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RE: Two-hundred years and counting

in #electricdreams6 years ago

💜💜💜 First, I'm so happy that you liked my (poor attempt) at drawing your lovely Saddie and the little avatar that I was able to make. (Will have to chat up some the awesome artists on here to help you out and get her drawn better soon. 😉) Thank you so much for dedicating little Bris to me! 🤗 That was a very sweet surprise and I'd bake you something pretty tasty if I could. (Do you like carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and pecans?)

Second - Telling a story using only dialogue is extremely difficult. Sure, I'm partial to the use of Bris and the 'were-squirrels' but even putting aside that, I enjoyed your 50 word 'tasker'. There was a conflict, understandable worry, realization, and an unexpectedly creative conclusion. Very well done, Felix!

Third - I have to say that I liked your personification to the tile floor and bells within. Even though you lead to it perfectly with the "buggy" conversation between the doc and colonel, you still managed to surprise me with the sweaty manager holding the revolver. (Really now, it wouldn't have worked out for him.)
Kudos to the Doctor as she was pretty chill in regards to having to wear the masks. Even with everything coming at her, all of the exposition, she kept calm and didn't complain. While it's sad that so many historical accounts are inaccurately recorded by the victors, the more time passes and the more that people wonder and question, they go back and try to delve beyond the accounts to check veracity and to uncover things quietly swept under rugs or buried away.

AWWW...You made Bris precocious, scampery, and full of energy! 🌸🌸🌸 I kept going back and checking but am unable to find it, if Bris is related to the Immortal, wouldn't she be carrying the immortality gene?
Her playing with the colonel was adorable and the "huff and puff"had me picturing the colonel with cheeks puffed up and blowing exaggeratedly!
The gift of the headscarf was so sweet and has me wondering, what color and were there any special designs on it? (Yup, still thinking on Saddie. Blame it on squirrel brain. 😁)

Well, now I will be reading the Shambler series. Though, considering that every time I say I'll be doing something at an exact point (that doesn't involve work or shuttling people) something else comes up. So, I'll just promise soon. I can avoid Murphy if I stay vague. 😄


UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments! ALSO CARROT CAKE, HECK YEAH! Anyways, we’ll deal with the Saddie q later when Steem becomes more valuable in money-value. And yer welcome for the Lil’ Bris dedication.

Yeah, dialouge is tricky especially with a 50-word limit. But considering how much I just use dialogue to circumvent the “show-tell” rule, it comes as second-nature by how disinterested I am to specifically to worry over my choice.

But when I don’t utilize dialouge, I go all cartoony(-realistic) on everything! Cartoon-realism is oddly a great medium to drop some doses of underlying Surrealism in the description of things. Also, I love to direct the focus in stories; revealing when appropriate or making the background visibly respond to when a character takes an action. Anyways, that manager would not survive as the Colonel (a she mind yah) could’ve pulled out her makarov (her personal pistol) faster, be more of a steady shot and know where to shoot without hurting anybody. Anywho, I’ll leave the intent of the manager in the dark (Shambler soup anyone?). Also the Doctor (as hinted by the Colonel) is familiar with these attitudes, but yeah the Doc has her reasons to listen in. (Could always help later...) But yeah, the Government tends to Lie (censor and make propaganda to cover up the censoring) about things and she has her reasons in these times of crisis.

That’s right, making Bris was the best part of the post. Also, it’s implied that’s she connected to the Immortal; both by the Colonel-Doctor talk and the nobody questioning why a child is with an Immortal. But to be direct, she’s blood-kin to the Immortal by four-five generations. Yeah, that was a fun scene to make, her time in the military didn’t faze her mind on how to be a human and to have fun. Also the headscarf, hmm... traditional polish one for the Haitian-pole Immortal.

Hue hue hue, as yah shall say. As yah shall say. I’ll see yah when I see yah on those posts @brisby.


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