Emotion as a programming language - part 4

in #emotion7 years ago


Hey everyone, no headache today, think I was just exhausted.Just did a Yoga class with a good friend, hurt like hell, but feel very peaceful now.Enjoying a bullet proof coffee with ghee, lucky me :)

So when I started this I was thinking that emotion is this energy that jumps between people and changes their stress level. It is in a way, but what I failed to get is that we have a lot of responsibility for how we both receive and emanate.

We used the ice-berg floating in water metaphor earlier - if the berg is small, it may flow in time to the waves. If it is bigger there will be a lag and the waves will crash into it, creating turbulence (no Bob joke this time).

If you were standing on that ice-berg, you would be receiving data about the wave - its power, its height and depth, how frequently it was waving to you. You would notice a rhythm very much like music and everything would be just swell ha ha. (I kill me)

(Oh, I have not checked CoinMarketCap yet, hang on....ok I am still solvent phew!)
So you see block of ice, block-folio, little triggers that I am personally attached to, grab my attention and break my flow... and so it goes.

So back to the ice, I am standing on the ice, feeling swell.
Feeling my environment and accepting the situation.
I can keep my balance even when the swell picks up.
So long as I allow my hips to sway freely, absorbing the motion, my head will stay on center and I wont fall over.

If my body tenses. When the next wave comes, it will lift first one leg then the other. If my hips can no longer move freely, the force will transfer up through them, pushing my head to one side. My body will follow my head and I will end up in the drink, where did that tension come from, what do you think?

The skilled sportsman, in this case a surfer, can absorb or create force without falling, or stalling, without flailing and failing. By remaining sensitive to what is happening, we can play with the rhythm without discordance. If our leaders could disco dance, we would not resort to ordinance? (Truly sorry, but they can rarely dance and neither can I)

So where were we. Oh yeah, skilled movement is a kind of graceful body memory.

Now thinking is not always the bad guy.
Fact is we do have choices and in our head we can play out the moves,

Dependent on our experience we can allocate resources efficiently.
Dependent on our understanding we can maintain sufficiency.

In this world in which we find our bad selves
It’s not all roses and densely packed shelves.

In some areas there is abundance, even redundancy
In others, a desert, poisoned river, overfished sea

Not here to complain, just to understand
Is it possible to live in a more abundant land.

Yes of course it is, so long as people can agree
On how to behave and act wisely

We are learning all the time and everyone is good at something
Each of us is both uniquely sensitive and interested in certain aspects of reality.
Which is why we work so well in groups, we outperformed every other species despite our frailties.

Our strength can also be our weakness. We turn to each other incessantly, reading each other’s gestures, words and tone. More so when threatened. We check in constantly for feedback on our behavior and we look for fresh clues on what do next.

We have rich data from our senses, and we have bodies and heads full of experience to draw upon. What could possibly go wrong?

Memory created and stored by direct experience is both rich and updatable, as new experience is added it either joins or over-rides the old pattern. Coming to form a tapestry that matches reality like a head up display - we can still see through it.
Memory created and stored by stories is not necessarily like this. The difference is the quality of the emotion experienced at the time we are exposed to them.

If we are bitten by a snake we learn to be real careful in their habitat. If we see our mothers freak out in the presence of a snake, we learn from the intensity of their emotion, we actually resonate with them and experience their emotion. To the cells in our bodies, doused in adrenaline, we have a fear experience and it sticks.

When we are told stories that create a strong emotional reaction, the emotion brings a physical reaction that our bodies feel just like it actually happened. We store them as “experienced” - we believe them. When triggered we respond with emotion which also jumps from person to person, just as its meant to.

Now our rational minds are watching over all this, judging weather to accept this story, and we can stay detached..until...
Until we take the story personally.

Now a great story teller will always try to get us to relate to or see ourselves in the characters they use. They will dial the emotions up, and get you to vividly put yourself into their situation. Why, because they want you to FEEL as though your having the experience. The more we resonate, the more moved we are, the more we will come to trust what we are hearing, after all, we now have also experienced it no?

This is conditioning, and I no longer blame the story tellers.
For if I did not take it personally it would never have stuck.
The reason we take things personally is because we want to.
We see some advantage to be gained or tragedy to be avoided.

Good traders are wise to emotion, they use the term FOMO - fear of missing out.
Notice they don’t say desire to have?

Well this is getting long and I still have not reached the critical point, so it looks like there will be a part 5 - hope your still with me and feeling alive?



