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RE: [LEARN & EARN - Week #5] What did you learn in the last couple of days? **2 STEEM + NEW TIER**

in #education6 years ago

Three random things I learned... today:

  1. Early morning subway service in Sofia works at 14 minutes intervals. I almost missed my train due to that knowledge being new;

  2. The views from the train going through most of my country for one day could be quite inspiring and quality of images is not of paramount importance. It's about getting the field of it that I now think. My new blogger way of looking at things. I have changed;

  3. My mother knows a lot more about tennis than I do. She actually knows modern players pretty well.


Hah missing subway on Christmas doesn't sound like something you want to start your day with :D And I toootally know the point 2 - I had the exact same moment taking train thru slovakia and austria in September...I actually vlogged it into loong 10 minute video :)

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