
Better 'Trivia' than 'Trivial* I guess, though I'm sure there are plenty of people on here with more stored knowledge than me. I think my brain storage cells have been written over enough over the years that they're starting to lose their ability to retain information. Either that, or they only retain the 'trivial.'

I don't think I'm helping myself here, am I? :)

hahaha ummm no, you're not ;)

And it's age buddy; I know of which I speak...who are you again, and why am I talking to you? :)

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. :)

By the way, who would have thought that a story involving a fish with short term memory loss would be so popular with children and adults alike? So popular, they have to make two stories. It must be a more widespread problem than I thought.


What were you saying? :)

I'm sorry sir, you must have the wrong number :)

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