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RE: Is Nature the best teacher? 서대문 안산

in #education6 years ago

I am glad you have found the time and strength to get back to nature and breathe it in.. I always find it peaceful to climb a mountain and look at the city far below to put life back into perspective.. its easy to get caught up in the rat race of life and let the world consume you, so it is extremely important to seperate urself from it often.. remember that u are not ur job, or your home or even a needed cog in the wheel of society, it will go on without u as u can also go on without it..
nature is the best teacher of balance and also the best way to calm a mind and make u feel at peace again.. if something is unbalanced in ur life u can always change it, u are the creator of your own reality and nothing but yourself can stop you from having whatever it is you want..
I am so incredibly happy you found steemit and thus a way to express yourself. I always can feel the passion in ur writing and know ur family is the driving force behind your every move and i respect that..
Great article my friend.


I always appreciate comments that are so thoughtful and meaningful to the poster!!! I can't upvote you hehehe (cuz I'm desperately trying to let my VP recharge... But please accept this tip! simple that is actually worth more than my depleted vote! Hahahhaah)

Hi @moderndayhippie! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dreemsteem!

Thank you. Only a couple days left until your big moving day. I thought about you when I wrote the poem.

Thank you very much for words of wisdom.

it will go on without u as u can also go on without it..

I have to admit @moderndayhippie you have really merged technology and freedom and have become a role model to me on attitude. All stress and selfish desires need to be rooted out of me. I may need some media fast again. This is a great platform to grow and share.

Back to the garden

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