. 4 When God saw that the light was good, he separated it from the darkness 5 and called it "day," and he called the darkness "night." In this way the first day was completed.6 Then God said: "Let there be a vault that separates the waters, so that they are separated." And so it was. 7 God made a vault that separated the waters: a part of them was under the vault, and another part was up. 8 He called the vault "heaven." In this way the second day was completed.9 Then God said, "Let the water that is under the heaven come together in one place, that the dry land may appear." And so it was. 10 To the dry part God called it "earth", and to the water that had joined it he called it "sea". When God saw that all was well, 11 said: «Let the earth produce all kinds of plants: herbs that give seed and trees that bear fruit. "And so it was. 12 The earth produced all kinds of plants: herbs that give seed and trees that bear fruit. And God saw that everything was fine. 13 In this way the third day was completed.14-15 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the heavens, that light the earth and separate the day from night, and that they also serve to mark the days, the years and the special dates. "And so it was. 16 God made two lights: the great one to give light by day and the small one to give light at night. He also made the stars. 17 God put the lights in the heavenly vault to light the earth 18 day and night, and to separate the light from the darkness, and saw that all was well. 19 In this way the fourth day was completed.20 Then God said, "Let water produce all kinds of animals, and let birds fly on the earth." And so it was. twenty-one
21 God created the great monsters of the sea, and all the animals that the water produces and that live in it, and all the birds. When God saw that it was so good, 22 he blessed the animals he had made with these words: have many young and fill the seas, and let there be many birds in the world. "23 Thus the fifth day was completed.24 Then God said," Let the earth produce all kinds of animals: domestic and wild, and those who They crawl on the ground. "And so it was. 25 God made these animals and saw that all was well.26 Then he said: "Now let us make man in our image. He will have power over fish, birds, domestic animals and wild animals, and over those who crawl on the ground. "27 When God created man, he created him in his image, male and female he created them, 28 and He gave his blessing: "Have many, many children;fill the world and rule it, rule the fish and the birds, and all the creeping things. "29 Then he said to them," Look, I give to you all the plants on earth that produce seed, and all the trees that they bear fruit All that will serve as food. 30 But to the wild animals, to those who crawl on the ground and to the birds, I give them the grass as food. "So it was, 31 and God saw that everything he had done was very good. In this way the sixth day was completed.

From my personal point of view and although very contradictory it seems, we were created by a God, and he created all things, both on earth and in heaven, and although for evangelical Christians, this theory is only true, I particularly believe and think that first it was LA GALLINA AND THAT THEREFORE THE EGG IS BORN, but I do not ignore science, because God gave man the gift of science, so that through this the progimo could be helped. But it still exists in my other curious question, if God created us on earth, do not you think it's possible that he created other beings out of this world? Will it be the extraterrestrials? or they would be these, created by God, and if they were so why so much mystery between them and us. There really is an endless number of unanswered questions and a long way between myth and reality, between Gods and human truths.