I read your post "winning looser", it was so emotional I felt tears in my eyes middle of the act.
I felt the pain of being myself in that post, you won't believe I liked that post, knowing that you will not be benifit from it because it was more than seven days old, though I wasted my small value of vote, did it for respect.
I also understand 'there is a compititor against a winner "who needs same respect and reward too.
Hope you keep your blog updated daily.

I wonder what you think of this article about winning

I'm off to find the winning looser article you mentioned.

the 7 day thing seems a bit stupid, as people can still read that post
it doesn't make sense somehow

Hope you do read the his post first,
I said vote will not payout as post was seven days old even I voted,
Yes conspiracy of winning is the name,
I forgot the name @ time of comment,
It was in double parentheses means the term was mine.
Hope you don't be rude while having a comment,
It is against the communication ethics.

ooooooooooooooo it was about my post LOL
now i even need to thank you:-)
I'm glad you got the message
Wai't im not sure if i follow. I'm still trying to figure out this thread.

I wrote "The Conspiracy of winning" i only just noticed that @freemoceanisnow resteemed my post.

I hope i'm getting this right, and that i'm not making it even more confusing

how does stress tie in to this?

stress can turn into trauma and that can make a big mess

but how is emotion related

is emotion part of stress, or result of trauma, both?

Ha ha, thanks for dropping in
You will have to go into this for yourself
when you discover what emotion is
What stress is
what memory is
when these things become tangible, rather than just conceptual
Then you will know
then you will understand
and I suspect it will free you
may take a lifetime
at least :)

I talk around and around these things, but only your own experience can be trusted.
belief is a short cut and not a very effective one it seems
it becomes a much worse cage than any were trying to furnish or escape from
I suspect you know much already
honesty is the sharpest of tools
there you go, free advice from the greatest of fools :)

"when these things become tangible, rather than just conceptual"

"only your own experience can be trusted"
ok this will blow your mind,
here will be rabbits>>>>

lets say first comes stress
then bullshit on top of bullshit
once bullshit becomes so complicated and interwoven with more bullshit
then you no longer can tell the difference

everything becomes nothing

but the bullshit continues

not just for a moment, it just doesn't end causing more stress
more confusion

no way out


then what is what?

----- some stuff deleted -----

Feel what is real.
Emotions are real, but only exist in relation to perception
To feel without any agenda, without applying any meaning, with neither desire or repulsion.
That is feeling environment, that is allowing what is
This is the base line
start there as best you can

it is hard to let go of agenda, strategy, frustration, boredom and impatience - but all of these layer meaning over reality like a filter, their cost is clarity and any chance for peace.

easy to say - let go, breath out
few can read this without turning it into a mental concept.


i see then trust is the part that maks this complicated
without trust the feeling is not .. don't know the word... not

there is no feeling

you first need to trust before there is something to feel

no wait music you can feel, but that is not related to trust

as long as there is distance then all is ok

people are to political

it's easy to read a animals mind.
then you know when to trust, with people you never know and when there is money involved then you can be sure that you can't trust

Your getting it, it will come fully
not bad to step back and relax
you cant loose truth, it just gets buried in thoughts
cant really write it either really, thats why this gets a bit ridiculous if it is not for fun.

Waiting for part 5 .thanks.

Hey:))I liked your phrase "Memory created and stored by stories is not necessarily like this. The difference is the quality of the emotion experienced at the time we are exposed to them."
For memory to always help a person in difficult and dangerous situations, memory should develop. That is, a person should always learn, enrich his memory with new knowledge, update it. To use only the available knowledge that a person received many years ago is stupid. A wise person always strives for development and this helps him to survive and feel comfortable.

Yes when fear is used to embody memories as beliefs, something goes very wrong
We do not update and we ignore contrary evidence - even get upset when challenged.
I have often wondered why nature would allow this kind of bug in our software

Now I suspect that it is a huge part of our learning, of natures learning, sure did raise the bar high though..

as we strip back belief, I find myself feeling vulnerable,
I guess many beliefs we wrap around us to protect and prevent "bad feelings" from returning
belief may be the seed
that does indeed
all addiction
and greed
if only we had not agreed lol..

I'm un-religious, not to be confused with atheism
atheism dismisses spirituality alltogether

i say maybe there is something, i never seen it, so for now it's not there for me
that leads to not willing to believe religious stuff.

show me some facts and i'll give it some thought
but religion doesn't have much hard facts

only noble words that have good messages but are exploited to mislead people into horrible things, so thats why i distance myself from all religion

yet i see interesting things in spirituality and i also see that science ALWAYS obscures the spiritual related facts

Just look at Rupert Sheldrake's work to get the picture.

