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RE: 🏆 The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes available!

Wow, that was a close week. Normally it's close, but this was a race to the finish. Congratulations, @eaglespirit on capturing the top spot. That's a real accomplishment! @lynncoyle1 and @gillianpearce, congrats on keeping the #2 and #3 spots. You're nothing if not consistent. :)

@abh12345 thank you for the bonus for 0 self-votes! I'm going to power it up now.

@glenalbrethsen, I thought I was noticing fewer comments from you this week. Hopefully you've been enjoying time in the garden and hanging out with the family. You deserve a break! Hit me up tomorrow and we'll start an epic convo. Ha ha.

To all the rest of the winners, great job on helping make Steemit a great place to hang out and share ideas. :)


Thanks @themanwithnoname I seem to have settled into a bit of a rhythm now.

Congratulations on your bonus. It's always fun to power up isn't it? I'm loving that we're getting paid in Steem again. 😊

Yeah, my rhythm is still off, but I still did fairly well. Any week I can get some type of prize is a good week. I power those up and keep on rolling. I'd rather not get paid in steem because of how the calculation is done, but there's nothing I can do about it, so I just take it and power it up.

Yep. Congratulations on your placement @themanwithnoname you're not far off the top ten and, as you say, any type of prize is a good prize.

What do you mean when you say "I'd rather not get paid in steem because of how the calculation is done? I thought getting paid in Steem was a good thing.

Are you saying that it's actually more valuable to be paid in SBD?

Since the prizes have been added for 0 self-votes, I got one of those. That's cool! It feels good to be recognized for not self-voting.

I say that because when we're paid SBD (in regular payouts) it's calculated assuming that SBD is at $1, so we get more than we should. When we also get paid in Steem, it converts some of that SBD payout to Steem, but it also does it assuming that SBD is at $1. Therefore, we lose a bit of the extra that we were getting. With the price of Steem higher than SBD, it's hard enough to "level up" so I appreciate any advantage. It's difficult to lose that little bit extra.

Also, Steemit hasn't done much in the way of transparency to disclose that it's happening. I believe they should change the post payout options (when you create your post) to reflect that it's not 50/50, but that it's 50/35/15 (SP, SBD, Steem). To do otherwise is misleading and dishonest (in my opinion).

I for one had no idea about this @themanwithnoname.

it's not 50/50, but that it's 50/35/15 (SP, SBD, Steem)

I'd just assumed it was good to be paid in Steem because the exchange rate between SBD and Steem is so poor at the moment.

it's calculated assuming that SBD is at $1, so we get more than we should.

Now I understand why many of the witnesses want to bring the price of SBD down. Or at least one of the reasons. 😊

$10 for writing comments, easy money 😋

You're often a bit cryptic for me @abh12345. What does "$10 for writing comments" refer to? 😊

I think it means the steem he gave you is worth that @gillianpearce :)

Oh right. Duh! @lynnecoyle!

I'm not so interested in the US dollar value as I am in being able to power up. I'm waiting for SBD and Steem to go back to 1:1 but I fear I may be waiting forever! 😁

I think he means the value of the Steem for winning. :)

Yep Thanks @themanwithnoname. As I said to @lyyncoyle1 . . . duh! 😁

Whoops :D Yes those STEEM are worth about $10 at present, nice!

Very nice yes @abh12345 but it's the power I'm after. 😂

If it's power you're after, I could contact Darth Sidious for you, aka Emperor Palpatine. ;)

Ha, ha, ha @themanwithnoname. No idea what you're talking about but I appreciate the thought! 😂

I thought that might be too geeky. He's from Star Wars. ;)

Hey Blondie! yes this was a very exciting week for competition... And I was wondering the same thing about @glenalbrethsen ... I hope he is having a great time with family, he deserves to take a week or two off!