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Interesante post, aun cuando tu post está en inglés te voy a dar una respuesta en español, me parece interesante tu argumentación aunque tiene varios puntos flojos, para empezar me voy a referir a la paradoja del Huevo y la Gallina, ésta se remonta a la antigua Grecia creo, sin embargo, esto se da en un ámbito en los que no existía una teoría completa de la evolución y un registro fósil que la avalara, la respuesta es simple, primero fue el huevo, en algún momento de la evolución, un ancestro de la gallina tuvo un huevo del cual surgió la primera de la aves que hoy llamamos gallinas, entonces, de donde surgió esa primera gallina pues de un huevo, pero eso huevo no provino de una gallina, sino de uno de sus antepasados evolutivos.
Luego tenemos el big bang, sabias que la teoría del big bang, fue propuesta por un sacerdote católico, sí, esta teoría se debe al padre Georges Lemaître, astrónomo y físico, quien partiendo de las observaciones del universo en expansión de Hubble y la teoría de la relatividad general de Einstein formuló la teoría de que el universo inicialmente debió estar contenido en una singularidad, se habla de que es una teoría, porque existe un montón de observaciones experimentales que confirman sus predicciones, el fondo cósmico de microondas por ejemplo, de lo contrario seguiría siendo una hipótesis, sin embargo debido a la creencia de algunos científicos de que el universo siempre había existido fue ridiculizada dándole el nombre de Big-Bang, haciendo referencia a que el origen del universo se había dado en una gran explosión de esa singularidad, cuando en realidad la teoría se refiere a la expansión repentina de esa singularidad. Que causo la expansión es algo que aún se especula, en el campo de la física teórica.
Y en tercer lugar el "Eslabón Perdido", no existe algo como un eslabón perdido, es sólo un mito creacionista, en realidad existe infinidad de eslabones perdidos y no sólo en la evolución humana, sino en la de todas las especies que hoy existen, y esto no es nada malo ni que ponga en duda la teoría de la evolución, es simplemente una muestra de que el registro fósil es incompleto, es como decir que porque no podemos ver lo átomos, estos no existen, el proceso evolutivo no es algo que se de en periodos cortos de tiempo, es algo que lleva cientos de miles y millones de años, y es casi imposible tener una muestra fósil de cada antecesor del hombre, lo cual no refuta la teoría de la evolución y para quien tengo dudas, no, no venimos del mono, nunca hubo monos entre los ancestros del hombre, ambos tenemos un ancestro común, pero nunca fuimos monos.
Por otra parte, sabias que representantes de la iglesia católica aceptan ambas teorías, tanto la de la evolución como la del big-bang, el Papa Francisco I, se ha manifestado a favor de ellas y llego a decir que “Dios no es un mago con una varita mágica”, refiriéndose a pseudociencias como el creacionismo y el diseño inteligente.
Finalmente sobre el comentario de que el hombre no ha seguido evolucionando, pues ya lo dije anteriormente, la evolución no es algo que se de en periodos cortos de tiempo, no somos pokemones que evolucionamos cuando se nos viene en gana, la evolución de una especie se da gatillada por la necesidad de adaptación al entorno y desde hace mucho el hombre ha venido cambiando el entorno a su antojo, logrando que éste se adapte a él, pero pese a esto si hemos cambiado, hoy en día tenemos una mayor talla y capacidades físicas e intelectuales que en la antigüedad, gracias a los cambios en nuestra dieta, existen una mayor diversidad de fenotipos debido a los desplazamientos geográfico de poblaciones, originalmente todos los homo sapiens compartían los mismo fenotipo y después por las migraciones la adaptación al entorno los llevó a diferenciarse, surgiendo rasgos caracteristicos en diferentes lugares, como la piel blanca en los caucásicos o el pliegue epicántico en los asiáticos, estos rasgos diferenciadores es posible que motivado a los desplazamientos de poblaciones tiendan a atenuarse, y a dar surgimiento a nuevos rasgos diferenciadores, así que si hemos cambiado y es posible que en algún lejano futuro, si llegamos allá, veamos a una especie humana muy diferente a lo que hoy llamamos homo sapien u homo sapien sapien.
NO es mi intensión de poner en duda tus creencias o las de otras personas, todo el mundo es libre de tener una fe o creencia y desde mi perspectiva todas son igualmente válidas, sólo quiero aclarar algunas fallas en tu explicación. Saludos y mi apoyo desde el #TopFive de #SteemFamilyhi

Saludos y apoyo desde el #topfive de #steemfamilyhi

la ciencia y dios no están desligados, solo que no entendemos la comprensión de ello.

San Agustin de Hipona.
#Steemfamilyhi #topfive

The choice between science and God is not a dilemma. By definition, a dilemma is a choice between two bad choices. God can't be a bad choice.

I believe that Genesis tells us that God created everything. However, I don't believe that the earth is 7,000 years old which is what you'd get out of a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation account. All the scientific evidence points to an earth billions of years old. Even looking at the antarctic ice sheet, there are about 100,000 discernable annual layers. Much of it is over two miles thick in an area that gets two inches of snow every year.

Some people struggle with believing scientific truths because they think they conflict with the Bible. A lot of other people are old earth creationists so they don't have that problem.

thank you for your comment well received friend is.

God its not a bad choice. YOU'RE RIGHT.

Apoyando desde el #topfive de #steemfamilyhi. No creo que vayan separados la ciencia y la religiòn va de la mano tal vez una màs retrasada que la otra.

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