in #education7 years ago (edited)

11 years of school + 4-6 years for the higher education = 15-16 years of life! 

The best years of youth! Do you think they are spent with use - for good and useful education. 

As life shows, it's is not so. Moreover, it can be done much faster, and children will not spend so huge amount of time for knowledge they will never use.

School education and then education in the university has become a tradition, which is followed by the society. Blindly.

It's right, it's necessary, all do it - these are the main arguments. 

It's our habit, but it's not a good one, as the practice shows.

Do you often use knowledge given at school? Logarithms, derivatives, equations, square roots calculations, integrals, three-storey formulas and other useless information. 

Do you need it in life? Somebody does, but most of people will NEVER use it. But they spend months and years studying it! They worry so much about each mark and each test of these useless for life subjects!

That's the difference between us: you train in gymnastics, and I train in everything.
- Socrates from the movie "Peaceful Warrior"

Don't you think it is exactly about our schools? They narrow the borders of childrens perception of the world and concentrate their attention on absolutely useless information. In life there are a lot of problems that require analysis and search for solutions that do not apply to either physics or mathematics. Training in the flexibility of the mind is possible without boring and long calculations. 

Modern education provides us with the halo effect.

The halo effect means that people mistakenly believe that someone who is good in skiing will be as good in management of a bank department, or that a good chess player calculates all the moves in advance in his life too.

It's an illusion! A myth! If a student is great in Maths, he is great in Maths and that's it. Yes, he can be good in other related subjects but no more. it doesn't mean he will be a great leader or a boss of a huge company. It doesn't mean he will be a good musician or a dancer. But do you know what exactly will he need in his future life? Parents live in illusions, but his child will live a real life.

What happens in reality?

Parents are sure that school is the best preparation for the entry exams to the universities.

 BUT when a child is about to finish the school, all parents look for good extra courses to prepare for future exams! Or they pay for tutors! What is it? A school fail or just the truth that parents don't trust school education? Then for what did their child spend 11 years there??

Ok. Entry exams are passed. The child is a student of a university now. 4-6 years more. Then what? In Russia students dream to find a good job after graduating from the univerity, BUT one ore problem - no good job is possible without experience! Good companies and well-paid working places aren't available for young graduaters.  Moreover, almost all students look for a well-paid job with a cool office and comfortable working timetable, but not for a possibility to use their diploma. 

Children make a serious decision at the age of 16-17 - what profession to choose, what institute and faculty to choose, but in fact they are NOT ready to make this choice. During 11 school years they were studying so much useless information and they were given no chance and time to try what they really could do the best. They are lost and make a random choice. 

Then during studying they understand it's not their way and they dream to receive this diploma t calm down parents and run away as fast as possible. And then there're 2 ways:

  •  to choose a job accordng to the profession in the diploma. They will work and hate every day they spend there, and it's the biggest mistake in life.

 A job that doesn't give pleasure has become  tortures for people.

  •  to find a job they will like and do with pleasure even if it's not connected with the diploma. 

Then the conclusion is obvious - education was great waste of time, money and nerves. 

Practically everything that can be given by the school and university: tests, examinations and abstract knowledge, are not applicable in real life( except the cases when he will work in the sphere of education or science).

The education system is a duty that takes your money away. You can not go to a university without a school certificate. Therefore, parents are faced with the choice of either completely integrating the child in this system, or leaving him as "an outsider" like they think, but in fact this "outsider" can become really free, happy and successful.


Thanks for sharing your insights. :)

That's a modern way slavery, you put them to school, feed their mind with trash and make them a dumb person to work for their whole lives without knowing that they've been enslave.

I completely agree that questioning the current academic system is the right thing to do. What other options do you prefer to having our children in a failed educational system? I am following you now.

thank you for the comment!
What options do you mean?
I think the main for parents is just to awake from the standard way of thinking where education, medicine, vaccination, mass-media and all the rest are made for people's good life.
When this understanding appears, the way out can be found much faster.

What an excellent article on the subject of Education. I have often thought that there was much time wasted when I went through the system, and I wasn't prepared to choose a major in college, even two years through. You're right that "During 11 school years they were studying so much useless information and they were given no chance and time to try what they really could do the best. They are lost and make a random choice.". In the end, I ended up going back for a master's and got saddled with more debt. I didn't need any of it for my current life! My husband and I homeschool our kids with the hope they can actually learn what is useful and right for their life.

make posts about your experience, it's very useful and there are many fans of this education on Steemit!

thank you for your story and comment!
we have similar situations - I don't use any knowledge from school in my current life, everything that gave school duting 11 years could be received during 5-6 years and I could have much free time for my real interests.
You're so great to choose homeschooling! I am sure results are good!
Is it popular in your country?

school in germany is the purest form of propaganda

I think it's not only in Germany(

Not 15 to 16 i have spent almost 20 years and still studying for specialization☺

are you happy in your endless studying?)
is it useful?

hello steemit friend i want to develop like you, how the hell can you give me a little suggestion for me thanks

the school makes us disciplined and the right time I like school good post

I advise you to read before spamming

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I agree with your opinion, but there are also some students who are able to run the theories they learn in schools and universities by practicing them directly.
for example students in economics, business, they open businesses or companies with the knowledge they learn in schools and universities

knowledge can be received not only at school)

really once .. after I think your content is true also .. essentially there is a will there is a way .. thank you very much for the input.

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