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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues - Sponsored by @carlgnash and @paulag!

Holy Crap (See what I did there @eaglespirit) someone took over the place of the Queen @lynncoyle1!! I would not believe it and I agree @glenalbrethsen is all over the place and I even tried to get him to join the promo-mentors as a scout but he hasn't accepted it and still thinking :P

He leaves me long comments that I really appreciate and damn just look at that CL!

I know @davemccoy was busy this week but know he'll bounce back so hold on my friend!

@beeyou you fell off!!! So now you need to do the Steemitnamechallenge!

I'm so ashamed though with the number of comments that I did outside of my blogs. Well my research on witnesses is over so I can go back to more time being able to leave comments.

Congratulations on everyone and again Thank you Asher!


I had a feeling it was coming and @davemccoy and I thought it was going to be @glenalbrethsen who de-throned me:) I'm ok with that, he totally deserves it, and the weight of that thing on my head was beginning to get to me haha

I actually took a couple days to spend more time with Brian and then yesterday, which is normally my day to go hard in the home stretch, my computer decided to die on me! We spent the better part of the day resurrecting it, and then the evening trying to replace all the lost files. So be it. It's the beginning of another week, and my head already feels a little too light for my liking haha

Congratulations to you! Turn your "shame" into "action" and get back in the race buddy :)

I won't forget being part of your kingdom for those few weeks my royal Queen. I am now kicked off the top rank and won't be a part of anyone's kingdom for some time!

my head already feels a little too light for my liking

Right? I completely get you.

I hope you were able to recover some of the lost files. I store so many things on my laptop and do try to back it up as often as I can..but have been lazy lately to do that too!

You can bounce back this week! but before that

Hey, @beeyou.

You're welcome to hang out with all of us still. I guess if I'm being called a king and this is my kingdom, you're welcome to reside and thrive and flourish in it as much as you like. :)

Do I have to make that a formal decree or something? Or did I just do that? :)

When you are the King, you just say stuff and everyone does it... Its great! lol :P

That's probably way too much power for me, or for anyone to bear. As wise old Ben Parker once said, "With great power comes great responsibility."

That being said, I did actually intentionally decree that everyone enjoy Mexican food this week (which means I need to make sure my wife cooks on the day she has off). So, if people actually do go out and celebrate their individual efforts, it'd be cool to know what everyone had. :)

I love Mexican food so since you decreed it, then I will have to go to my favorite little mexican restaurant.. I will take a pic of it and send you! (always good to be in good with the king) :P

hahaha brown-noser Dave!

I'm with you on that....

So, hey! @glenalbrethsen, I bet I could find a good Mexican restaurant to do the same haha

You better, considering you're in Mexico and basically surrounded by fine Mexican cuisine.

In fact, I would expect to eat something cooked in banana leaf! Can't remember exactly what it's called but we had something in banana leaf when we were down the last time we were in the Cancun area. They didn't call it a tamal, and it wasn't pibil, which I've also had. It had another name something that sounds similar to ishote ixshote and it was awesome.

Anyway the cuisine on your side of Mexico is fairly distinct is what I'm trying to get at, so I would hope you would come up with something special. :) @leeart has already posted her pic, so it's up to everyone else now. :)

haha... how could you tell.. :P .

And the funny thing is I do love Mexican food, especially american mexican food :)

If by 'take a pic of it and send you' you mean make a comment here with the pic, that would be great. Otherwise, I might have to give you my email address or something. Unless you already have that. Because you were king once.

Wait. Is that part of the gig, too?!


Step away from the power, Glen. Slowly. Slowly.

hahahaha this made me laugh!!!

Hey King Glen! Don't get too used to the sound that buddy hahaha

She said as she sped at 500 mph through all of the comments that were left waiting for her since she's been gone well over a day. Varoooooooooom!

Well, I fully expect it to be a battle this week, so let's all do our best and see how it shakes out. :)

hahaha @ginabot did have a terribly high number beside her face, waiting for me! I have gotten through a big chunk of them, but no worries, I only type about 120 words/min so I'm sure you're fine ;)

I'll never forget "out" kingdom either @beeyou! I have such fond memories of it all :)

Of course you "get" me...we are one and the same there! So get off your "lazy" behind and get moving haha

By the way, you are anything but lazy! I know you always say that, but I've walked in the shoes of a mom with two little kids, a job, and now steemit...please! You should have a crown just for doing all of that.

I restored some files but all of my 'notepad' files with links to everything here since I started are gone :( Stupid me; I saved them to the desktop only for easy access...wasn't thinking that one through at all!

