What is Engagement with regards to Steem?

in #engagement6 years ago (edited)

A post scoring system, and from it, one method to find a list of my most engaged followers....

Pixabay source

Born out of the many User Authority discussions taking place, the Engagement leagues, pies, (!)pancakes, and just a general desire to have a crack at some data.... at 6 am Monday morning.

What is Engagement?

Merriam-Webster says it is something that engages : pledge.

With a focus on online engagement, these are some of the definitions from the above link with a touch of editing:

  • to offer something as backing to a cause or aim
  • to hold the attention of
  • to enter into contest or battle with engage the enemy
  • to bring together or interlock (weapons)

So you could define engagement as, the ability to hold the attention of someone or to induce the individual to participate in some sort of activity. Online engagement could be defined similiary, probably just need to but the word 'website' in there somewhere.

One a definition is in place, it's simply a case of defining some useful metrics, gathering them up, and processing them into a pretty chart. And as the @steem-ua team know, this is a big fat lie.

Choosing the right metrics is one thing, giving each of them a weight is another. And then gathering this information across the whole 'network', a potentially a huge load on resources such as time and CPU.

Not easy at all, I can have a go from a single persons perspective and data though...

Steem metrics for online engagement?

The possibilities are endless, and the gamification is real. Not so much with follow/followers though, according to the @steem-ua team who started off with this metric/matrices. I would also like 'follow' to be one of the metrics I use in the example below.

The idea in this example is provide a Steem related scenario that shows 'holding the attention of' and 'offering something', as taken from the Merriam-Webster definitions above.

First off, someone visits your lovely Post. The view counter is no more (and didn't work anyway) so a 'hit' cannot be used at a metric.

This kind soul comments on your post - a score is given. If they have commented, and choose to up-vote the post, points are added to the score. IF you reply to the comment (because it made sense, engaged you, asked a reasonable question, etc), more points are added to the score.

Your comment is upvoted (you provided an answer to a question or some useful information), and more points are added. Your comment is replied to (perhaps with a 'thank you'), and more points are added.

There is potentially a loop developing within the comment thread, points for votes and depth of comment/reply could be added, perhaps to a certain level (gamification reducer?)

Then some potential bonus points:

Is user following you (now) - Yes (points!), No (no points).
Did you get a resteem - Yes / No

The resteem is an interesting one I think. Clearly the value or points given for the resteem relate to the user hitting the button. Something for another day :)

So I've decided that I want to score:

  • Following?
  • 1st Level Comment (question?) (Top L C)
  • Post Upvote (V1)
  • Receive reply (information from the post owner)
  • Up-vote reply (V2)
  • Comment (with thanks?) (3rd L C)
  • Resteem (RS)

And so, the number of times this happens, or some of this happens, on a post builds the individual post score.

This is then added to all the other individual (and potentially ever changing) post scores, and forms part of an overall score for an account.

Also, some of the interactions on the post should boost the score of the post visitor, should they not?


My most engaged followers 2018

Based on the above criteria, I decided to build a query that would tell me who scored best for 2018.

Similar to the Engagement League, the criteria has been weighted. I'm only choosing to get the data from the accounts that are actually following me, this is to save the query running forever and a day.


Thanks to the people on this list. The criteria / weights might not be agreed on by many, you guys are very important in my Steem world :)

What is Engagement with regards to Steem?

It's a tough one, with plenty of possible criteria, and different opinions on it's importance - the weight it should hold.

@paulag is looking at a Steem Contribution Score and of course, we have the @steem-ua team seemingly working around the clock with their algorithms.

I think these are interesting times, and we should support everyone looking into ways to develop solutions in this area.

My brain hurts a little now, I shall go to the pool.

Have a nice day!



SO wonderful to see I'm on the list! I may be number 10... but I've been a devoted engager for over a year! And I see I'm in awesome company!

Number 10 of the many people who could be on this list sounds pretty good to me!

What a selection of long-term engaged folks I have here. Cheers Dawne!

You are posting some seriously interesting stuff, Do you ever think you'll make these into software we can type our name in? I have no idea how complicated that would be because I'm not into that stuff as much. But I love seeing metrics and graphs.

