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RE: Emotion as a programming language - part 4

in #emotion7 years ago

I'm un-religious, not to be confused with atheism
atheism dismisses spirituality alltogether

i say maybe there is something, i never seen it, so for now it's not there for me
that leads to not willing to believe religious stuff.

show me some facts and i'll give it some thought
but religion doesn't have much hard facts

only noble words that have good messages but are exploited to mislead people into horrible things, so thats why i distance myself from all religion

yet i see interesting things in spirituality and i also see that science ALWAYS obscures the spiritual related facts

Just look at Rupert Sheldrake's work to get the picture.

Not sure what this means for fear in my situation.


fear is fascinating
too complex and my understanding is not deep enough
I will play with it in another blog perhaps
fear and pain flow out of each other - both are a signal to let go
it is a part of perfection
try telling that to anyone suffering though...

I never want to "tell" anyone anything
just write and let it go..

there again is a trust factor/
when you trust there is more fear?
or when you don't trust there is less fear?

it's not about telling, its about bouncing thoughts and drawing conclusions, to get to new ideas

i'm now trying to understand trust

are you trusting your experience
or your story about the experience?

one person survives a rape and lives a full life
another is re-tortured their entire considerably shorter life

What hurt them most, the rape or the feelings of being powerfulness, trapped, dirty and ashamed?

Was it the rape or the stories they came to believe about why it happened that does most harm?

Trust the sensation
trusting stories is how we store knowledge we did not earn directly
the price is that they can never be fully accurate.

skills are flexible memories developed through rich and repetitive self testing.. they are personal, but we did not take them personally ie add a story to them.

That working?
I have been trying to understand this for a few years now, writing it here is helping me to nut it out, but I still learn more on the water than on the keyboard.

Its really the work of other very cool people, I just stitch it together for fun.

sorry for using the rape example, its not a nice subject

Hmm, what if there is no trust at all?

Thats indeed a heavy example. But yeah trauma is the thing
No matter what caused it, it messes things up. Even if the cause isn't as horrible as your example the effect can be just as bad. or well bad, the one bad can be very different from the other.

Once trust is gone then things get complicated.
And when trust keeps getting damaged, things keep getting worse, right?

People in government can do a lot of damage to avoid fixing their mistakes.

:-) thanks for the insights!

Not there yet, but another step closer to the payback.

life can not be represented by simple metaphors
but sometimes they can help us to see where we are trusting a story about an experience rather than the experience itself.

What if there was no trust? - then we would either
create a new story about there being no trust, and trust that.


we could return to our senses - pure experience - and trust that

My experience shows me that stories are at best a poor photo copy of a bad black and white photo. they never match reality, unless perhaps they are pure logic, like math. Math however lacks the emotions of fear that program our autonomous responses, (upset us) so is unlikely to create trauma, the way other belief appears to.

experience shows me that trusting my senses, (I had to add glasses) leads to the possibility of actual relationship, graceful action, fun.

I cant make sense, only my sensory organs and brain can do that :) - and never by adding belief :)

poor photo copy of a bad black and white photo.

with a lot of detail of the part that you didn't want to remember :-)

trust is about sensing the facts, and facts need time to become visible. years
so it's only possibe to trust after collecting enough facts to base trust on.

but once all is gone there ain't much room for new trust, time to collect facts.

the only opton is to set things straight, but with a governmet that wipes all under the carpet there doesn't seem to be any way out. So i need to do more investigation on this. At this point there is no room for anything, and things are still getting worse, more complicated.

hard to explain.

but not trusting anything seems to be the only option. so i'm very careful about what i write here...
I hope it is enough to get an idea :-)

imagine if everything was actually perfect
if cause and effect were real
if we did receive pretty much what we put out

Imagine if it was like that, but our expectations made us put out a low vibe fear
imagine if the fastest way out of that negative feedback loop was to step out of our stories completely

imagine if just for a few minutes we could actually just sit with the full sensation of our bodies without running away with our next thought

Imagine it was actually binary
did not take years
just complete surrender to the senses
no theory, no strategy
no angles
just feel and accept whatever feeling that happens to be.
even accept the boredom
just sit with it

imagine that ha ha

no angles would be interesting

i'm never bored, i live in the right brain. When i sleep i simply don't have time to dream

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