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RE: My Actionable Plan to Kill the Federal Reserve / IMF World Bank System

in #endthefed8 years ago (edited)
  1. Trump is running to help Hillary win the election, he is the "Pied Piper" candidate according to the DNC's own emails leaked by wikileaks.

  2. Trump is beholden to the same banksters including his business partner George Soros. Trump and Soros have and still have a long history together, including Trumps financial advisor Steve Mnuchin who IS STILL a Soros employee.

  3. The Fourth Branch has pedophilia blackmail over Trump for his connections to Jeffrey Epstein. (Bill Clinton is also connected and actually even more guilty of this).

  4. Trump is a Jesuit puppet who doesn't believe in religious freedom. Trump said "We must end all Anti-Catholic bias", well guess what if there is no Protest, there is no Protestant Church. True Christians are not "Catholics", Catholicism is more pagan than Christian.

  5. Trump's other policies are a joke. A wall = nonsense. His rhetoric is supported by race baiting shills like Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux, and Mark Dice. All of them are cointelpro.

  6. Trump is just a clown who knows how to read an audience and play to it. I doubt he even believes half the shit he is saying in what has to be the fakest election of all time.

  7. Hillary already won the election, the DNC has electronic voting machines in all 16 swing states. Good luck with that.

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