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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues ๐Ÿ† - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! ๐ŸŽ

in #engagement โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)

HUGE Congratzzzz to @janton for taking the top prize AGAIN... 3 weeks in a row. Excellent job!

And HUGE Congratzzzz to the juggernaut engagement League females, @lynncoyle1 and @gillianpearce, for second and third respectively. AMAZINGGGGG, Ladies!!!

To make it in to the Top 10???!!! Wowza! HUGE Congratzzz to everyone who did.... @funbobby51, @eaglespirit, @themanwithnoname, @bashadow, @maverickinvictus, @leeart, @davemccoy and @glenalbrethsen (honorary).... I'd like to be like ya'll when I grow up. ;)

And to everyone else who placed anywhere in the Leagues this week, another round of HUGE Congratzzzz. You all are AWESOME.

@abh12345, Thank you again for doing all it takes to put out this report every week. It's become a lovely way to review the week and get a feel for what we've been spending our Steemit time doing. Thanks so much, Asher.

PS Any Texans in the house? I spelled 'y'll' as 'ya'll' first awhile ago, went to look it up and got all confused, then found a blog by a Texan saying it's 'y'all' and changed it. I don't want to dig through all my emails from my fav Texan mama to remember how she spells it... help please. ;)

EDIT: S, 1.7.18, 8:51pm, CST Jamaica

PPS THANK YOU for all the input re Texan spelling of 'you all'. Going with Texan @janton's redneck version... more fun than sophisticated always... so 'ya'll or y'll'. ;)

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Thanks! You did really well yourself, so congrats to you too!

I think it would be spelled "y'all" as it is an abbreviation of "you" and "all." Like "you're" and other words like it, the apostrophe goes where the replaced letters would have been. That's my thinking, but maybe Texans do it differently. @janton?

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Thank you so much, @themanwithnoname.

I think you're right. And so does the Texan whose blog I visited to check... forgot to link earlier.

I actually used that word in my very first #IntroduceYourself post, so I just need to scrolllllllll alllllll the way downnnnnnnn to find it. ;)

Or maybe not... haven't for awhile but did do some archive posts. Reminder to do another soon. Will check. I know I spelled it right in that title. Thanks again.

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There has to be an easier way to get to your first posts. I don't know it though, so maybe someone else will chime in.

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

There is. Found last archive post. Can't believe I haven't updated it in so long. May do it later.

Seems to be like you, my fav Texan mama and that Texan blogger above said... it's 'y'all' in that first post title. But confirmation later by in the house Texans will still be appreciated.

I don't drink coffee usually but maybe I need some this morning? My apologies for mixing up your username earlier, @themanwithnoname.

Cool, you found it! That must have been a lot of scrolling. Ha ha.

No worries. I mix stuff up all the time. Ha ha

"They say it's best to forgive and forget, but it's even easier to not pay attention"

"They say it's best to forgive and forget, but it's even easier to not pay attention"

LOVE this!!! I'm chuckling and giggling over here. Have no idea why but I find that quote by you, @themanwithnoname, to be sooooo funny.

AND sensible guidance to live by. ;)

Oh, please don't live your life by my little quotes. They're mainly stupid things that I come up with spur of the moment. I really wouldn't advise living your life by them. Ha ha

"Lots of people will tell you how to live your life, but before taking their advice see how they live theirs."

Ok, so that's probably actually a good quote, but take it with a grain of salt. ;)

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Oh don't worry. I pick up Guidance from around me daily. Take what I like, leave the rest alone. But did enjoy that first... and quite like the second too.

Have you gathered them up and published on Kindle for the heck of it?

You could fling one to a page, add a couple sentences worth of your insights, say 150 words or so. 4000 words min. 4000/150 = 27 quotes. Blank page in between, so 54 pages approximately, plus intro/outro.

Hardly any formatting because it's so little text, just copy/paste then drop in each quote and matching insights. You'd have Volume 1 of Quotes To Not Live By up in no time... end of next week if you choose, end of July easily.... authored by The Man With No Name.