Good to see you climbing back up that list too... I got a scare a few weeks ago when I thought you might've been gone!

ps... liked your silver coin post, I have been meaning to get to it and tell you that you are on the right track for sure! I'm a huge fan at these prices and picked up some myself last night ;)

I was actually with family more this week with Memorial Day and my wife having the entire weekend off. Finally got to see Infinity War, so that's good. So, all the hours away this week didn't help the production numbers, and then when I was here, the drive to catch up or go the extra distance wasn't there. Plus, I just couldn't find stuff I liked all that much. Perfect storm. As it is, with all of that, still only 1,700 points from the top. I'm not sure I'm counting that as a good thing, though. :)

I'm glad to see you back... I always get nervous when someone goes silent... But in your case I didn't think you would just leave, so I wasn't too concerned!

I was surprised at the closeness and yes you were close... And I will just say that I agree that isn't necessarily a good thing!

Glad to have you back :)

Well, being back is relative, since I just didn't get that many comments up, but thank you for noticing. :) And now, I'd probably work up something to say before I actually did leave.

We'll see how things go this week. Things keep changing from one week to the next and it's hard to predict what's going to happen, even if I am trying to stay consistent.

lol.. don't spend a whole lot of time working on that speech... I hope you will be here with me for a long time if nothing more than to see how it turns out.

And yes I understand, I have been a bit quiet myself lately, but part of that is everyone seems to be slowing a bit (at least our connections).

Yeah, so what's up with that? I guess I must be one of the few who doesn't have much of a life, or want one, for that matter, which is why I'm here so much. :)

I was wondering about your quietness because it came after the luke stokes thing. Not sure what you've concluded from all of that. Maybe I missed a subsequent post or round of comments? The last thing I saw had to do with you thanking Luke Stokes for being honest. It was a long comment that appeared on your post and his reply post. Or something like that, since you were dueling posts instead of dueling comments.

@glenalbrethsen No you didn't miss anything. I am still mulling it through my head. Frankly, I am still cautious how it will all play out, but I also have developed a plan with SMTs that I think will kick ass. So I will just keep doing what I can until such time as they are listed, then I will see if my idea will get traction (along with the full impact of SMTs as people put them into use). From there we will see. ps...I do think the path they are on (without any change for the better is not a healthy path for anyone).

Happy to see you around again Glen!

I'm getting a little tired of the front office talking up SMTs like it's going to solve all of our problems. If it happens, great. I'll be glad to be wrong. If it somehow significantly changes how the ill-fated distribution of STEEM messed things up since, wonderful.

Until then, I will remain a skeptic. Blind faith enthusiasm gets people drinking poisoned Kool-Aid and falling off of cliffs because the faith is inevitably misplaced.

However, I'm intrigued by your SMT plan, so hopefully there will be more said at whatever time it seems prudent. :)

It also appears that Glen declined reward, or that Asher made a new rule that you can only win 27 times in a row. Ha ha.

Yeah, I was on vacation that week and decided to be present on the vacation and do that well rather than trying to do two things poorly. I'm glad to be high enough that I could get a prize for 0 self-votes. Any time I can get a prize, I feel like I've done well that week. I like helping make Steemit a better place.

Glad to hear you liked the silver post. I'm going to be doing more of them. I want to get more involved with Steem Silver Gold and they really like posts on the shiny, so I need to do more of them. I just found a cool way of getting more low-cost silver and I'll be doing a post on that in the near future. Hopefully we can see a post on your newest acquisitions as well. :D If not, just send them to me on discord so that at least I can appreciate them.

Yeah, so last week I asked Asher if I could be taken off of the prize list. After five wins, which could have easily been seven, and all the time I've had to comment, etc., compared to the rest, I thought it would be better if I declined, at least for a while. If someone shows up with the numbers, it might be fun to jump back in again, but until that happens, I'd just as soon see the prize money spread around a little more.

That's very nice of you. You had quite the run going. I'm sure that it's appreciated by the recipients of your generosity. I'd like to see someone come in who could challenge you even more. Maybe @lynncoyle1 is going to go on a commenting spree and hit that 50k mark before you. I think that would be considered a qualifying event to bring you back into rewards. :)

I'd just as soon see the prize money spread around a little more.

That's very generous of you!

