
Yeah, I work in a new job now. Being away from the house for 10 hours does hurt when it comes to steemit and other things, but I deal with it.

Yes, born and raised in germany. How about you, where are you coming from? Also, damn, that was a fast response.

lol! well regarding the response time mine varies greatly, I just got around to answering comments from 10 hours ago!
well your progress on Steemit is that much more remarkable considering your very full time job! amazing actually, obviously you are convinced that it is going to be a good investment and that's encouraging to me
because I've been "on the fence" about it.

you write in perfect English, they teach it in public schools in Germany?
can I ask what your occupation or career is?
I'm in Texas, United States.

Yes, they do teach it here in germany, but that doesn't stop most germans from forgetting most of it. I read and watch a lot of things in english and frequent a lot of english websites on the internet, so that helped me quite a lot.

I wanted to get into blogging anyway and Steemit just happened to be the most interesting way to get started while also being the one that takes the least amount of effort. I do intend to reach out to other platforms though.

I am working for a bank, basically being the conduit between their external salesmen and data processing. It sounds much more fancy than it actually is.

What are you doing for a living?

oh thanks for filling me in on things paparodin that's interesting..and the job is just a job or your chosen career?
it sounds like you're kinda like managing the sales team?
So you had to work at improving your English and not let it go which is very smart and savvy on your part especially for worldwide business such as Steemit and blogging.

My wife and I were heavily entrenched in the real estate business, we built our own business from scratch and became very successful but the hours and the stress was so great that we retired from that, moved to Texas and now are looking for another home based business to start.

that's how I found Steemit but I'm not sure about the profit potential, that's why I've been wavering on staying with it for long. so yes for now that's what I'm doing, it's like playtime really, just having fun with it for now at least.

I am not managing anything, I just started and still learn about the products of the bank. Maybe one day, though I do not intend to stay there for all that long.

The whole english learning thing was less of a need or convenience, I just enjoyed taking in media in english more than in german. German localization is either great or horrible, rarely in between. It also tends towards the horrible more often than not these days, sadly.

Great to see that you had success as entrepreneurs in the past. I would like to get there myself one day. Maybe steemit will be a good foundation for that to happen. For the moment, I rather treat it as an engaging hobby more than a sort of income. For that, I would have to invest way more money, time and effort into it than I am doing at the moment. Which wouldn't be a bad thing either, really, but it isn't feasible for me at the moment.

Writing this response took a while because I was just finishing writing up my most recent blog post. I think it ended up quite nicely. Writing about things you have fond memories of is always great.

howdy back @paparodin....thanks for filling in the information, can a person make a living at blogging? since that sounds like your passion, and I'm sure why you're so good with Steemit?

I'll go check out your blog but my vote is so low and worthless that I'm trying to charge it up today.
thank you sir!

Just vote whenever you feel compelled to do so, I ain't pressuring.

I have only been blogging here on steemit for five weeks myself and never had any real experience on that before, so I don't know how profitable it may end up being one day.

Others seemed to have been able to make a living, so that's interesting to consider.

yes sir thank you. from what I can determine from experienced members is that if you bust your tail then after 2 years you should be making pretty good money that will increase rapidly. Plus with new programs and features being added soon the growth of Steem and Steemit should accelerate. The problem is's all pretty much theory, no one knows exactly how it's going to turn out but I think the odds are that it will increase and succeed.
If you have significant funds to invest then you can drastically decrease the profit timeline.

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