Cradle to the Grave Diseducation: Why Kids go to School Longer But Learn Less

in #education6 years ago

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   “Education must also train one for quick, resolute and effective thinking. To think incisively and to think for one’s self is very difficult.  We are prone to let our mental life become invaded by legions of half-truths, prejudices, and propaganda. At this point, I often wonder whether education is fulfilling its purpose.  A great majority of the so called educated people do not think logically or scientifically. Even the press, the classroom, the platform, and the pulpit in many instances do not give us the objective and unbiased truths. To save man from the morass of propaganda, in my opinion, is one of the chief aims of education.  Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction. The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. But education which stops with efficiency may prove the greatest menace to society.  The most dangerous criminal may be the man gifted with reason, but with no morals.”                                                                                              ~  Martin Luther King Jr.  

It's not by accident, but by design that American schools are systematically falling behind other countries in education... some even in countries that are considered to be part of the non-industrialized world. I've written a lot about the relationship between the NEA- the teacher's union and its political allies in both political parties, although predominately the Democrats. I've also written about the Socialist/Humanist roots, but this is about a program that goes back to the beginning of the 20th Century and involves some of the most prominent families in America at the time... families such as the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Mellon, Vanderbilt, Morgan and Guggenheim- all renowned for their philanthropy. The winners, as we shall see, truly do write the history books.

By the early 1900's J.D. Rockefeller alone had amassed a fortune of somewhere in the neighborhood of $660 billion in today's dollars. Although the others may not have shared the same amount they still had fortunes that amassed hefty tax liabilities. The answer- NGO's, foundations that served a dual purpose. While appearing to the public as philanthropic, these organizations were used to exact political ends.  Through the creation of the NGO’s not only could they shelter wealth but were also able develop a new science called “Scientific-Social Engineering” to influence federal, state and local politicians and the public at large for their own wishes,desires and needs. Among these new fields were pharmaceuticals, allopathic medicine and education. In 1905 Rockefeller endowed the General Education Board and in the mission statement wrote...

 In our dreams, people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions of intellectual and character education fade from their minds and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into men of learning or philosophers, or men of science. We have not to raise up from them authors, educators, poets or men of letters, great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, statesmen, politicians, creatures of whom we have ample supply. The task is simple. We will organize children and teach them in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way. 

 Through newly created social propaganda campaigns, created by the likes of Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays, the Fathers of Marketing and Propaganda respectively, they were able to regularly sell the public at will on the idea that their NGO’s were solely philanthropic and for the good of all. The plan of these "Robber Barons," as they were known, was to insinuate themselves at the apex of society and keep themselves there for generations to come. They were to become America's oligarchs

 With such large controlling wealth through their foundations came a resilient web of many useful ‘friends’ in the politically arena and in business.  With connections in banking, Wall Street, law firms, media executives and proprietors along with behind the scenes PR firms they could ensure any type publicity and financial backing they wished including the masking of their true agendas. Through the largess of their foundations the Rockefellers, Carnegie, Mellon, Vanderbilt, Morgan and Guggenheim Foundations colluded to begin the process of designing our current public education system. 

This educational program was not designed to create scholars, but loyal and docile workers to man the machinery of the factories owned by the oligarchs. In the unlikely event that one of their children would excel in school, they would be allowed to advance, but of course not to the level of the "masters of industry." The Guggenheims funded the American Historical Foundation and eventually, in concert with the Carnegie and Rockefeller family foundations came to control the printing of textbooks... in particular the historical narrative through the Historical Foundation. They also invested heavily into teachers colleges and university schools of education, such as Columbia Teachers College and the University of Chicago. The Rockefellers were heavily vested in schools of medicine... the prestigious Johns Hopkins, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (which controls Sloan Kettering) and the Harvard School of Public Health.

 Additionally, through use of political favors and influence as well as the structuring of public educational taxes through property ownership, these few NGO Foundations were able to mold educational policy and control the flow of funds to school districts and community colleges at the Federal levels. According to educational researcher John Taylor Gatto...

 The power to influence national policy is amplified tremendously when foundations act in concert. There is such a concentration of foundation power in the United States, operating in education and the social sciences, with a gigantic aggregate of capital and income. This Interlock has some of the characteristics of an intellectual cartel. It operates in part through certain intermediary organizations supported by the foundations. It has ramifications in almost every phase of education. 