I told Asher that I reserved the right to come back into the prize money if there was someone who could legitimately get higher points, probably because they had the time to do it. That's probably not Lynn for the time being just because she's already got a lot going on. She gets unleashed, though, there's no telling what she'll do. :) I think she would rather not be unleashed given what it means, though.

Well, generosity is relative. Curie is generous. Asher is generous. Carlgnash and Paluag are generous. I'm just not taking something that wasn't mine in the first place with the hope that others will stay involved because there's not some guy spending 12 hours or so a day to earn it. :)

I'm glad you left yourself the option to get back into the money. It's very sporting of you to pass that on to other people. You don't have to pass it up, and since you're trying to earn money on here, I wouldn't blame you for receiving a reward that helps you accomplish that goal.

There are a lot of very generous people involved in this League, and I'm thankful for them. It's been an encouragement to me to get those boosts when I've placed high enough. It makes me want to do it again.

@themanwithnoname hahaha... yes, after 27 times you get handicapped.... like in golf... he is only allowed 5 hrs a week in which to compete to give us a chance. :P

I did like your post, I read it to feature it on Unleash Power... I have talked to a few of those guys @nofiat is a good guy you should get to know... And I will send you on discord on the shiny stuff... I just ordered some more generic rounds at spot... so I'm always happy with buying silver at spot!

I've heard that's the cutoff, 27. At least you're only handicapped like in golf and not kneecapped. That would be different! 0.0

I'm glad you liked the dimes. I just did another silver post that is a little different than any I've seen on Steem yet. Check it out if you have a chance. It seems you like deals from your comment, so you might like this idea.

@themanwithnoname yes I was thinking about that too... But since I already used that on you when you were the king, I didn't want to give everyone the impression that is my M.O. ;)

Yes loved your post, will be going out this weekend and seeing what I can find out there too (you gave me a great idea!)

You don't want to become predictable. That's how they get you.

I wish you great fortune on your quest. :)

@themanwithnoname lol... see you get it... of course, since we are related I guess we should think alike! And thank you, I will let you know if I strike any keepers!

Powered up is what I like to hear!

Yes a quiet week from glen with only 12000 characters 😂

Have a good week!

It would be a really quiet if it were only three zeroes instead of four. :)

I'm still trying to find my niche, where I can just dive in and comment. The girls go places I'm not much use in. Lots of contests and other communities.

That would be a really slow week. That sounds more like some of my weeks recently. Although I didn't do too badly this last week.

You'll find your spot. With all the networking you do, I think you'll find something that lets you write for hours on end. :)

That, my friend, would be awesome. Just find that thick vein of comment silver/gold that goes on for miles and miles and miles. Oh, man, the work I could do there. But alas, I fear I might have to create that vein before I can mine it. I'm an odd duck, you see. I have a lot of interests, but they don't seem to line up with much of what's here yet. Where I comment is what I'm interested in. :)

I think the best place to start if you're into silver and gold would be You can find all the latest posts from the steemsilvergold tag and then comment on them. Sometimes people will start a conversation with you. You're right though, sometimes you have to start the process as people may just not know how rewarding a conversation can be. That's probably smart to only comment on what you're interested in. Otherwise, it could come across as spammy. And we don't want any spam. We want steak!

Was going for comment gold (or silver) in my last comment, not gold or silver comments. Was going for the gold/silver mine metaphor as it relates to commenting. Between you, buggedout and others, I've come to realize that there is a silver and gold community, which I think is great. I'm just not as well versed on it as I need to be and probably should take some time to hang out there, but I end up other places.

Yeah. I've not been accused of being spammy yet. I think I'll keep it that way. :)

It wouldn't make much sense to take winning from an engagement contest and cash them out. Ha ha. I want to keep growing anyways, so I just take it as a bonus on that journey.

You enjoy your week as well. Thanks for all you do to make Steemit a better place.

Thank you @themanwithnoname, and congratultions to you :)

I think one of these weeks I'm going to do nothing but comment and upvote. I'll get that 100,000 score that @glenalbrethsen has been thinking about in the back of his mind. Then I'll do nothing for the next week. :P It will be epic!

hahaha I can see you rubbing your hands together now ;)

Uh, I wan't going for 100,000. It's 50,000. If you can get to 100,000, more power to ya!

