In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity

in #encouragement5 years ago

The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail 

There are days in life when literally nothing appears to work. During these unpleasant days, misfortunes and disappointments go with each and every one of your means. Greater than life impediments loom not too far off and extraordinary disillusionments come your direction. It may even feel as though a tempest of hardships is pouring downward on you. As horrible as nowadays may be, they can't be maintained a strategic distance from. In any case, when you're having a terrible day, some promising words can incredibly lift your spirits. 


Now and again, we as a whole need some reassuring words that lift us up. These are the days when it feels as though the whole universe is planning against you. It might even feel as though you're caught in a sand trap – the more you battle to receive in return, the more profound you sink into it. 

During these troublesome stages throughout everyday life, it can have an incredible effect to have two or three rousing and empowering words close by. These inspirational statements by the absolute most shrewd people that at any point lived on this planet will advise you that we as a whole battle now and then. Much more significantly, these awesome words will persuade you to continue battling and to never surrender, regardless of what occurs. 

Experiencing a troublesome time in life isn't at all pleasurable. Truth be told, a great many people would offer everything to keep away from hardship and battle. Very frequently, notwithstanding, we overlook that with each troublesome circumstance we face, openings are acquainted with us. We may not generally observe these open doors for what they are. Likewise, we may just acknowledge numerous months after the fact that hardship acquainted significant open doors with our lives. However, these sorts of chances exist. 

It isn't so significant what precisely befalls you throughout everyday life. Much of the time, you can't transform it in any case. Be that as it may, what is extremely significant is the means by which you consider the occasions throughout your life. Much more in this way, it is of the best significance how you respond to the things that occur in your life. 

How you consider what befalls you and how you react to it can incredibly shape as long as you can remember. The manner in which you react can either represent the deciding moment your life. It can decide whether you enable disappointments and difficulties to break you or on the off chance that you utilize these encounters to become more grounded. The decision is forever yours. 

An actual existence that is constantly lived on the radiant side can be very agreeable and cheerful. Be that as it may, just on the off chance that you are tested by fantastically troublesome circumstances you will ever develop as an individual. There's not something to be learned on the bright side of life. Truth be told, the most grounded characters that at any point lived are burned with scars. Genuinely effective individuals are the individuals who dependably get back up on their feet at whatever point life pushes them to the ground. 

 We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope 

Let's be honest, there are numerous circumstances in life where you think you can't realize positive change. You might be defied with scaring obstructions that cause it to appear as though there's nothing you can do about them. In any case, this isn't generally the situation. 

While it is very imperative to build up a comprehension of the things you can't do, it is similarly critical to realize what you can do. On the off chance that you just consider what you can't do, you will be bound to surrender. However, on the off chance that you do understand that you will dependably figure out how to influence positive changes, you will in the long run have the option to break free from the challenges that drag you down. The only thing that is in any way important is to be determined and to continue searching for arrangements.

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Beautiful post. It's easy to get down with difficulty.
I found you thanks to @stever82 featuring you in the Pay it Forward Curation Contest. Keep up the great work!

thank you so much for inspire me

I think I've gone through so much sh!t already that now I'm almost immune to bad events...

Good blog! Thanks for your nice words.

Congratulations on being featured by @stever82 in an entry for the Pay It Forward Contest

Wise words. Life is always full of hurdles and being able to find the positive or hear a positive during those time is very hard. Knowing you have at least one person that cares enough to support you is enough to get you through.

You were featured in week 66 of @pifc's Pay It Forward Curation Contest by @Stever82. @pifc is a Pay It Forward Community which believes in by helping others grow we build a stronger community. We run this contest each week, it is open to everyone. It's a great way to show off people you find that might need some more exposure, meet new people, and possibly win some SBI for you and your features.

Nice reminder here @cunupunu! I've always told my sons that a true testament to their character is how they react or respond to hurdles in life. In the good times, it's easy to ride the wave :)

Thank you to @stever82 for featuring your post in his Pay it Forward Curation Contest entry too :)

I agree, we all have a certain level of tolerance or resolve and life will break it eventually, there is no way around it, when it breaks some us take it harder than others but some kind and encouraging words are sometimes all you need to set you straight.

Knowing someone believes in you can make a world of difference

Hello, this is a good post thank you for writing it. Has a good message I wanted to share so I have featured it in the Pay it Forward Contest

Thank you so much for the evaluation and promoted. I hope to create better post in the future.

Thank you! For all those people that have lost hope or are very close to it, these words are like a balm on a burn, except, it is for your heart.

And truth. I have found that knowledge is power. If you look at something a different way, you may come out with a different outcome... So many options and you have spoken with such thought and love pouring from your heart.

Thank you for such a wonderful post!


thank you so much for inspire me

We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope

this is so true and thanks for such a well thought out and interesting post

thank you so much for your response

MY Pleasure to visit :)

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