
Thanks I was fairly surprised myself to be honest. Some of the people on that list put up huge numbers of posts and comments.
I can see what you were saying about it being addictive as I've only put down one week but already want to get higher. Looking forward to this week to give it a right go.

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Well good! That means I will be seeing you around quite a bit this week. Seems like I bump into these engagers wherever I go on the platform.
I agree some of those numbers are far beyond anything I will ever do. A top ten spot would be nice though.

More than likely. I have a taste for it now and need more... I can see a lot of names that i recognize from my own interactions so i suppose it is the people who are out and about. They also seem to be a lot of the people who post good content on a regular basis so it makes sense that we will come across them a lot more often.

Top ten would be nice. Looking at some of those crazy numbers at the top end i know that i'm a long way off even if you are within touching distance. Maybe if i give up my job and take up the old commenting full time i might stand a chance. :)

Sadly it has become about who has the most time in some ways. But there are still good top spots to be had for those who can't put in mega hours. I already am aware of my ceiling. Time can be a huge factor for all of us. It is something I see discussed often.

I interact with some groups who have a lot of members on the league. That is really how I ended up here. So yeah between seeing them here and in other comment threads it seems like the same couple hundred people are all over.
I have been actively working on expanding my own circle a bit. Ashers little charts and graphs can shed a lot of light on interaction and led to that.
I think you will find that the benefits go far beyond just list placement. You will see what I mean.
See you at the games.😋

I can see where you're coming from. I love the chart and the rankings but behind that there is the whole concept of interacting with some of the most interesting people on the site. There are the groups that you can be pulled into from talking with these people and obviously the more active that you are the better for your account to grow. Otherwise you might as well just delegate to a bot and take your couple of steem a week hassle free. And that's ok if monetary gain is all you want to take from here.

For me it's only secondary. I know i can't commit the same time and effort to my activities as some people but such is life. I will go with what i have and see how far that can take me. Even in the past week i have met about 5 new and very interesting people never mind what i might achieve from being part of this. I think the people are what's important on here so expanding your circle can only lead to better things.

And don't forget having fun 😉 Sometimes if you start doing the fun things time just slides on by then you look up and the account has grown.

I'm having fun right now!!!
Sitting here with a nice glass of whiskey after a long day of work. Can't beat it. As soon as it stops being fun you won't see me for a while but i enjoy the whole thing.

I was going to ask you if that big old birthday bottle was gone yet. There should be a few interesting times in that bottle.

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