Hey, I figure f we aim for 100,000, then if we fall short, we'll hit 70,000 or something. Either way, we'll be owning it!

Okay. I should have known you were looking out for me when you raised the bar way past what's possible. :)

I'm not even sure where the 50,000 point mark is, but it's somewhere above 250,000 CL and probably above 350 comments (maybe closer to 400), with upvotes over 500 and the spread over 125. That's my guess. So, double all that for a 100,000. I double dog dare anyone to do that. :)

Of course! I want to see you accomplish greatness on here (and in real life).

I would imagine that you're also going to need a bunch of votes and unique vote recipients to hit that mark. It seems the people who do well vote for a lot of different people. 500 votes might be ok, but I imagine that you're going to want to going to over 250 people. I don't think I have the energy to do that. I might be able to make the time, but I think I would get burned out quickly. Heh.

So, this was how I got to nearly 45,000 several weeks ago:

Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 6.28.27 AM.png

Providing the formula hasn't changed (which only Asher knows if it has), the upvotes and spread didn't seem to be as big of a deal. There are no longer decimal points at the end of the point numbers, so I'm not sure if that's just a rounding up or represents a greater change, but anyway, that's what I have to go on.

Hey, @themanwithnoname. I'm afraid enjoying and garden don't necessarily go together when it comes to me. I was with family for a good part of it, which is great for that, not so great for commenting numbers. It didn't seem like there was very much going on here towards the end of the week and I just couldn't find the desire to push through it this time. Hope that's not the start of a trend. :)

I get what you mean. Sometimes I really enjoy gardening, and other times it seems like a chore. It's too bad that it's not like computer games where you could make the plants grow faster by clicking or something. ;)

At least you got to spend more time with your family. That's what this is really about, right?!

It didn't seem like there was very much going on here towards the end of the week and I just couldn't find the desire to push through it this time.

I understand that feeling. I wouldn't worry about it. It's ok to have your time here wax and wane. It's natural. I wouldn't worry about it becoming a trend unless you're not able to get back into it... in which case, you're probably due for a break and can use that time to recharge, then come back and be enthused about getting back at it!

It would be about family if I were doing things I wanted to do as opposed to things I don't. Like yard work. :) Or fixing things that shouldn't be broken in the first place that take me hours because I have to figure it out as I go.

The only thing I got to do with family this week that I wanted to do is watch Infinity War, and even that had a rocky start because my wife had her phone on and got a couple of text messages for the first five to ten minutes of the movie that she wouldn't let go (they were NOT emergent). In the grand scheme of things, not a big deal, but I'd been waiting five weeks to see the movie and then something impromptu steals her attention and thus mine. SIGH.

I had a hard time last week finding the reason to do extra. I don't feel like it was burn out. Things were fairly the same here, just that people always seem to disappear when I'm trying to engage with them. But my wife wants me to give up doing this all the time and find work that will bring money in immediately. You and I have talked about this before. So we're working at cross purposes right now and that got to me more than usual last week, too. As I said somewhere else, it was pretty much the perfect storm. :)

So apparently it wasn't about enjoying time with family. That's too bad. Yeah, that yard work can get you. And I understand your frustration with things being broken that shouldn't be broken. I've always been the kind of guy who figured things out as I went too. I sharpened the blade on my mom's lawnmower for her and she was shocked that I knew how to do it. I have been doing that for years. I just figured out how to take the blade off and then filed it. Not that hard, you just have to be willing to try.

I'm sorry the movie didn't go as smoothly as you had hoped. May I suggest that next time you take some rotting tomatoes and cabbages with you and subtly distribute them to the people around you so they can pelt her with the vegetables for being on her phone in the movie? :D Ha ha. Seriously though, that's frustrating. I hope it was a great experience after that!

One of the more difficult things about the platform is there really isn't a chat function. The site isn't conducive to carrying on a conversation well. It would be nice if they allowed you to carry on side conversations related to the prompts (posts). Then you could do it more in a chat format which would allow the conversation to go further.

