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RE: Israel versus Palestine Conflict Explained, while Obama Expresses his True Muslim Heritage

in #education8 years ago (edited)

Jordan has done such a masterful job at obfuscating that it itself is "the second state," primarily by promoting a "national Palestinian identity," (which previously had never existed.) Any Arabs who wanted to stay in Israel were to be given full and equal rights. But that only happened for those who stayed (today there are 1.5 mil. with Israeli citizenship,) while most fled when the Arab nations attacked Israel on day 1 of her independence. (This attack and cause of their loss of land, seems to be largely forgotten as well...) The rest should be called Palestinian Jordanians, or something... (But Jordan hasn't given Palestinians any rights, so that won't happen for now...) So in truth, another new Palestinian state would really be a "3 state solution..."

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