The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆

in #engagement5 years ago

With 30 STEEM and a number of SBI shares to be won - sign up, engage, and win! 🎁

Welcome to the Engagement and Curation leagues. How does your engagement on Steem compare against others?

This weeks Post is sponsored by @esteemapp - A mobile and desktop app for Steem.

Other contests

If you have between 500 and 5000 Steem Power, join the @steemcommunity 'Minnow Power-up League' - visit @steemcommunity and register on the latest post.

League Info

Would you like to enter the leagues? Make a comment below - this is for a lifetime membership and so you will need to ask to be removed.

The league tables are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!

The Engagement League

This league is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.

Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations over the past couple of weeks.

I've used some metrics relating to:

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Number of people spoken to (PS)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
  • Up-votes to others (V)
  • Up-votes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - No minus score but no bonus STEEM (S V)

Note: Copy/Paste comments will be excluded!

Engagement League Table

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you among the top 15% of the league entrants!

  • 368 accounts earned a score this week (382 last time)
  • The top 100 produced 1091 top level posts (1063 last time)
  • The top 100 produced 12754 comments (12748 last time)
  • The top 100 produced over 2.12 million characters of text in comments (2.14 last time)
  • The top 100 cast 26945 votes (26175 last time), of these, 782 were self-votes (525 last time)

Congratulations to this weeks Engagement League winner:

@tattoodjay! 🏆

He's back, with over 800 comments and around half of those deep in the comments section, @tattoodjay is this weeks champ.

@dswigle, last weeks winner, finishes a fine 2nd this time and @chireerocks moves up a few places to take an excellent 3rd.

Excellent engagement levels also from @brittandjosie, @johannpiber, @wakeupkitty, @nickyhavey, @simplymike, @tarazkp, and @riverflows who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.

Those without a self-vote and placed in the top ranks will also receive a little STEEM. These people are: @veryspider, @chekohler, @bashadow, @delishtreats, @mad-runner, @shanibeer, @newageinv, and @phoenixwren.

Well done everyone!

The Curation League / Rewards based

NOTE: If you have started a power-down or been involved in delegations in/out of your account, you will not appear on this list for 15 days following the activities above. Thanks!

The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.

🎁 Prizes 🎁

The Engagement League

0 votes to self - Spot Prizes

Lucky numbers

The list is ordered by the date that sponsor first offered a prize for their lucky number.


A big thank you to all the sponsors and well done to the winners!

If anyone wishes to sponsor a number give me a shout and I'll try to remember to add it next week :)


  • If you have spotted any glaring mistakes in my post, please let me know so I can fix them

  • If you would like to be added or removed from the master list, give me a shout

  • If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below



Looks like “steady as she goes” this week @abh12345. In the face of the continuing decline of STEEM (lowest since I "jumped in" in Aug 2017) …

An SBI share has been registered for our ”Hot Pink” winner this week ... you! 😊 Good to see you back “in the pink” sir! Congratulations to all of this week’s winners, which is everyone! As well as those who got some prizes … 😉

Thank you for putting this together @abh12345. "Onward and upward" into a new week!

P.S. Asked this last week, I’ll try again: “On upvoting, what are your thoughts on the effect of HF21 on upvoting comments / replies? I have always found that worthwhile, but find others less interested ... I value your opinion. Thanks!”

Thanks @roleerob!

I seem to be attracted to the hot pink in recent weeks, it seems that i've collected this prize a few times :)

Sorry I missed the question regarding comment voting last week. I think that following the fork, the dust level could well be out of range for many accounts and would suggest on checking your vote value after the event to see if you are just casting dust or not. I estimate that a current % equivalent to a 4.5-5 cent vote today will be needed, but don't quote me on that.

I appreciate your perspective on this question @abh12345. I guess we'll all find out soon enough. Thanks!

Thanks Asher for running the leagues and congrats to all players and winners!

SBI sponsorship for lucky number #22 sent to @mad-runner!


!giphy thanks+running+leagues

As usual I don't know exactly this mechanism, in any case I thank you for the mention because it is surely a good thing for me, here is a bubbly !BEER

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Hey, @abh12345.

Trying for a little earlier reply than last week.

Good morning/afternoon. How goes it?