Thank you!

There are numerous sites which show some interesting information


But I think i'm right in saying my little pies aren't available anywhere yet. Honestly, there are a few reasons why I'm not so interested in creating a site for them:

  • I like to produce content for Steem
  • It's easier to monetize it here easier
  • I like the engagement I get
  • I can do 'on request' stuff quite easy
  • No website to maintain

Hopefully the links will keep you busy, but if you cant find what you want then send me a message and I'll see what I can do :D

I'm so pleased to have made it on your list, and to be in such good company :)

Can you tell I'm not a fan of resteems? :)

Yes I can, and in this example I weighted a Resteem the highest :)

As in the text, I think there is great value in a Resteem, but i think that value is associated to the account pressing the button. I guess a pre-existing UA score for the account doing the Resteeming would need to be considered, and perhaps this holds true for those commenting/voting on the post too.

The worry is that it could all end up spiraling into one big UA circle jerk :)

Cheers Lynn, welcome back!?

The worry is that it could all end up spiraling into one big UA circle jerk :)

...and we certainly don't want that!!

"Welcome back?" I think so. I'm trying to write a post about our new place; wait until you see it (and no, I'm not pimping my not-yet-written-post haha) ... but it's making it very very very difficult to stay on my computer :)

Yes I read the post - I did write a comment but perhaps didn't finish it and then forgot?!

The patio is huge and looks like an awesome chillout zone :)

Hey Asher, this is very awesome to see! I don't know how you manage to put together easy and understandable metrics to define user behavior, but in this case I think you nailed it! (ps and that's not because I'm on the top :P )

Honestly that is a great thing to think about and hopefully it deepens people's thoughts as to how to develop here. Not only for the everyday users like us, but also for the "leaders" that are trying to shape the platform to be what they want. If you want a certain behavior to happen, its always a good idea to understand how to measure it. Once measured, then things can be incentivized. Hopefully a few are learning that lesson about now ;)

Cheers Dave!

If you haven't already, it might be worth taking a look at, and possibly delegating to @steem-ua.

I suggest 250SP if you are to post daily, and 50/100SP if 2/4 times a week.

This was more of a play/thoughts post today, but at @steem-ua, something is currently live and actively curating based on User Authority score, which is derived partly from engagement :)

Cool, I'll check it out Asher! Thanks! And I will follow your lead and delegate the 50SP that is free right now! :)

Good man!

At present the return should be excellent value (if you compare it to BB delegations), but the bigger picture being the distribution of stake is potentially the real winner here.

Thanks and I'm not too concerned about the payout to me... I'm just following your lead since I'm sure you've done your homework on the quality of the outfit! :D

and cheers!!!

Right on! I think they deserve a chance - anything to disrupt the current setup sounds good to me :)

That's very gratifying to be in that list @abh12345. I was somewhat surprised because I thought the lack of resteems would prevent me from appearing there.

It's interesting to see how different it is from more recent engagement league results. 😁

I hope you time in the pool has soothed your aching brain.

I think there is more than one person in that list who is a little adverse to resteems, but there's nothing wrong with that :)

It's interesting to see how different it is from more recent engagement league results.

Form is temporary, class is permanent. 😁

Sadly, I got soaked up in Steem and didn't make the pool today - tomorrow!

Form is temporary, class is permanent.

That's a bit deep for me at this time of night @abh12345. 😂

Sadly, I got soaked up in Steem and didn't make the pool today - tomorrow!

That is sad. I'm still spending way more time than I'd like on the computer, but a lot of that is catching up with stuff that I've let slip because I kept getting distracted by Steemit.

At least I'm getting to bed at a reasonable time. Yay me! 😂

All these young guns at the top right now, they have to prove their worth longer term to be listed in my top 10 engagers.

And yes, very sad. I've got my content ready for tomorrow though, so hopefully most of the day will be on my own time, on a li-lo :)

Bedtime at 10, good on you!

There are many ways to measure, the more that are invented/brought to light, the better for an overall score. Kind of like they do in political polls, here is the poll, here is what it looks like when all the polls are combined. Or a combination of them all may show a bell type curve and a little bit better understanding of the activity, and then presenting a combined "rep" type score.

