Israel versus Palestine Conflict Explained, while Obama Expresses his True Muslim HeritagesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #education8 years ago (edited)

With little left to lose, the Obama administration has been working overtime to screw up as much as they can for the incoming administration.

After John Kerry's nonsensical ranting defending the Obama administration tossing Israel to the wolves (and clearly revealing that the very existence of a Jewish state is the problem for them), Ted Cruz posted an excellent summary explanation of the Israel/Palestine conflict. For those not inclined to read the whole text, these were the stand-out passages:

Kerry's central conclusion, that "Israel can either be Jewish or democratic, it cannot be both" is an inanity that passes as profound only in Ivory Tower faculty lounges. There are roughly 50 majority-Muslim countries in the world. There is one -- only one -- Jewish state. And yet, for Kerry and Obama, that is too much. The Israeli Knesset has 17 elected Arab members. It has Muslim members and Christian members. In contrast, one searches in vain for Muslim countries that have elected Jewish representatives.

It is a sign of their radicalism and refusal to defend American interests, that Obama and Kerry choose to attack the only inclusive democracy in the Middle East -- a strong, steadfast ally of America -- while turning a blind eye to the Islamic terrorism that grows daily.

Ted Cruz's Full Post:

Or perhaps this is simply one more example of Obama proudly expressing his Muslim Heritage, Borg-style...

  • "We are Muslim. Lower your shields and surrender your states. You will be assimilated. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."

The following video, ISRAEL VS THE WORLD, also gives a satirical overview outlining the conflict as well:

And while Kerry tries to rip Israel apart like the mindless soul-sucking lurch that he is, it seems our Secretary of State has absolutely no understanding of the Iraq and Afghanistan constitutions, drafted with the help and support of the State Department:

Kerry did not mention that Jordan was never subjected to international pressure to grant the Palestinians their own state during the 19 years that Jordan occupied Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem; nor did he acknowledge that the Palestinians would long ago have had their own state if they had recognized Israel’s right to exist and abandoned jihadist terror. Leaving all that aside, Kerry accused the Israeli government of undermining any hope of a two-state solution. In this context of claiming that Israeli policy was “leading toward one state, or perpetual occupation,” Kerry admonished: “If the choice is one state, Israel can either be Jewish or democratic. It cannot be both.”

Presumably, Kerry was referring to the fact that Israel has a significant Arab-Muslim population. He conveniently did not mention, since it must never be mentioned, the vow of Mahmoud Abbas (the Palestinian leader Kerry sees as Israel’s “peace partner”) that, “In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli — soldier or civilian — on our lands.”

Of course, as things have worked out, we’ve seen that even Muslim minorities are not granted equal rights in these “Islamic democracies.” Concurrently, we watch Turkey, which gets less democratic and less respectful of minority rights as it becomes more Islamic. It is only in Israel, a Jewish state, that Muslims live with full democratic rights. Yet, in Obama-world, Israel cannot be both Jewish and democratic. Evidently, you need sharia for that.

Full Article:

And here is another perspective by Ami Horowitz asking "are we sure the Palestinians even want their own state?" Without a state, they get the world's sympathies. And if they had their own state, it would be harder to justify their desire to destroy Israel:

As Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu stated, "This conflict is and always has been about Israel’s very right to exist. How can you make peace with someone who rejects your very existence?":

Lifelong Democrat Alan Dershowitz also blasts Obama for stabbing Israel in the back:

“Look he called me into the Oval Office before the election and he said to me ‘Alan I want your support and I have to tell you I will always have Israel’s back.’ I didn’t realize what he meant is that he would have their back to stab them in the back and he just stabbed them in the back and this will make peace much more difficult to achieve because the Palestinians will now say we can get a state through the UN, we can get a state through the BDS movement because this will encourage that, we can get a state through the international criminal court because this will encourage that, we don’t have to negotiate, we don’t have to make painful compromises.”

Dershowitz: 'Appalling' Obama 'Stabbed Israel in Back' With UN Abstention:

And going back to Islam as a "Religion of Peace", this discourse may be very eye-opening for those still on the fence:

"Every now and then, they always come with the same accusations. This speaker supports death penalty for homosexuals... he is homophobic, he subjugates women, etc. etc... And we always try to tell them, that speaker doesn’t have radical views. These are views of Islam.

  • Everyone in the room, how many of you are normal, Sunni Muslims? (everyone)
  • How many of you agree that men and women should sit separate? (everyone)
  • How many of you agree that the punishments described in the Qur’an, whether it is death or stoning for adultery, if it comes from Allah, it is the best punishment in the world? (everyone)
  • Are you all Islamic extremists? No!
  • What are the politicians going to say now? What are the media going to say now? That we’re all extremists? That we’re all radicals?"

And for those still in doubt, well there's still this...

If you're GANG-RAPED in UAE/Dubai, KEEP it to YOURSELF, or risk DEATH:


Jordan has done such a masterful job at obfuscating that it itself is "the second state," primarily by promoting a "national Palestinian identity," (which previously had never existed.) Any Arabs who wanted to stay in Israel were to be given full and equal rights. But that only happened for those who stayed (today there are 1.5 mil. with Israeli citizenship,) while most fled when the Arab nations attacked Israel on day 1 of her independence. (This attack and cause of their loss of land, seems to be largely forgotten as well...) The rest should be called Palestinian Jordanians, or something... (But Jordan hasn't given Palestinians any rights, so that won't happen for now...) So in truth, another new Palestinian state would really be a "3 state solution..."

Ami Horowitz: No freedom of movement for Palestinians? No daily dignity for Palestinians? I took a road trip and uncovered the lies!

raise a child in the way he should go and when he is grown he will not depart from it
Obama was raised as a muslim...BY communists..

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