Sorry, I'm late.

I was just telling @maverickinvictus that it was because you took off the time you did that I finished on top this week, so I'm fully expecting a run for my money this time around. :)

You might be joking about the crown weighing on you, but when I found out I was wearing it for the week, it was weird—like I was the usurper or something. I definitely feel a responsibility (even though I'm even sure what that responsibility is).

Regardless, you still had over 170 more comments than me, even in a down week! People keep saying they saw me everywhere, but you're everywhere is still much larger than my everywhere, apparently.

So, anyway, I hope that the laptop is fixed and that you can spend as much time as you normally do on Steemit this week. However, Brian is much more important, so please do what you have to do (you don't need me to tell you that). I'm hopeful, though, that he will have a good week, too. :)

I'm the one who's late :)

There really is a sense of responsibility that comes with the crown! I thought it was just me overthinking it all. The pressure is off of me though, so I decided to do what I do, and let the chips fall where they may! That crown suits you least for this week haha

Yeah. Weird, because I'm still in catch up mode on my feed and now I'm catching up to your catching up.

I don't know if any of this suits me, let alone crown, but hey, I'm doing it.

I'm glad t's lifted a burden for at least a week. If you do take it back, it will be your doing, though. :) I think it's a great idea to just do what we do and see what happens. I don't really know how it could be otherwise. We'll just keep racing to the top each week and see however many others want to come with us. :)

At some point, though, I need to get faster so I can cut back on the time I'm spending doing this.

Catch up on the catch up on the catch up. No mustard.

I don't know where that came from, but it seems like something I'd say to @themanwithname

I too have re-evaluated a bit to spend a little less time on steemit, as much as I enjoy it!

and by the way, where did leeart post her Mexican meal? :)

I was feeling that I was in catch up mode the whole week with comments on my own blogs. Not to self its hard to post twice a day and expect to reply to all comments haha.

I will try my best hahaha

Yes and you can see @maverickinvictus, I don't post as many as my own blogs, so I hear exactly what you're saying :)

It is a challenge but I try my best to reply back even if it takes me 4 days hahha

I can feel that one too!!

Yes we called that one, didn't we? :) ... I'm glad you got a week off Lynn, so now you can figure out an even better strategy... But I think that Glen is a worthy competitor, he has had the gift of gab since I first met him here months ago...

And a way to give it back to @maverickinvictus... that's great how you threw this in his face:

Congratulations to you! Turn your "shame" into "action" and get back in the race buddy :)

Yes we did call it Dave; it came as no surprise to me!

Glad you liked my "cheerleading" there too :)

is that what that's called??? I thought it was called

What was it to you @maverickinvictus?

bahahaha I think cheerleading sounds a bit more positive, but this is pretty damn funny ;)

I'm on a roll ;)

Holy Snap! (new word of the week), i'm beginning to NOT trust these numbers because my comments are much larger and i'm not sure exactly why i'm not even hitting the top 60 list! LOL
it appears bc i "may" be upvoting my own posts but i see some that have upvoted them self on this list too. i comment much more than what is on this list so i'm still not seeing where there is a fail. i don't care about the top 5 but at least showing i comment like a beast would be nice. :p

Maybe it is the CL ---

Asher made a tweek on lvl 2 replies so that it goes deeper thus most of mine were also not counted I think haha or I wasn't really able to get out of my own blog comments.
SNAP it was a busy week.

ahhh okeyyyyy well i know i fell about 30 levels within a 2 week period and he mentioned something about its getting "tougher" LOL
that is Asher. haahahahah
no crap its a SNAP week and now i dont trust the list! back to CRAP ahahahaha but I did the Double Snap! :p

Ahahhaha making full use of snap! I see what you are doing there haha
I'm About almost out of the hole in my comments and getting back to reading more comments out side of mine!snap it gets harder and harder to stay in the top ten.

oh yeaazzzzzzzz
yes it must be as hard for you to do that as it is for me to even get close. i was semi closer a few weeks back, now i'm inthe bow wow house. wahhhhhh

Haven't read all the comments, but did you ask @abh12345 about your ranking? He does say in his post to let him know if you have a concern about your placing, or lack thereof. I know I would like to see you being ranked where you should be if something is off. That's not fun, to be doing all the work and then not showing up.