Not sure what this means for fear in my situation.

fear is fascinating
too complex and my understanding is not deep enough
I will play with it in another blog perhaps
fear and pain flow out of each other - both are a signal to let go
it is a part of perfection
try telling that to anyone suffering though...

I never want to "tell" anyone anything
just write and let it go..

there again is a trust factor/
when you trust there is more fear?
or when you don't trust there is less fear?

it's not about telling, its about bouncing thoughts and drawing conclusions, to get to new ideas

i'm now trying to understand trust

are you trusting your experience
or your story about the experience?

one person survives a rape and lives a full life
another is re-tortured their entire considerably shorter life

What hurt them most, the rape or the feelings of being powerfulness, trapped, dirty and ashamed?

Was it the rape or the stories they came to believe about why it happened that does most harm?

Trust the sensation
trusting stories is how we store knowledge we did not earn directly
the price is that they can never be fully accurate.

skills are flexible memories developed through rich and repetitive self testing.. they are personal, but we did not take them personally ie add a story to them.

That working?
I have been trying to understand this for a few years now, writing it here is helping me to nut it out, but I still learn more on the water than on the keyboard.

Its really the work of other very cool people, I just stitch it together for fun.

sorry for using the rape example, its not a nice subject

Hmm, what if there is no trust at all?

Thats indeed a heavy example. But yeah trauma is the thing
No matter what caused it, it messes things up. Even if the cause isn't as horrible as your example the effect can be just as bad. or well bad, the one bad can be very different from the other.

Once trust is gone then things get complicated.
And when trust keeps getting damaged, things keep getting worse, right?

People in government can do a lot of damage to avoid fixing their mistakes.

:-) thanks for the insights!

Not there yet, but another step closer to the payback.

life can not be represented by simple metaphors
but sometimes they can help us to see where we are trusting a story about an experience rather than the experience itself.

What if there was no trust? - then we would either
create a new story about there being no trust, and trust that.


we could return to our senses - pure experience - and trust that

My experience shows me that stories are at best a poor photo copy of a bad black and white photo. they never match reality, unless perhaps they are pure logic, like math. Math however lacks the emotions of fear that program our autonomous responses, (upset us) so is unlikely to create trauma, the way other belief appears to.

experience shows me that trusting my senses, (I had to add glasses) leads to the possibility of actual relationship, graceful action, fun.

I cant make sense, only my sensory organs and brain can do that :) - and never by adding belief :)

Waves, waves..reminds me of tripping on psychedelics, flowing one with universe in the magic.

Funny how drugs often reduce fear and in so doing, allow even the most plain sensation to be magical again, then again, thats just an idea. Waves water and emotion, where would we be without brut53

And with every wave they're somehow changing our way.

drugs is a weapon that's been used in many ways.

in the wrong hands everything can be a weapon, but at the scale that drugs are out on the street it's a weapon that makes money. It generates a huge untracable untaxed money flow that is so big that it can only en up in the pockets of the very rich.

addiction is huge subject I agree

And now I even see McDonalds as a weaponised product of the west.
A McDonalds clown on a Howitzer killing people with hamburges and cocacola.

Food can be a drug, a mushroom can open up your mind. but a simple hamburger can be additive too. It's never easy, is it? in it's own

AND, back on topic:
How does McDonalds use Emotion to program their customers.
When looking at McD, It looks like one big experiment on the population.

From Logo, to menu, to design, and maybe even the color of the doorknob...
McD is one big emotional rollercoaster if you look at it. And i'm glad that i never liked hamburgers.

Walking into a McD is like getting swallowed by a monster and tumbling down a digestive system only to get spit out as soon as possible. And everything is done by manipulation of emotion.

In a way, everything is a wasteful mess with suffering built in at every turn.
In another way, its all perfect

We get what we give, we feed what we focus on and we resonate with what we resist.

Pain is such that we have to release and accept b4 we can feel it for what it is - a signal from our biology telling us we are out of balance, we not allowing balance to return

Nature ebbs and flows, it is our playground, bullies enter and leave, friendships are nurtured, we all become wise, eventually..

Then we see that even the bullies were both great teachers and leaners also.

We see nothing, when we think we already know
there is no NO in understanding - how could there be

choice only exists to the degree that we can see our options
resisting the signal of what is can only limit, only filter

absolute control is an illusion, but a very tempting one.
it only leads to pain, which leads back to acceptance - round and round like a wheel - like a chakra, like karma, like nature..

blah blah blah... ;)

wisdom is a wonderfull thing :-)

it this how shaolin make steem?

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