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in #education6 years ago

I knew what i wanted to do by the time I was ten, and I went to college to get a BS. That said, I was placed in charge of others that had Masters and Doctorate degrees, Because I could think of new concepts. They did what I directed, because they could not think that way.

In Electrical Engineering, what you learned to get a doctorate, is largely obsolete when you get out, due to changes in the field. I had instructors, that were well versed in Tube type equipment, trying to teach microprocessors....

My Son is headed back to the University, because he want a Masters or maybe a Doctorate. He is approaching it differently, He works there as an armed guard (CLEET) because it was much better pay. Since he is an employee, tuition is free; so he figured out a sweet way to get from BS to Masters etc, for free. Actually better than free, because they pay him, ROFLOL!

BUT with the cost of tuition there $20,000 a year, if he had not figured out a way around that exorbitant outlay, I would have argued against his continuing.

He is strong enough on opposing the liberal feces; that it will not be a problem, and the school he has picked in much more sane that most. BUT YOUR point is well taken, schools are propaganda facilities intended to brainwash our children, and make them indentured servants for the rest of their lives.


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