The power of these foundations and their impact on American education was brought to the attention of Congress in 1954 and was addressed by the Reese Commission. Writing for the commission, Norman Dodd found:

  Training individuals and servicing agencies to render advice to the Executive branch of the Federal Government.

 Directing education in the United States toward an international view-point and discrediting the traditions to which it (formerly) had been dedicated.

Decreasing the dependency of education upon the resources of the local community and freeing it from many of the natural safeguards inherent in this American tradition.

 Changing both school and college curricula to the point where they sometimes denied the principles underlying the American way of life.

Financing experiments designed to determine the most effective means by which education could be pressed into service of a political nature.

 Mr. Dodd cited a book called “The Turning of the Tides”, which documented the literature from various tax-exempt foundations and organizations like UNESCO, showing that they wished to install a centralized World Government. This brought a firestorm of criticism from the media (who if not owned by, are heavily influenced by the individuals owning the foundations), so heavy that the commission was forced to disband without a finding. By the 1960's the globalists had almost completely dominated education. Relying on UNESCO and funds from the Rockefeller General Education Board...

 In 1960, “UNESCO Convention Against Discrimination” was signed in Paris. This convention laid the groundwork for control of American education, both public and private, by UN agencies and agents disguised to halt discrimination and segregation.  In 1960, “Soviet Education Programs: Foundations, Curriculums, Teacher Preparation” was published under the auspices of the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare. It was the blueprint for the US school-to-work restructuring that would take place, and it would rely on the “Pavlovian conditioned reflex theory” developed by Dr. B.F. Skinner,  the father of Behavioral Psychology. The Socialist/Humanist educational utopian dream of Horace Mann was in full force... not to mention national educational policy.

By the 1970's any pretense of education was gone... the public education system had but one goal- to turn out good little global citizens. Between 1967 and 1974 a three part plan was implemented...

   1) DESIGNING EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE. They were the collusion with the federal education department and the presumably independent state agencies. They redefined education after the 19th century Germanic fashion (quoting now from the document) “as a means to achieve important economic and social goals for the national character,” — and I would hasten to add that none of those goals included the maximum development of your son or daughter. State agencies would henceforth “act as Federal enforcers insuring compliance of local schools with Federal directives”. The document proclaimed that (I’m quoting again), “each state education department must be an agent of change” and proclaimed further: “change must be institutionalized”. I doubt if an account of this appeared in any newspaper in the state of Vermont or for that matter any newspaper in the country (U.S.). Education departments were (I am quoting a third time) “to lose their identity as well as their authority in order to form a partnership with the Federal Government”.    

    2) The BEHAVIORAL TEACHER EDUCATIONAL PROJECT outlines specific teaching reforms to be forced on the country, unwillingly of course, after 1967. It also sets out, in clear language, the outlook and intent of its invisible creators. Nothing less than quoting again “the impersonal manipulation through schooling of a future America in which few will be able to maintain control over their own opinions”, an America in which (quoting again) “each individual receives at birth, a multipurpose identification number which enables employers and other controllers to keep track of their [underlings]”, (underlings is my interpretation, everything else came out of the document), “and to expose them to the directors subliminal influence of the state education department and the federal department acting through those whenever necessary”. 

 3) TAXONOMY OF EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES, which has, since its publication, spawned a number of descendant forms, like “mastery learning”, “outcome based education” and “school to work” business-government-economic projects. Dr. Bloom’s compilation was a tool, (I’m quoting from Dr. Bloom), “a tool to classify the ways individuals are to act, think or feel as the result of participating in some unit of instruction”. I would be dubious if any parent in the U.S. would send their children to schools under these auspices if they were thinking people. In this fashion, children would learn proper attitudes and have their improper attitudes (brought from home) remediated. In all stages of the school manipulations testing would be essential to locate the child’s mind on an official continuum. 

This is about manipulation and social engineering and has nothing whatsoever to do with education. And it's gotten progressively worse with programs such as Common Core and No Child Left Behind. The entire purpose of the educational system seems to be to strip children of the values taught by parents and replacing them with the worldview of the global elites. David Rockefeller wrote in his book Memoirs...

 For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure–one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. 