My wife and I were talking about finances last night, so I'm with you there. It's tough when you're on different pages. I could see Steem going somewhere, but I also understand the need to have money coming in now. It's difficult to know which way is going to be best in the long-term (assuming that it's sustainable in the short-term as well).

I could go for mental pelting. Something I could laugh at in my mind and not have to suffer the consequences later. A scenario only in my head where she would actually learn from the experience and actually appreciate me for it, rather than storm out of the theater and make me go after her, thus missing the rest of the movie.

My week with family wasn't all bad. I just never know what I'm getting into, really, because my wife doesn't really know what she's going to do before she does it, and so I spend way too much time doing things that I'm not prepared to do.

She wanted me hauling dead flowers she cut to the debris bin, which was fine, but after some of that, I spent the rest of the time fixing a part of the fence that's going to be replaced anyway. One of the horizontal brace boards shrunk and slipped a bracket.

Fortunately, we had a replacement board, but it was too long and for some unknown reason, the saw used to cut the same kind of board was set at a higher level than would cut the board (and for the life of me, I couldn't get it adjusted), so I had to turn the board over and cut through it too, and because that missed by a quarter of an inch, I had to break it and then try to shave off the rest by hand.

Welcome to my world. :)

Of course mental. I wouldn't advocate for you actually having people assault your wife with rotting vegetables. What am I, a madman? No, really, am I a madman? Just kidding.

You wouldn't want to miss the rest of the movie, but if she's going to storm out and make you chase her, have her do it within the first 30 minutes so you can get your money back.

I know what you mean about not knowing what you're getting into. I offered to help my mother with a small project and it escalated into a bunch of things. It's the way it goes though and I'm glad I was able to help her.

That sounds really frustrating. There's not much you can do if it shrunk out of the bracket. At least you had the spare board, but when the saw won't cut, you're in for a long day... and a lot of muttering under your breath. I know that feeling. Ha ha!

I'm sorry it happened to you, but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has issues like that. Sometimes it seems like the dominoes just keep falling... and they're all bad. The good news is that eventually you run out of dominoes and you can get back to life. Or something like that.

It's the old misery loves company scenario I'm pretty sure. In my case, though, dominoes falling is a good thing. I can never get the first one pushed over because it's the largest and thus the hardest.

We've had a couple of the brace boards (whatever they're called) shrink on us. There was another section of fence that was fixed towards the beginning of the year that eventually needs to be replaced. So, anyway. I might get a new saw out of the deal if I can't figure out how to adjust the blade height.

Okay, so, we're all good. No madmen here on either end of this conversation. Just two souls trying to look out for one another however we can. :)

Isn't that weird that when you're trying to get good dominoes to fall, it's a monumental task, but when you're just going about your life, bad dominoes start falling like... well, like dominoes? :P

There's got to be a way to adjust the blade height. Unless you want a new saw in which case, yeah, I looked at it and that sucker is broken! ;)

At least we've got someone looking out, even if that person is just a crazy. Ha ha.

yay thank you TMWNN!! also the shout out in ssg that was very kind. they prob have no idea what these leagues are. it was never in my mind to make #1. i’ll taje it if only once in my life 😛😂😂

I figured they might not know, but figured they might as well get in here and mix with the general population a bit. It's fun. Yeah, I won once. I'd be happy to win again, but I'm thrilled that I won even once. :)

i hear ya and i'm with you on that, once is fine enough for me. i am happy i figured out the formula that works for me and thats what mattered. i kept getting below the 12 for awhile and once not even on the list. thank you again and yes it would be good for them to get out and mingle some. LOL they all seem to just go towards the same folks. i am in over 10 groups and spread myself out. it works for me anyway, i'm not like #1 in the group but i've met so many people along the way that it is encouraging to me on the platform. :)

Well I'm glad to have met you and again, congratulations. Enjoy the crown for the week. :)

@themanwithnoname thanks so much and happy to have met you and seeing you again too. thanks again for the congrats and temp crown. hehe

You're welcome. And I didn't give you the crown, you got out there and earned it! :D

@themanwithnoname awww sweet man, tons of hugs to you. blessings, eagle

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