Get one up each month for 5 months and you'll have a good 5 book series going at $0.99 each, box all five for $2.99 for those who prefer boxes or who want both, then rinse and repeat. ;)

lol! howdy there @themanwithnoname!
well, the redneck version is ya'll or y'll so
if you want to be all sophisticated ya'll can type y'all.

Congrats Janton. Welldone three weeks in a row what an achievement. I am very glad to see it and well deserved
N Texas isn't that part of Oklahoma where they just forgot to extend the line over :)

howdy there @wolfhart and thank you my friend! I couldn't do this stuff without fun people such as yourself to comment to, thanks for all your help and advice!
yes that is the problem with Oklahoma, someone made a serious mistake when they made that border!

LOL Well I guess they had to have a panhandle too

Interesting. I didn't know that! I always thought it was "y'all."

I'm sure it is technically or grammatically
but I don't care about that! lol

Wow. Just finished taking a closer look at top engagement rank. @janton made 627 comments. With 338 additional depth replies. My goosy goomples! Amazing, @janton! Then I noticed new guy @paparodin right on edge of Top 10. Wowza.

I'm getting extra popcorn for next Sunday. ;) You Top Tenners are incredible.

Yeah, @janton goes crazy, but it pays off for him which is great.

Yes. And your type of crazy is paying off handsomely for you too, new guy. ;)

How are you doing? I have a feeling I dropped the ball last week on a comment but I may have caught up.

Where is 2018 flying? Once it's summer, it's time to start preparing turkey and ham for back to back festive seasons towards the end of the year. Geesh. Hello, 2019. ;)

I am just looking forward to the end of summer. I am not build for the heat, I prefer the cold.

That aside, things are good. Could be better, but I am working on it.

Yes, it's super hot here. I keep a spray bottle full of water and have to refill a million times each day to help keep cool. Unfortunately doesn't really get cold here but things start being so intensely hot usually early October.

I'm cheering you on as you create the better. Doing that too myself... just have to drastically reduce time on Steemit. ;)

lol! thank you Ma'am you are a very entertaining writer!

yeah watch out for the new guys! congratulations @paparodin

and thank you @angelacs for the very kind words, if I could write as good as you

I would have had a thousand instead of 627!

My pleasure, kind Sir!

Which rock have I been hiding under to have missed meeting you all this time? Very pleased to make your acquaintance!

thank you Ma'am..well I'm kind of a hermit so I've been invisible. lol.
No, I just started on here 4 weeks ago, first time came in 3rd and liked it.
Did you say you are in Texas?

I have just started to notice you after I have seen you rank in here.

Things like that seem to happen quite often.

howdy @paparodin ..yes sir the League is a great way to get noticed. Very good for a rising star such as yourself, next week you'll be in the top bracket I'm sure. thank you sir for commenting!

I was in the top bracket second to last week. I have to really push it hard to make it again this week.

howdy again @paparodin! yes sir, it's really tough if you work a regular job or raising kids or have a lot of other responsibilities. do you fit into any of those situations? Are you a native German?
thanks for commenting!

I just started on here 4 weeks ago, first time came in 3rd and liked it.

Wow! That's excellent, @janton. Amazing actually. You new guys sure don't waste time. ;)

No, I referred to my fav Texan mama... I get her emails and she's a sweetie but knows how to use her boots well too. One of my fav online gals. I'm in Jamaica.

lol! that is superb! you gals gotta stick together.
what is life like in Jamaica? I know that's too broad of a question sorry.
are you a native of Jamaica and do you work outside the home to make money?

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Hey, @janton,

Sorry to pause the lovely convo flow. I've been unsuccessfully trying to spend less time on Steemit. Have to try harder. ;)

what is life like in Jamaica? ... what is life like in Jamaica?

Pretty much like everywhere else. A lot of crap going on but a beautiful place to live. We call it 'The Rock' and it's where I was born and have lived most of my life. No matter where I live, I'll probably always have a base and spend at least a 3-8 weeks here every year.

... do you work outside the home to make money?

I used to. Left my last job in 1987 and promised myself I'd never work for anyone but myself after that. Done a number of things for $$. Business consultancy mostly and melding that with spirituality/consciousness development... facilitating workshops, energy healing sessions.... those have been the staples since '87.