Now his family foundation and their minions in the Council of Foreign Relations, as well as in politics are making this globalist worldview come to fruition by brainwashing American school children. It's well past time to scrap the Dept. of Education and put the curriculum back in the hands of local school boards. It's time for parents to wake up and get involved... pay attention to what your children are being taught and if it's something you don't like, organize. As long as the public remains silent, the globalists will continue to brainwash children. These are criminals, bureaucrats who have grossly overstepped their bounds... your children belong to you, not the state and if you don't say something, you'll lose them. One reason that teachers, bureaucrats such as CPS have so much power, is because nobody challenges them. Don't wait until your children are taken away, organize now. Find like-minded people and begin sending letters to your representatives... if you don't, it will be too late. We have a president now who will listen- if you wait for the next one, it will be too late. These bureaucrats work together, teachers, the NEA, NGO's and CPS all work together. The only way to beat them is if you work together.


Are you ok Rich? How are you feeling today? Your symptoms?

A bit better thank you... I'm going to see a doctor later this morning.

Glad to know that, buddy. I hope you can always count on me if you need any help. Many people appreciate you and have written to me about your health. A hug.

Thank-you @richq11 for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)


People say that education is failing us because our children don't score as well on tests... this is crazy talk. The truth and insight given by MLK Jr. is astounding. He would be considered a 'red pill' today.

To save man from the morass of propaganda, in my opinion, is one of the chief aims of education. Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction.

This is exactly what our public education system doesn't want our children to do. They want to train our children to submit to intellectual authority, and if you they are willing to indoctrinate themselves enough, they may also become a part of the intellectual authority. Meanwhile, our edutainment teaches our children to reject the authority of parents.

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure–one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

This quote sent chills down my spine. To be a 'global' citizen, people must let go of critical thinking and independent thought. Only group-think and interdependent thoughts are allowed. Exactly what our public indoctrination tax-funded welfare system promotes.


The UN is also heavily involved. They're now instrumental in designing the sex-ed curriculum in public schools through UNESCO. Also the Convention on the Rights of the Child is just a thinly veiled attempt to strip parents of their authority!

The Public School system has fail us, period! Our only option is a full reboot, by dissolving the Dept of Education, setting up local control for schools, making outside control illegal, and making a national union of school teachers Illegal.

The last two are important, because if we do Not do these in concert, in 5 years we will be back to the same feces, with a simple name change, and nothing else!

WE also must fire and replace, any representative that does NOT represent OUR values! >:(

Absolutely. There was no Ed Dept until 1979 when Carter started it. Education has gotten progressively worse ever since.

I pay taxes on eight pieces of property, and a lion's share of that money goes to the public school system.

When My kids were going to school, these schools were so very bad, that I was forced to send them to private school (they are much worse now)! The local school is teaching islam, as a religion; wiccan as a religion, homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle, and 'see and say' reading (designed for the deaf). BUT, they suspended some kids for praying around the flagpole!

Public school is officially a cancer, and needs to be excised! >:(

Absolutely! I gave up a career to stay home and educate our 4 kids! My wife worked and I taught college part time

Great choice, anything that keeps them away from the liberal propaganda, and actually teaches them what they need to thrive! Good Job. :)

Control the children and you control the future.

That's the plan! B.F. Skinner said: "Give me a child and I can mould him into anything."

Hope you're feeling better, dear friend <3

Thank you dear friend!!! I'll do an update in a bit so I don't have to write the results of my Dr's visit 50 times lol!

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Don't worry, kids aren't learning anything in school. International comparisons are generally bullshit, most countries don't include the scores of mental defectives in their standardized tests. Here in America we include everyone and educate even those with little chance of achievement.

good friend I'm an engineer in telecommunications, I graduated from tsu in electronics and I have a post degree in fiber optic and digital transmission, I saw my whole life mathematics as 5 mathematics, and at that time I thought my work and be pure numbers but look never in 25 years of my work have I used the numbers to work, so for that study, sometimes I said that education should change a bit but not bad for worse, the students the teacher gave everything and should not be So, they must investigate expose, that way is that you learn, but life is changing and the human human being too, instead of wanting to get over it, it becomes looser and selfish, it's sad but to education what happens same, instead of demanding more now they demand less

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