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RE: [LEARN & EARN - Week #5] What did you learn in the last couple of days? **2 STEEM + NEW TIER**

in #education6 years ago

This week has been a long one, but a good one. Here we go:

Monday - I learned that a young calf can be purchased for about $300.
Tuesday - I learned that antelope meat is referred to as venison.
Wednesday - I learned that canned spaghetti sauce is sometimes indistinguishable from homemade.
Thursday - I learned that it's really hard to start a bonfire in the snow, but half a bottle of vodka makes it fun trying.
Friday - I learned 5 ways NOT to unstick a prematurely stuck envelope. Hopefully tomorrow I will find a way that works.
Saturday - I learned that my grandfather passed away in 2002.
Sunday - I learned (kind of) how to make a house water tight while in the building process.


Ohh that Friday is gold haha :D It happens more often to me than I'd like :D Wish I could unstick them haha :D Btw my grandfather also passed in 2002. April.

Medium tier

I had about 100 stuck envelopes... I've been working on a wedding guest book and somehow a bunch of envelopes got stuck together. Sad face.

I think mine also passed around April, although no one was able to recall with certainty.

I've always known deer as venison... Maybe that's why here in Wyoming, they just say antelope or deer or elk...

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