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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues (Bounty Available!) - Sponsored by @carlgnash and @paulag!

in #engagement6 years ago

Congrats to the nacho king @glenalbrethsen! Two weeks in a row. Man, I can't keep up with your novel writing. You seem to be up to that challenge of showing us a novel through your comments lol! I wonder what this will call for. Another Mexican?

Finally @johndoer123 congrats! Your contests surely made a huge help in this. It is very engaging and lots of interaction there. Keep it up!

Also, @mhm-philippines is not far behind for being in the top 10. Just a little bit more and you'll get there.

@creyestxsa94 exercise those fingers a little more haha!

I am so glad these guys are doing good. I was right in encouraging you to join this.

Thanks again @abh12345 for the delegation. It's been tough this week for not being able to steem more.

Top 3 cannot be beaten for how much active they have been. Great going everyone!


Congratulations to you @leeart! Nice job again this week, but yes, the nacho king is truly king again :)

Ahaha! I am wondering what food are we going to be celebrating with it. Hopefully it's not something Mexican @glenalbrethsen?

haha I wonder? I guess he's moved on to bigger and better decrees :)

Nope. No food decrees this week. You, me and @lynncoyle1 were the ones I know of who participated (@davemccoy said he might, but I didn't see evidence he followed through), so Mexican food must not be as widely loved as I thought.

So, as I said in my "thank you" comment to Asher, ya'll celebrate, or not, however you want. Food. No food. Whatever. It's your thing. :)

I was not able to follow through on your Mexican food decree... I did very much want to, but other things got in the way :P

Hey, it's all good. Just a little fun thing for people to do if they were inclined. No big deal. Life gets in the way. No problemo. :) This week, do what you want. It's your life. Let it get in the way. Or not. It's okay. No hard feelings. Really. :)

I'm just here sipping my coffee :)

This nacho king thing isn't going to be the nickname that sticks, is it? I don't even really like nachos that much. I mean, it has to have more than chips and cheese. @leeart is the one who ate them, and we all have photographic proof, so if anything, she's the Nacho Queen. :)

Haha! My fault. I'm not going to call you with any other name.

haha @leeart, now that we know @glenalbrethsen isn't a fan of Nacho King, I don't know about you, but I'm finding it difficult to think of any other name but! :)

...sorry Glen, that's the price you pay for being in power ;)

Whatever... :)

You know, there's different ways to interpret "Nacho King." I don't know if this way of speaking still persists, but said fast enough, "Nacho King" could still mean, "Not your king," which actually works for me. :)

hahaha great minds and all that! I was going to say the exact same thing :)

I know you always upvote comments, so go check out @beeyou's latest post "my two cents...". I'll be curious to see what you think.

Okay, just left my two cents under themanwithnonames' comment there. As it is, I'm kind of confused after reading Tim Cliff's post why he's bringing it up when it kind of sounds like it's already a planned part of HF 20. Or at the very least, a change in the dust threshold with an adjust down on rewards payments. If Tim's idea isn't that, then he'd be monkeying around with it on top of that.

Truthfully, I don't get all the details, but I thought it might be something you'd want to know about, and continue to research and fill me in on :)

Great work again @leeart, thanks for the summary above and mentioning the ones just outside the top 10 😁

Ha! I know the others know what to do :D My referrals, nay steemian friends, needs a little more coaxing. I know they are putting that effort.

Oh? HAHAHAHA!!! :D Perhaps I should.. :D :D And I had 1 self vote? Waaah!! Because everytime I post, it will automatically hit the upvote button :( I would really remove it but maybe i missed to remove one.. But, it's okay.. I'll also be more cautious next time.

Haha! Now that you know what is at stake and who you're competing with, I hope this will fire you up. BUT remember to have fun!

Ohh yeah, of course. HAHA :D I really enjoy interacting with other people in the platform. :) It's really fun! :)

Yes! It takes away the pressure off this contest.

There should be a box to uncheck the 'autovote' but don't worry about 1 or 2 'selfies', cheers!

I was looking for it and I saw it.. I unchecked the box and after a post or two, it'll go back again to auto self vote. :(
I did it again anyways.. Hopefully it works now. :) And if ever it will autovote again, I'll be more cautious. :D

Sounds like a pain in the ass!

If it happens again I would leave the vote there - you don't recoup the Voting Power so might as well take the Steem Power 😁

Really?? :( I didn't know that.. That's bad. :( Or, might as well, I should be more cautious when i make a post and check if the box for the auto upvote was on so I won't be able to post it with an auto self upvote again.. :)

Yeah, bad but true! Good luck!

Thank you so much for those kind words. It seems to me that my three points that I said out with when I started these games are coming to fruition. I have received comments from people saying they have learned things. Also comments about how people are learning and most importantly as you stated people are engaging one another. I also know because of the comments that's a little bit of money I am able to give away his helping. I even had one person tell me that due to my games they want to stick around steemit.😁 I have to thank everybody here in this great community and our creator for all of the great inspiration. I have even been able to attempt to help a couple of people with a few things. Things like that make you feel great. And give you the strength to continue on. I wish everybody here has a great day and that our creator be with you.

Yes, yes! That's what I like about engaging. Aside from learning about others, we get to help them too. That's why it's such a great idea that this contest has come to fruition. Even after we are not in this contest there is the sense of keep doing it because we already know the benefit of it. Same thing with contests. It keeps this platform healthy.

Congratulations friend! I was sure you'd be back, you're very active and participative all over the network! Keep it up. You're an example to all of us. Good luck.

You're so sweet @melvadg! Thank you! I try to be as active as I can. I want to make every delegated power worth it.

Nacho king?! Hey, you were the one who ate the nachos. I'm actually not so fond of them. Lots more stuff I like in front of them. :)

Well, I can't keep up with the number of your comments (very well done), so does that make us even? It definitely takes a combination of many things to do well in the engagement league, I believe, but CL is very much one of them.

It's kind of funny, though. I actually made a concerted effort to lower the CL this week on my comments, and instead the average CL per comment went up. :) Guess I'd better stop trying to limit myself and see what happens. :)

Oops, sorry, my bad. I got carried away lol!

Maybe so but it's the overall that matters in the end. Just do what you are doing because it does make a good conversation. You give insights that invokes more insight which is great.

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.119 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.107 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.012 SBD from the community!

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