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RE: Hey DeXvid! @introduceyourself! don't be rude!

in #english6 years ago (edited)

          Very nice intro @dexvid, It is rare to run across a post that uses the paragraph indents. Do you use   code or do you use something else? I saw you interacting in the IFC discord chatroom. (Slightly biased) I think the people playing in the IFC are some of the greatest I have met on steemit along with the peoples of the Newbieresteemday Initiative. I am a member of both, many of us float between them both.

          I am sure you will do great on steemit, there are just so many nice people around, that it is easy to just mute the buttwipes and move on. Hard to do sometimes, but ignore (mute) works pretty good. Enjoy, and if you have questions anyone in either of those groups you have already found will help if we can.


Thank you so much @bashadow bro! Yeah, I do use the "& n b s p ;" for the indents, although I need to learn how to improve my html formatting. I'm such a newbie still but yeah, on my way there. If you have any suggestions I'll greatly appreciate it.
I will definitely get in touch with you for any questions I have regarding my progress on this platform. I hope it all goes well. Makes me be full of hope. haha.
thank you for taking the time to read my first post man!!!
I greatly appreciate it!
hope you have a great day today man!

Thank you. I think you did pretty good on the formatting. Some things just cannot be skimped on. One thing I did read on a couple of post is about the number of pictures that should be used and several of those mentioned to try to keep it at six or less. Pictures take a little bit of time to load, and that the curie type people do not really have the patience to wait on a post to fully load sometimes, and also that a lot of people do not have high speed internet connections so they also may by pass the post. For me on some days I can not watch a video because of internet speed and I get so tired of the spinning circle of buffering that I just close them down, or don't even try to watch. Just one thing to think about.

That's true though.... thank you so much for that suggestion. It is a fact I have to keep in mind, as sometimes I would imagine that the overall point of an article could get misled if your content doesn't load up evenly at the same time. There's soo many things I've learned from my first post which I'll put into practice for my next one and so on. That's definitely one of them.
Another thing I wanted to ask you about was, would you say works better to;

  1. post 3 times max. a week and use all the other time to engage and promote?
  2. using almost all of your time to create content and dump as much as you can?

I feel like the first one will work better for me..
wanted to see what your thoughts were on that..
sorry for the long reply.
hope you're having a good day!


I think it really depends on the person. If you can put one post out a day or every other day, and still have time to surf, and find content you like to vote and comment on that would be a good start. I actually do not have much content. I don't consider my contest entries as content, nor my grup support entries as content, I only have one regular scheduled post, and that is my Group help post on Sundays.

So the max 3 times a week post, that is a hard one for me to answer. I honestly think that if you want to build a following, then you need to find like minded groups of people, read their work, I mean really read it, don't just skim and comment in hopes of a vote. Take your post for example, I bet you can tell those that read the whole thing, and those that skimmed it only.

I think one of the best things to do on steemit, is to learn how to control your vote, don't let others tell you how or when or who to vote for. It is your vote and it can and is very important. A suggestion on using it try to not over vote and get in vote debt, (drop below 70%), it takes time to recover vote power. On the other hand you do not want to sit at 100% vote power very long at all, as that is just opportunity running away from you. When you start to put content out that you are proud of, then people are going to make comments, Good quality First tier comments on your post should be up voted on and commented back on even if it is just you saying thank you. The second tier comments and below do not really needed a vote, and most people do not expect one on them, it is not wrong however to give a comment a vote if it inspired or you felt was real important. So save some vote power for the comments on your page. Not every comment needs to get a vote, just the ones you feel were meaningful to you. Then when people visit your page they will see that You Vote, and comment back, that you engage with your audience. There are a lot of people like me on steemit, Audience Members.

Speaking on voting, just because your vote appears to be small and very negligible, try not to think your vote is meaningless, it is not. It is the primary force that will help you grow. There are several tools available to help obtain a vote slider early, has one, (I have no idea how to use it, and do not use, and has a manual slider. Now is a tool that I and a lot of people use: If you have not seen or used it yet here is a link to you - , @steemchiller is the creator of it, and he is always tweaking it and keeping it updated to changes, and making improvements and additions to it.

Yeah, some replies can get pretty long. Doing a content dump, I don't think that works very well for ne people, wait til you are at about 5000SP before doing that. Most of your audience for now is going to be new users, and with the vote issues all new users face, content dumping does not work.


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