I agree.

Many ways to skin a cat, let's hope that the community can help find the best method that works for all (or at least most!)

I hope it's time for a terrible joke?

You are engaged with Steem 😋

Alright, please show me my numbers!


No numbers today, I might have some pies for you later though!

Ohw 😥

I thought you could show me the same numbers as you got from your top engagers?

But later sounds good 😀

This is definitely interesting. Still trying to process the information. I guess I'm not fully awake yet.

Your ua score is 2.651 and you have a ua rank of 13754
I look at this and think OMG I really suck LOL. I know when someone has an off week for one reason or another it greatly impacts engagement.

I know several people feel it is just responding to a post. It really is so much more. It is more of a process of building a relationship of sorts.

13754 of over 1100000 accounts, not too shabby! :D

I know several people feel it is just responding to a post. It really is so much more. It is more of a process of building a relationship of sorts.

Agreed, and this takes time and consistency I think. Cheers!

Thanks Asher, this really helps in processing. You're right consistency is just about everything on here and I know the past month having been off and trying to get back on a routine has shown me how much of an impact it has.

i have actually been thinking to myself that i really want to create a bot, that looks up the activity level of people rank 25-30, 40-50, 50-60, 60-70, and 70-80. (of course somehow reduce the intake of known commenting bots) i want to post the most active people on steem, so that they can be recognized and more people recognize them for putting in their hard work. There is nothing better than to be on steem, and write a nice long post that you fell in love with along the way and comment back and forth with someone on it for another 20 minutes. thats when i like upvoting. when i comment on someones post, and then they re engage with me. They dont just sit there and expect their post to start rolling in with likes and resteems. They love the interaction and the community thats why they choose to post. Like me, i like Busy.org because there is an "active" section showing which users are active and their recent posts. i love reading them and actually engaging with them. anyways sorry for the rant, i feel like we at least think a like.. thank you for all the active followers i have out there too! all 5 of you! haha :P

Hey no worries, didn't really sound like a rant to me :)

I believe there are bots in the wild upvoting content of the more engaged, and these votes seem to increase gradually as the 'old' Reputation score rises.

The recent posts 'active' section on Busy is good, because you know there is a good chance the user is around and likely to respond to the decent comments, I should utilize that more actually. Cheers!

Hmmm, seems like this is going to wake up a lot of steemians from their slumber there are a couple of accounts I see who simply post for the sake of getting an upvote from say dTube, dLive or some 3rd party service and move on with their day. There should be more constructive ways to generate passive income like delegating to your favourite project.

I really hope both UA and contribution score can help with that and make one-way communication/mass communication a counter-intuitive experience on the platform! We want real community, real engagement and a whole lot of fun to be had :)

The best way to create a passive income with steem is to post! keep posting, keep commenting and keep using the votes that steem gave you. the more active you are, the more active followers you're going to attract! just keep it up. its going to take a lot of work but when you get those 10,000 followers is going to be a cake walk. you'll be posting better posts because you learned from your mistakes and you'll feel what the other guys felt when they were the low levels and worked hard for it!

Indeed! I mean, there's nothing passive about doing the above but that is the goal from being very busy with all that for a few years. I have the 10k followers, but can assure you there's nothing passive about my income, yet!

haha yet! i post an article that takes me about an hour to write, and im happy with 3 or 4 nice comments. and back probably a month ago i was happy with just one! the look for active people is the key! and im sure that a ton of active people are gunna come flooding in with the next bull run! hahaha

This one took me 6 hours - that is way too long for 80 words and a table!

I think it's definitely worth looking out for who is active now, the bull run will bring people, but how many of them will stay?

Mostly the ones that stood during the bear...im pretty active though, and its nice to meet you

@steem-ua are accepting delegations, and I recommend delegating 250 SP to them if you can spare it.

I really hope both UA and contribution score can help with that and make one-way communication/mass communication a counter-intuitive experience on the platform!

Spot on with this - the 2 way information flow is very important to engagement :)

Cheers for the comments!

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