I was again genuinely surprised that there was another mention of me, only to discover that my paltry engagement offering this week somehow landed me in 33rd place for the 'Bengy Award.'

It sounds like I've brightened your day by placing thusly, so hey, what can I say. Glad to be of help. :)

Congratulations to everyone who placed in the Top 25, particularly the Top 10. I still believe in the importance of engagement on a social platform, even though my part in it has been dwindling.

Onward and upward.

Hi Glen

I blame gentlebot for 'hiding' this one further up the post than I've been checking :)

33 used to be the outlier for an SBI, we've since got number 42 so there are more options for the busy in real life Steemian to pick up a prize :)


Huh... Is today Sunday? I'm completely out of the time routine! Congrats to @glenalbrethsen for winning the bengy prize! I've got to do better next week.. So many good engagers on board!


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Yes it is, did you miss the late Saturday night charge? Happy that Glen landed on the coveted 33 :D

Haha... these days on holiday... I'm struggling to do any charging!

Hey, @bengy.

Thank you for being one of those who provides extra incentive for engagement league participants. I think we could all try to do a little better when it comes to engagement, so you're not alone. :)


That didn't seem to work.

Let's try it again.


Thanks heaps for the ENGAGE!

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Thanks for the time and effort putting this together and for the steem !tip

One SBI share sent to @gingbabida for coming in at number 16 and congrats to all who make the list quite an achievement

Nice to see SteemUSA in the top two spots :)


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Wow! This is awesome Sir Asher @abh12345! Thank you. 😍

And thank you Sir @tattoodjay for the SBI. I never expected this. Thank you so, so much! Much appreciated.

MY pleasure to send to you :)

Well, what can I say but "thank you." Your generosity touches my heart. 💕

NO thanks needed just my little way of giving back :)

Aw, what more can I say? 😊

nothing more is needed my friend :)

Cheers Jay and thanks for sponsoring the EL!

My Pleasure to support the league its a greta initiative that you do :)

Woo-hoo! Congratulations, JJ!! @tattoodjay! Great engagement, as always!!! It is nice to see #SteemUSA in the top two spots!

You are so !tip worthy!!

Thanks kindly my friend, I only just snuck in above you this week, it was very close between us

Wait!!! Over 1,000 points! Not in this lifetime! LOL But, I bow down to your amazing skills at communicating with the masses. ;)

Thats less than a 10$% difference not much at all :)
Its my time on the train each day that makes the diference is all

🎁 Hi @tattoodjay! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Thanks @dswigle for the tip :)

🎁 Hi @abh12345! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @tattoodjay!

@tattoodjay wrote lately about: The Portal Feel free to follow @tattoodjay if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Looks like despite the current price of steem we are all still doing pretty good at staying engaged and voting and commenting, The weekly numbers are still looking pretty consistent, and people are remaining pretty consistent also, that is good. This is a hard time price wise for some I know, but we are weathering the storm still.

It will be interesting to see how the curation numbers change with the coming HF. There is a long history available to see just how much the new curve and split will work. Will there still be small accounts, (SP wise), listed in the top 20 or will only the 3000+ SP accounts hold the top.

Always something to look forward to.

Yep, fairly steady as we go.

I'll be keen to see how HF21 changes the curation table, and what is working or not. I can't see smaller accounts making up for 'lost' content rewards when the change takes place, but it would be nice to see some of that reduction come back from the curation.

I have tried to not only write "thank you" in my replies this week, but a few words more, and I have made it in the Top 5, wow, I am really impressed by myself 😉

Again, thank you Asher for your work, and my best congratulations to all other winners with @tattoodjay and @dswigle in front, and of course to all other members of this fabulous League :)

If I would type as much as the 4 in front of me, my fingers would bleed - they hurt already ;)

Of course, I have a !BEER and a little !tip for Asher for all the effort, which he takes to run this league.

Congratulations @johannpiber!! That is so awesome and you have come a long way, baby!!! :)

I worked as a secretary while in school and I can type pretty darn fast, although my mistakes have also kept up with the speed! I haven't changed how I respond since I have joined, as you know, I have always been a little verbose.

But, this isn't about me! I raise my glass to you! Top ten is awesome!!! Congratulations again!!

!tip worthy achievement!

