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RE: [LEARN & EARN - Week #16] What did you learn in the last couple of days? **2 STEEM BOUNTY**

in #education5 years ago

Hmmm how do you find out the posting date? sounds interesting..

Just go to the post and change the URL so it says instead of and you'll find the date at the top.

Since a couple of months, I've been using RSS and IFTTT to automatically save all dates, titles and links to my posts to a Google spreadsheet, so for those posts I can just refer to the spreadsheet, but it is useful for the posts I published before I had this system set up.

Btw, I remember you posting veeery similar learning...about your back one month ago.

Probably won't be the last time, lol. I may be a teacher, but when it comes to learning things myself... sometimes I need dozens of lessons before I finally get it :0)


Hmmm that'sa nice trick! thx!

hahah same here :)

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