I do know that there is a combination of things going on here. Even with the CL, I needed to bump up another 120 comments from the week before just to move up from No. 3 to No. 1. So, comments, upvotes, CL, all of it is somehow calculated. But how, and with what weight, only Asher knows. :)

Maybe he'll see my tag and look at your reply to @maverickinvictus.

hello there, yes i did last week when i saw i fell so much and now i'm thinking one aspect is that i do upvote myself everytime i write a post, which is at least 2 a day. then some of my comments are not very long at all, maybe a sentence at most. so these may be some factors.
yes it is no fun to see that i do comment a lot and more than most but ho hum, i'm losing heart.
yes i am def commenting and upvoting a lot, everyday down to 85%. yes "only Asher knows." ahahahahahahahh
he will look but he already looked it over and knows my plight. heee heee
thank you for checking in and i really appreciate your kind help.

Okay, good. I'm glad he's aware of it and you also have something to go on. Still frustrating, though. :)

Your answer to me was longer than a short sentence, so several more of those and you're name will be up there with everyone else.

Not knowing how much the self-votes are weighted, I can't really say if it's hurting you a lot or not. The ones here who are up on the list, especially the one or two in the teens don't seem to be too affected by it, though, so who knows.

Good luck, though. I'd hate to see you give up over this, when it's here to encourage all of us to do better and expand our reach and influence on Steemit.

see, you did all that typing in what 1 minute? this is why/if you are close to the top you are hitting high numbers. it has to be the amount of writing. meanwhile, i'm trying to get out another post of 2k words. i tend to try to write stories or develop characters instead of all day of comments. that could be my downfall. LOL
yes it is very frustrating but nothing i can do since we have the Asher Factor. only he knows the formula and i do get points taken off for upvoting my own posts.
i know that from the note above the list as well as from his own words. shrugs.
this is true and i know somehow i am ... and thank you. lol
maybe someone just needs to come up with a different list with different formulas. :)

I'm so ashamed though with the number of comments that I did outside of my blogs.

I've tweaked this one to the number of comments that are greater than level 2 in a thread - hoping it shows engagement and conversations :)

Still a good score from you this week, nice!

Yes that is a good way of doing of being able to check for the next level of engagement!

I know @maverickinvictus, I fell off completely! Hehe, that is okay. I'm happy to let all the others shine.

What is this about a Steemitnamechallenge? No idea what you are talking about. I don't remember seeing any posts I was tagged on about a name challenge, either from you or Asher. ;)

Dont you love this image

Sorry, I'm late. I'm in catch up mode now.

I haven't forgotten about your invitation. I might think on it a little longer, though. Just seeing what it took this last week to get to the top of the heap, I'm not sure what more I'm ready or able to do yet. What I do know is, I can't keep the hours I've been keeping forever, so either that means I get superfast at all of this posting, commenting and upvoting/curating, or I will just have to scale back.

I know I'd rather add things to do then subtract, so we'll see how it goes.

As for most of the people in the top 10 this week, I think most everyone had something else going on. So, if I'm winning in a down week for many people, I don't know that I've actually proven much yet. @lynncoyle1 doesn't have a laptop meltdown, she's still on top, even with the other time she took off. I don't see how I keep up with her in a normal week. I guess we'll find out. My saving grace in this competition so far has been I'm longwinded. :)

And you are hahha some of your comments are posts of other people but I'd rather see that and it adds so much value to the conversation.

I'm going to increase the speed in replying to all my comments in my post so I can go out more haha.

I love it @maverickinvictus... You are definitely out there and challenging strong.. You've got the good young legs to go with that wonderful charm, so no wonder all the little pretty minnows are chasing after you all the time. :) ... Me on the other hand is a whole nother story... Old and rickety, I can barely move these days! The only fish that are chasing me are the ones that run those retirement homes. lol

Seriously good job during the week... Its nice to see you compete so well... and love that you are giving @beeyou and @lynncoyle1 a little needling! They need a push every so often, so way to go and give it to them with both hands!

Hahaa I'm barely around the sphere of Lynn and Glenn but I try to be in their shadow and keep spreading that vote and comments

I still can't get @beeyou to do the Steemitnameitchallenge even with the peer pressure from Asher hahaha.

Maybe you are the missing piece.

Good luck guys. Team up but I will turn a blind eye to the both of you. I’m so behind. One day Mave, you’ll hear the cool story behind beeyou. 🙂

haha... I see you've tried and I don't think she will listen to me either... funny how girls are stubborn sometimes, did you ever notice? :P

haha I'm with @beeyou on this one; don't think gangin' up on us will help.

Dave, I still think you can outrun the old gals at the retirement home, or just have Mav waiting by in his car..."Start the car!!" :)

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