Caro Goes To Space - A Short Scifi Story for Steemit! #Electricdreams

in #electricdreams6 years ago (edited)

Hey y'all. This story is part of @tygertyger's Electric Dreams short story contest. The prompt had three parts, all of which demanded some creativity from my part. It was a fun exercise.

  1. your protagonist is a contestant in a space age game show he/she/they/it have three challenges to overcome to win the grand prize. What are the challenges? The Prize is life altering and coveted by everyone on earth and our solar system. What is it ? Only 3 people in the history of this game show have completed the challenges and won. Will your protagonist win? Will /he /she/they/it lose and why? what are the consequences ?
  2. a platypus
  3. the story must include the sentence - “He put his tongue in my ear and offered me pancakes ”.

The following is the result. Thanks for reading.

image source

Caro Goes To Space - A Short Scifi Story for Steemit!

By. T.Dalton

Caro opened the airlock and burst out into deep space. Hearing nothing but her own frantic gasps, she clenched the Mirror of Ages. Like a bullet, she traversed through space towards the contest grounds. She knew little of the contest, despite having signed up for it. It was enough to know that once she put her genes down on the contract, there was no backing out. They killed you for that.


Copyright T. Dalton. All Rights Reserved. Don't Steal My Shit.


Ahhh this is amazing, it really feels like watching a live game! I adore the miserable comet! And the commentator breaks frame it so well. The adverts are just perfect, especially that first one - like brad neely meets rick and morty. And rayray, there are just so many hilarious details that make it!

I am in love with the first two commercials :D

I've been told that Gabahlander is actually a nice place to visit

:) hmm then I might take a trip ;) but I think I will omit the rectums ;)

Well-written, funny, and creative! I dig how Caro rolls with all the different challenges.

thanks for reading. I wanted a hero who was a hard new yorker type

Clear, understandable, and interesting. Good writing.

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