In between, art work... sold paintings, especially prints in resort hotels and tourist shops... network marketing, on and off for a couple decades, offline then online. Probably worst biz decision I've ever made was to leave Herbalife.

Shifted everything online in 2004. Ran a membership site for a few years, doing group guided meditations and coaching. Then got in to writing and publishing a few series... non-fic and fiction after my Dad passed in 2014. Everything stopped when my sister passed Thanksgiving Day, 2016. Sick most of last year and slowly got back online late last year, early this year.

Steemit early February. Helped get me consistent with content creation again and am now about to organize brand new membership and coaching on something I've been doing since 1990 but never shared much.

By now you MUST be sorry you asked. ;)

How about you, kind Sir?

howdy back @angelacs! so good to hear from I'm thrilled that you gave me so much information but that brings up so many new questions!
So you don't live in Jamaica now? if not, where and why did you move?

also, you said you were trying to not be on steemit so much which is shocking because most people say that they are trying to be on Steemit MORE! but you think it's not a good investment of your time right now?

then you mentioned network marketing and Herbalife, why did you get out and why was it a terrible decision?

okay I'll stop now, you just sound like you have so many interesting things going on, don't worry if it takes awhile to get back to me, just make sure you do sometime! lol

Thank you @angelacs for the great comment and kind words in support of the Engagement League ๐Ÿ˜

I'm not Texan but prefer Y'ALL!

You're Welcome, @abh12345. All true. You've gathered an excellent cadre of engaging and entertaining Steemians in the League. ;)

I like how you typed that... Y'ALL. Extra oomph! ;)

howdy @angelacs..and thank you for the kind words, you did yourself proud also!
It's an honor to be in such excellent company.
I'm in Texas.

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Howdy, @janton. Missed this one and said 'Hello' above. But a pleasure to make your acquaintance, kind Sir.

Ahhhh... well. Your say is FINAL. I think you said it above...

well, the redneck version is ya'll or y'll so
if you want to be all sophisticated ya'll can type y'all.

Redneck all the way. Ya'll it is! That's how I wrote it the first time then changed. Will take care of that now. ;)

Thank you so much again.

lol! but expect to be corrected on it then you gotta tellem what's what!

Oh yeah! I'll tellem for sure! No more confusing this particular phrase. ;)

lol! yes Ma'am sometimes these people need to get educated!

Thank you, @angelacs. Good job to you as well. I thought I will not make it this week but thankful that I did.

Thanksss so much, @leeart! You top peeps ALWAYS say you didn't think you'd all make it... and then... ;)

Congratzzz again for great job. Have an awesome week too.

Thank you @angelacs! Congratulations to you as well :)

You're Welcome, @lynncoyle1!

Just trying to not let you all get over the horizon where I won't even see the dust swirls showing where ya'll at. ;)

haha @angelacs, not to worry, you will forever be in my sights โค๏ธ

@lynncoyle1, what's the code thingy for that cute little heart?

I've been meaning to look up smiley codey thingies and haven't. That heart is so precious.

@angelacs, it's from something called "Fast Reply"; I occasionally use it for replying to comments Here's a post. It's got several emojis you can use with one simple these ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Žโค๏ธ

OMgosh!!! Sooo cute. Thanksss, @lynncoyle1. I'll check out that post and learn! ;)

You're welcome @angelacs ! The emojis are just one of the benefits too!๐Ÿ˜…

Thank you for the HUGE Congratzzzz @angelacs. I might have to start employing you to write my "thank you" posts. You make such a good job of it and I'm running out of new things to say! ๐Ÿ˜‚

HUGE Congratzzzz

Talk about a writing tell, eh?

I'm running out of new things to say! ๐Ÿ˜‚

That's sooo funny, @gillianpearce, because I was looking at it afterwards and wondered 'so what do I write next week?' LOL

Thank you, nonetheless. Maybe we can start stringing words and letters vertically like mad Christmas light designs or something. We have a few days so we'll think of something. Let's mull in between all we're doing in the meantime. ;)

I tried to write a poem @angelacs but failed miserably. But, as you say, we've got another week yet/ ๐Ÿ˜

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