Emigrate, leave your life to live better

in #emigrate8 years ago

Hi steemit, have you ever thought of leaving your country to look for new opportunities?

Going from your country, sometimes it sounds easy, you want a new life, meet new people, live new experiences everything seems very simple, obvious if you have money for the ticket, the food and the apartment, but what happens when you have to Go live to another country out of necessity? To be able to have a better quality of life.

You spend months or even years planning to leave your country, goodbye to your friends, your family, maybe your boyfriend or girlfriend, you make the decision to leave and you leave your life aside, your memories, your past, all places Where you grew up and where you spent the best years of your life, maybe you're going to never go back and you do not know if you'll ever see your family again, you say goodbye to everything and try a new beginning.

You do not know if you will do well you do not know where you will go you do not know with whom you will speak you do not know anything but you will do everything possible to leave because in your country you are tired of failure and not have the opportunity to succeed or to achieve good lives terms.

The last good-bye

The day of departure arrives, you look into your mother's eyes she in the bottom of your heart does not want you to go but does not tell you because she knows that you can find a better future and a better life, you embrace her and you can not talk, They just start to cry and that's what happens with your father, brother, uncles, cousins and friends.

The last night you could not sleep, it's the last time you sleep in your bed You have the last coffee before you go, you eat your breakfast and you pack, you want to put everything in it but you can only take the most important thing and that's when you start To say goodbye to your things, you go out the door of your house and you hear it ring when closing, maybe for the last time, you look at your house from the outside and it is there when you remember your childhood, you remember how good you spent playing it or having fun in that Place you look forward to avoid crying, the sun feels colder than ever the thick air and the cold tears that fall from your eyes making you feel weaker than ever, you do not know what will be of you or your life but equally you are decided in Go away

Going from your country is not easy, each person goes through different things and difficult situations each migrant has a different story, many times an immigrant is judged without knowing all the effort and sacrifice that person made to be able to leave his country, It is not easy to reach a new country for all those immigrants who left behind their memories and their family and we will never know when at some point in our life we should make a decision like this.


I have done this a few times. The first time was a snap decision. I chose to exile myself from South Africa in late 1986. I was no longer prepared to do military service for a regime I believed was doing the wrong thing. I made the decision in 20 minutes and booked a ticket 3 months away and left. This decision was not too complicated as I had the right to live in England. I had only my wife and I to consider and we did have to sell our house (which my wife did)

The 2nd decision was to move to Australia. This was a longer thought out process as I wanted to move to a lower cost country so I could retire early. I was approached by the manager of our Australian business to help out with some problems he had and I came visiting in July 1999 and moved in May 2000. Because it was a move inside the business, getting a visa was not too complicated. The move was quite a lot more complicated as I had a wife and 3 children (all at school) and a house to sell. I was comfortable that education in Australia was as good as any in UK.

Now in 2010 I also started the process of moving to Thailand. As it happened, we lived there for a while and came back because of changes in the job market for my (now) wife.

What has that taught me - it is doable and the more you do it the easier it becomes.. It does not have to be difficult. Apply the D's of action
D - Desire
D- Deliberate
D- Decide
D- Do

There is a price to pay in losing contact with all your memories - friends, family, familiar places, etc. Social media helps plug those holes well and airfares are so much cheaper nowadays.

I understand you, I live in Venezuela and there is no future and I want to emigrate to another country in search of a better quality of life. I struggled to make the decision and it hurts to leave my country and my family.
Venezuela is killing us and it is worse. All we can do is get out of here. But leave now.

yo tambien soy de venezuela creeme se lo dificil que es para los venezolanos pasar por esta situación

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