To raise your glass you need some !BEER :)

Thank you so much, Denise 😊
My career in the league began with @janton and then went on with JJ / @tattoodjay, and still most of my conversations about anything including white sheep with pink rubber boots are with JJ and with @janton.

You raise your glass and I say "prost", thanks for the tip, my congratulations to you too, and let's begin another week :)


We do have some interesting conversations especially when my typos take them off on a tangent LOL

Oh, yes!!! The typos add a whole other dimension! :) My typos are like porn! OMG... I hate autocorrect!

When I read sometimes a comment from JJ, which has no typo in it - yes, that happens ;) - then I often think, he has hired a ghostwriter, but didn't tell him to make typos ;) lol

Haha!!! Oh, my!! That is so funny!! Sometimes I make typos and if I am walking and typing especially! Autocorrect takes it upon herself to show me who is boss and changes it into something completely irrelevant!


I don't have this problem with the Autocorrect function, because my phones language is set to German, and sometimes it autocorrects correct written English words into a German word, which means something completely different of course, but these misscorrections are easy to see and to correct again ;)

And because I am no native English speaker, I try to write as correct as possible and read my writings once again, before I press "post" ;)

I think, there are less typos than a few months ago, and I have become so used of them ;)

I think it is most likely the second one you have got used to my typos LOL

I think so too ;) lol

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Hey @dswigle, here is your BEER token. Enjoy it!

Do you already know our [BEER Crowdfunding](

Thank you for the beer @johannpiber!

Top 5 is pretty impressive I wonder how much a percentage of our engagement is the exchanges we have between each other :)

Thank you, JJ 😊

My congratulations to your comeback :) You and the other 3 are not beatable, not by me, that's for sure, unless you go on vacation somewhere with no internet. My fingers hurt anyway, and I don't even think of getting in front of one of you ;) lol

I do know, most of my points come from our conversations, and I bet, Asher could tell us more data, what would really be interesting ;)

Thanks Mate, Funny thing is I thought I had not been so active on here this week but I guess I was, I think when I retire and don't have so much time commuting on the train I will drop down on the list, keeping up on Steemit while on the train makes the commute seem not so long

Then the others might have a better chance to win sometimes, but I think, if you have got used to your new life in freedom, then you will somehow plan Steemit and commenting in your daily routine ;)

LOL yeah, but i think it will change when I look at my number of comments per day it does seem to be less on weekends at the moment and when I retire life will be one long weekend ;)

Let's wait and see, maybe you will become a fulltime Steemer 😉 lol

LOL well as they say never say never that Maybe the case


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Well I hope not tooo much, but there is bound to be some overlap - you are the top engagers after all! Well done champ :)

I was meaning with @johannpiber, we are often discussing photos and camera gear in comments along with many other things LOL

Beer and a tip, very nice :D Thanks @johannpiber and well done again.

Sometimes I think, I am working more on Steemit, than in my office - please don't tell my boss ;)
You deserve anything for the great work you are doing :)

Top 5 is amazing!!!! Congrats!!

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Thank you, @riverflows, my contratulations to the number 10 😊


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Thank you for the tokens @purepinay 😊

Opps, I meant works not the worms 😂😂

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Try worming your way out of that one :D

I don't like worms ... and I don't like work ;)

You're very much welcome 😊

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Hope this still worms

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It wormed 😉 thanks a lot, my dear.

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Yeah, it wormed, thank you :)))

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Thanks a lot :)

🎁 Hi @johannpiber! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Thank you so much, @dswigle, and thank you @tipu 😊

It is always a pleasure!


Congrats @riverflows on 10th and a little for Asher too

Highest Ive been, the more i think about it the more cool I feel. And THANKYOU. Xxx

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You are welcome and keep it up. I think the league i a bit of fun but looking at the top few, I will never make it up there :D

You are VERY cool! I've never ranked that high. :)

Ha, I'm sure it was because no one else was commenting!!

Aww thanks :D

It’s been a differing week and I am happy to be lucky number 4 this week offcourse congrats to @chireerocks @tattoodjay and @dswigle and the rest of the whole list. The best for this week

Thanks and making it into the top 5 is pretty impressive :)

Congratulations, you're one step off the podium!

Thank you Britt, well done again :D

Thank you for your good wishes and congratulations to you!! xoxo @brittandjosie

Thank you so much and stay blessed.

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